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  土壤学报  2018, Vol. 55 Issue (1): 18-30  DOI: 10.11766/trxb201703160104


王会来, 刘娟, 姜培坤, 等. 营林措施对森林土壤N2O排放影响的研究进展. 土壤学报, 2018, 55(1): 18-30.
WANG Huilai, LIU Juan, JIANG Peikun, et al. Advancement in Researches on Effect of Forest Management on Soil N2O Emission in Forest Soils. Acta Pedologica Sinica, 2018, 55(1): 18-30.



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王会来1,2,3 , 刘娟1,2,3 , 姜培坤1,2,3 , 周国模1,2,3 , 李永夫1,2,3 , 吴家森1,2,3     
1. 浙江农林大学亚热带森林培育国家重点实验室,浙江临安 311300;
2. 浙江农林大学浙江省森林生态系统碳循环与固碳减排重点实验室,浙江临安 311300;
3. 浙江农林大学浙江省竹资源与高效利用协同中心,浙江临安 311300
关键词土壤N2O排放    营林措施    土地利用变化    施肥    采伐    火烧    林下植被管理    

N2O是引起全球气候变暖的第三大温室气体,单位质量N2O的增温潜势是CO2的298倍,对全球气候变暖的贡献约为6%[1-2]。近10年来,大气N2O浓度已经超过325 μg L-1,相较于工业革命前提高了20%,目前仍以每年0.25%的速度不断递增[1-3]。土壤是N2O的主要排放源,全球N2O年释放量为16.2~20.1 Tg a-1[4-5],其中土壤N2O释放量占57%~70%[6-7]。森林是陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,森林面积占全球陆地总面积的27.7%[8]。森林土壤N2O年排放量约为2.4~5.7 Tg a-1,其中热带和温带森林土壤N2O年排放量为4 Tg a-1[9]。中国N2O年排放量为0.42 Tg a-1,占全球N2O排放总量的7%[4]



1 土地利用变化对森林土壤N2O排放的影响

土地利用变化通过改变地表植被覆盖类型以及生物地球化学过程,显著影响了土壤N2O的排放。Cheng等[16]对马尾松林转换为农田和Álvaro-Fuentes等[17]对地中海白松林转换为大麦田的研究表明,土壤N2O排放分别增加了15.8%和99.3%(表 1),其主要原因为:(1)与森林生态系统相比,农田和草地生态系统由于无机肥和有机肥的大量施用,造成土壤氮素的累积,硝化和反硝化作用增强[18];(2)土壤氮素过多造成土壤酸化,抑制了nosZ的活性,从而增加土壤N2O的排放[19];(3)土壤表层温度的升高加快了土壤微生物的代谢速率,同时土壤含水量的变化促进了土壤N2O的排放[20];(4)森林经过开垦耕作后,土壤被压实,土壤反硝化作用的增强进一步促进了土壤N2O的排放[21]

表 1 土壤N2O排放对森林与草地或农田之间转换的响应 Table 1 Responses of soil N2O emission to reclamation of forest into farmland or grassland

森林生态系统由于人为干扰较少,农田或草地转化为森林后氮肥施用的减少直接减少了土壤N2O的排放;同时土壤结构得到改善,土壤通气性的增强减少了厌氧微生物的数量,有利于减少土壤N2O的产生[22-23]。例如:Baah-Acheamfour等[24]对农田转换为森林和Kooch等[25]对水稻田转化为罗雨松林的研究表明,土壤N2O的排放分别减少了44%和67%。但Li等[26]研究表明,草地转化为松树林后,土壤表层有机碳含量的增加使得土壤N2O排放速率增加了2倍。此外,草地或农田转化为林地后土壤N2O排放还与硝化细菌和反硝化细菌的群落组成和数量有关[22, 27]。Xue等[27]报道草地转化为柳树林和杨树林后,硝化螺旋菌数量的增加促进土壤硝酸盐的累积,从而增加了土壤N2O排放。Lammel等[22]研究表明,农田退耕还林后土壤pH等理化性质的改善显著增加了土壤反硝化细菌的数量(如nirK),从而促进土壤N2O排放。

林型转化是土地利用变化的重要方式,天然林转换为人工林或次生林造成森林类型结构单一,森林生产力下降,土壤碳、氮流失,显著影响了土壤N2O的产生与排放。目前林型转化对土壤N2O排放的影响还没有明确定论(表 2)。Liu等[28]研究表明,亚热带常绿阔叶林转换为毛竹林后土壤N2O排放没有显著变化,但集约经营后显著提高了土壤N2O的排放。孙海龙等[15]研究表明,温带次生林转变为落叶松后土壤N2O排放增加了360%。而张睿[29]对亚热带天然林转换为人工林的研究表明,土壤有机碳含量的降低和土壤含水量的增加使得土壤N2O排放速率减少了25.4%~63.1%。Kim和Kirschbaum[18]基于模型计算表明,天然林转换为人工林初期减少了土壤N2O的排放,但随着森林生态的恢复,土壤N2O排放逐步趋于稳定。为了更深入探讨土地利用变化对土壤N2O的影响机理,未来研究需增加观测时间和观测频率,同时需将气体观测与土壤微生物群落组成测定相结合,以期从本质上解释其作用机理。

