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  土壤学报  2018, Vol. 55 Issue (2): 490-502  DOI: 10.11766/trxb201705090101


王笃超, 吴景贵, 李建明. 不同有机物料对连作大豆根际土壤线虫的影响. 土壤学报, 2018, 55(2): 490-502.
WANG Duchao, WU Jinggui, LI Jianming. Effect of Organic Manure on Nematodes in Rhizosphere Soil of Soybean under Continuous Cropping. Acta Pedologica Sinica, 2018, 55(2): 490-502.



通讯作者Corresponding author

吴景贵, E-mail: wujingguiok@163.com


王笃超(1991—),男,山东潍坊人,硕士,主要从事不同有机物料对连作大豆土壤微生物的影响方面研究。E-mail: wangduchao678@163.com
王笃超 , 吴景贵 , 李建明     
吉林农业大学资源与环境学院,长春 130118
关键词连作    根际土壤    线虫    营养类群    相对丰度    


国内外就有机肥影响连作大豆土壤线虫群落结构变化和减轻连作障碍的作用已经有许多报道[3-5]。研究表明,土壤线虫对不同肥料能够产生不同的响应[6-7]。线虫群落结构的变化与土壤碱解氮、有机质等养分含量变化有密切联系[8]。长期施用化肥导致土壤结构退化、有机质含量下降、土壤微生物多样性和生物活性降低、土壤微生物群落代谢功能下降[9-10],不利于农业可持续发展。有机物料还田作为提高农田土壤有机质水平的主要来源途径,是改善土壤理化性质、优化土壤生物群落结构、综合提高土壤地力和生态功能的关键调控因子[11-14]。试验还表明有机肥的施用能够增加土壤线虫总数[3, 5, 15-16],提高土壤食细菌线虫、食真菌线虫[3, 15, 17-18]和杂食-捕食性线虫的数量,降低植物寄生线虫的数量[15, 17],从而对土壤微生物区系健康环境的构建有促进作用。有机肥的施用能够增加土壤有益线虫的数量[19]。因此,探究以有机物料为主的能够抑制大豆连作过程中土传病害和维护土壤健康的有机肥料迫在眉睫。


1 材料与方法 1.1 研究区概况

试验于吉林农业大学教学实验田进行。气候类型属亚欧大陆半干燥半湿润季风气侯类型。10 ℃以上年积温2 950~3 500 ℃,年降水量600 mm左右,6—8月的降水总量有350~400 mm,占全年降水的60%以上。无霜期145 d左右,昼夜温差较大,秋短春长。土壤类型为黑土,试验前供试耕层土壤及各有机物料处理基本性质见表 1

表 1 土壤及各有机物料基本性质 Table 1 Basic properties of the soil and organic manures
1.2 试验设计

本试验为小区试验,设正茬和连作两个主处理,7个副处理,分别为:空白对照(CK);鸡粪(JF);猪粪(ZF);秸秆(JG);牧草(MC);菌渣(JZ);黄腐酸生物有机肥(HFS)。试验设3次重复,共42个小区。正茬小区此前未种植过大豆。连作小区起始于2010年,为长期定位试验。小区面积25 m2,每小区8垄,垄距0.65 m,垄长5 m。CK处理不施用有机物料,其余处理每垄施入相当于烘干重0.75 kg的不同有机物料。有机物料采用垄沟沟底施用,覆盖薄土压实后种植。所有小区施磷酸二铵60 g、氯化钾45 g。大豆品种为吉农18。鸡粪、猪粪,均取自吉林农业大学动物科学与技术学院;牧草取自内蒙古扎赉特旗牧场;黄腐酸生物有机肥取自山东泉林嘉有肥料有限责任公司;其余均取自吉林农业大学培养场。

1.3 研究方法

2016年9月大豆收获时进行土样采集。根际土壤用抖根法[20]采集;每小区随机选取10点采样,混合后迅速装入自封袋编号,部分置于实验室4 ℃冰箱保存,部分风干磨碎后测定土壤理化性质。土壤pH、有机质、碱解氮和微生物生物量碳氮均采用常规方法测定。

另称取新鲜土壤50 g,采用浅盘法分离土壤中的线虫[21],解剖镜下计算数量,然后随机抽取100条左右在光学显微镜下鉴定到属。线虫鉴定参考文献[22-23]。将线虫分为四个营养类群:食细菌线虫(Bacterivores)、食真菌线虫(Fungivores)、植物寄生线虫(Plant-parasites)和杂食-捕食性线虫(Omnivores/predators)[24]



$ {\rm{MI = }}\sum {\rm{c}}-{{\rm{p}}_{\rm{i}}} \times {{\rm{p}}_{\rm{i}}}\left( {仅包括自由生活线虫} \right) $



$ {\rm{PPI = }}\sum {\rm{c}}-{{\rm{p}}_{\rm{i}}} \times {{\rm{p}}_{\rm{i}}}\left( {仅包括植物寄生线虫} \right) $


$ {\rm{NCR}} = {\rm{BF/}}\left( {{\rm{BF}} + {\rm{FF}}} \right) $



$ {\rm{EI}} = 100 \times \left( {{\rm{e/}}\left( {{\rm{e + b}}} \right)} \right) $ [27]



$ \lambda = \sum {{{\rm{p}}_{\rm{i}}}^2} $
1.4 统计分析

土壤线虫数量折算成每100 g干土含有线虫的条数;丰度以不同属或营养类群的线虫数量占线虫总数的百分比(%)来表示;采用SPSS 23.0软件进行LSD检验和单因子、双因子方差分析。

2 结果 2.1 不同有机物料对土壤性质的影响

方差分析表明,正茬土壤的pH、碱解氮、有机质和微生物生物量氮均显著高于连作7年的土壤,土壤含水量、碱解氮和土壤呼吸则显著低于连作7年土壤,而有效磷、速效钾则呈现有增有减的现象(图 1);施用有机物料对含水量没有显著影响,却显著增加土壤中碱解氮和微生物生物量氮含量(图 1)。与CK相比,有机物料能显著提高土壤碱解氮、有机质和微生物生物量碳含量(图 1)。

图 1 不同有机物料处理根际土壤性质 Fig. 1 Physico-chemical properties of the rhizosphere soil relative to organic manure applied 注:1)CK,空白对照;JF,鸡粪;ZF,猪粪;JG,秸秆;MC,牧草;JZ,菌渣;HFS,黄腐酸生物有机肥。2)误差线为标准偏差。3)同一柱形字母不同表示差异显著(p<0.05)。下同 Note:1) CK, chemical fertilizer; JF, chicken dropping; ZF, pig dung; JG, crop stalks; MC, forage grass; JZ, mushroom residue; HFS, fulvic acid bio-manure. 2)Error bars represent standard deviation. 3)Different letters in the same column represent significant difference at 0.05 level. The same below
2.2 不同有机物料对土壤线虫总数的影响

方差分析表明,施用有机物料的处理线虫总数显著高于对照组(图 2);作物和施肥的交互作用对线虫总数的影响显著(p<0.05)。大豆根际每100 g干土线虫数量范围正茬在2 031~2 317条,连作2 439~2 998条,连作大