表 2 土壤N2O排放对天然林转换为次生林、人工林的响应 Table 2 Responses of soil N2O emission to replacement of natural forest with secondary and artificial forest
2 营林措施对森林土壤N2O排放的影响 2.1 施肥对森林土壤N2O排放的影响

研究表明,森林生态系统“氮饱和”程度使得森林土壤N2O排放对施肥呈非线性响应,即初期无明显响应、中期缓慢增加和后期急剧增加[14, 35-36]。森林土壤有效氮贫乏时,外源氮很容易被植被和土壤微生物吸收利用[14],硝化细菌和反硝化细菌的活性受土壤有效氮的限制,导致施N肥后土壤N2O的排放没有显著变化[37-38]。与此相反,Kim等[39]对温带落叶松人工林和Krause等[40]对温带云杉林的研究表明,有效氮富集的土壤N2O排放速率在施肥后分别增加了69%和260%(表 3),其增加的原因为:(1)施肥促进土壤氮素的累积,硝化和反硝化作用的增强促进土壤N2O的排放[41-42];(2)土壤NH4+的累积降低土壤pH,土壤酸化抑制了土壤硝化作用,造成NO2-大量累积,亚硝酸盐的毒性作用使得氨氧化细菌将部分亚硝酸盐转化为N2O,从而增加土壤N2O的排放[14];(3)施肥降低了森林土壤C/N比,反硝化细菌利用自身碳源进行反硝化作用,反硝化不彻底造成NO2-的积累,从而使土壤N2O排放呈上升趋势[42-43]。研究表明,在有效氮富集的土壤中施加S肥和P肥促进了植物对土壤氮素的吸收,改变土壤微生物的群落结构,显著减弱土壤N2O的排放[44-45]。例如,Fan等[46]在马尾松林混施N肥和S肥和Zhang等[47]在大叶相思林混施N肥和P肥的研究均表明,土壤N2O排放分别减少了97%~330%和21%。

表 3 土壤N2O排放对施肥的响应 Table 3 Responses of soil N2O emission to N fertilization

施肥对林地土壤N2O的影响还与施肥量、施肥时间、肥料类型、森林类型等因素有关。Zhang等[48]对亚热带松树林的研究表明,高氮(150 kg hm-2a-1)促进土壤N2O排放,低氮(50 kg hm-2a-1)对土壤N2O排放没有明显影响。Peng等[49]研究表明,施肥1年后土壤N2O的增加只维持了2~3周,而2年后土壤N2O持续增加。但Jassal等[38]对杉木林的研究表明,施肥后第1年促进土壤N2O排放,而第2年土壤N2O排放没有显著变化。肥料种类是影响林地土壤N2O排放的另一重要因素,Liu和Greaver[43]研究表明,施加硝态氮肥后土壤N2O增加程度高于铵态氮肥。而Peng等[49]却得出相反的结果,这可能与土壤N2O产生微生物过程的不同有关[35]。由于土壤有效氮含量的差异,使得不同森林类型土壤N2O排放对施肥的响应存在明显差异。Liu和Greaver[43]研究表明,热带和亚热带森林土壤N2O对施肥的敏感性高于温带森林和北方森林,这主要因为热带和亚热带森林土壤氮素富集,施肥后土壤中多余的无机氮被土壤硝化细菌和反硝化细菌利用,增加了土壤N2O排放,而温带森林和北方森林施氮后,土壤氮素很容易被植被和土壤微生物吸收利用,导致施N肥后土壤N2O的排放没有显著变化[14, 35-36]


2.2 火烧对森林土壤N2O排放的影响

森林火灾对土壤N2O排放的影响主要表现在两个方面:一是火烧通过高温直接影响土壤微生物,改变土壤微生物的数量及群落组成;二是火烧改变了森林生态系统林分组成、土壤理化性质等环境因素,间接影响了土壤N2O排放[53]。马秀枝等[54]对兴安落叶松林和Morishita等[55]对西伯利亚黑云杉林的研究表明,火烧后土壤N2O排放分别增加了69.2%和354%(表 4),其主要原因为:(1)火烧后地表凋落物和低矮植被转化为无机物,增加了土壤氮素含量,为硝化和反硝化细菌提供丰富底物,促进土壤N2O的排放[56-57];(2)火烧发生时土壤温度升高增强了土壤硝化和反硝化细菌的活性,增强了土壤硝化和反硝化作用[58];(3)火烧后土壤有机碳含量的减少和土壤氮素的增加降低了森林土壤C/N,有利于土壤N2O的产生[59]

表 4 土壤N2O排放对火烧的响应 Table 4 Responses of soil N2O emission to burning


2.3 采伐对森林土壤N2O排放的影响

采伐减少了森林植被,改变了森林生态系统碳、氮循环,显著影响森林土壤N2O的排放。目前有关采伐对森林土壤N2O排放的研究大多关注皆伐,而对于择伐报道较少(表 5)。Mäkiranta等[65]对欧洲赤松林和Yashiro等[66]对马来西亚热带雨林的研究表明,皆伐后土壤N2O排放分别增加了368%和685%(表 5),主要原因为:(1)皆伐后土壤温度的提高加快了土壤氮素矿化速率,增加了土壤N2O的排放[67];(2)大量死根的分解和皆伐后的剩余物为硝化细菌和反硝化细菌提供丰富底物,从而促进土壤N2O的排放[66];(3)皆伐后土壤容重的增加和地下水位的上升增加了土壤厌氧微生物的数量,有利于土壤N2O的产生[67-68]。因择伐对森林土壤环境的影响较小,从而使择伐后土壤N2O排放表现为不变或者减少[69-70]

表 5 土壤N2O排放对采伐的响应 Table 5 Responses of soil N2O emission to felling

皆伐后土壤N2O的变化与采伐残留物的处理、森林土壤恢复情况和采伐后营林措施有关。Mäkiranta等[65]对芬兰泥炭地森林研究表明,皆伐后保留残留物的土壤N2O排放量是未保留的3倍。McVicar和Kellman [74]对红皮云杉林的研究表明,皆伐2年后土壤N2O排放增加,20年后逐渐衰减,至皆伐125年后与对照没有明显差异。Pearson等[71]研究表明,皆伐地翻耕后土壤N2O的排放明显高于未翻耕地。

2.4 林下植被管理和灌溉对森林土壤N2O排放的影响


表 6 土壤N2O对林下植被管理的响应 Table 6 Responses of soil N2O emission to understory management


3 结论与展望



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Advancement in Researches on Effect of Forest Management on Soil N2O Emission in Forest Soils
WANG Huilai1,2,3 , LIU Juan1,2,3 , JIANG Peikun1,2,3 , ZHOU Guomo1,2,3 , LI Yongfu1,2,3 , WU Jiasen1,2,3     
1. State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Silviculture, ZhejiangA & F University, Lin'an, Zhejiang 311300, China;
2. Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Carbon Cyclingin Forest Ecosystems and Carbon Sequestration, ZhejiangA & F University, Lin'an, Zhejiang 311300, China;
3. Zhejiang Provincial Coordination Center of Bamboo Resources and High Efficient Utilization, ZhejiangA & F University, Lin'an, Zhejiang 311300, China
Abstract: 【Objective】 Nitrous oxide (N2O) is an important kind of greenhouse gas, and forest soil is the main source of atmospheric N2O, posing a great uncertainty in budgeting of atmospheric N2O. Forest management, like fertilization, felling, litter burning, understory management and land-use change in forests would affect soil properties and soil micrometeorology, and hence production and emission of N2O from forest soils significantly.This paper discussed responses of forest soil to different management practices in N2O emission, explored major mechanisms of forest management affecting soil N2O emission, and highlighted shortages of the current researches and focal points of future studies.【Method】 With reference to the databases of Scopus, Web of Science, SDOS and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) , current studies on N2O emission from forest soils were reviewed, and findings of the researches on influences of forest management on soil N2O emission in recent 20 years were systematically summarized, mechanisms of forest management affecting soil N2O emission discussed, and shortages of the current studies and prospects of the researches in this field in future described.【Result】 Reclamation of forests into agricultural land or grassland would increase soil N2O emission, whereas the reverse course would did the other way around. How replacement of natural forest with artificial or secondary forest to soil N2O emission is still unclear. The response of N2O emission from forest soils to fertilization exhibited a nonlinear curve, consisting of no significant response at the early stage, linear increase at the middle stage, and exponential increase at the late stage, depending on degree of"N saturation"of the forest ecosystems. It was generally held that burning stimulated soil N2O emission; felling affected soil temperature, water content, organic matter decomposition and utilization, thus enhancing soil N2O emission capacity; and removing understory increased soil temperature, sped up decomposition and mineralization of organic carbon in the surface soil layer, thus promoting soil N2O emission. Planting N-fixing plants also increased soil N2O emission.【Conclusion】 Therefore, future researches should focus on the following four aspects 1) to define sources of soil N2O in the forests of North China and of South China by means of the 15N-18O labeling technique in combination of molecular biology, and workout non-linear curves of the responses of N2O emission to increased N fertilizer application, through multi-dosage multi-form (ammonium nitrogen fertilizer, nitrate nitrogen fertilizer and amide nitrogen fertilizer) N fertilizer application experiments at different latitudes and under climate conditions; 2) to use molecular biological and matagenomic methods and techniques to determine effects of forest management on abundance and composition of N2O producing bacterial communities, and quantify the coupling relationships between soil N2O emission and major soil microbial functional groups, such as nitrifiers, denitrifiers ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, etc.; 3) to extend the observation in period and frequency of soil N2O emissions after different forest fire chronosequence; and 4) to unfold research about response of soil N2O emissions to select-cutting, especially in North and South China, rich in coniferous forest and rainforest, respectively.
Key words: Soil N2O emission    Forest management    Land-use change    Fertilization    Felling    Burning    Understory management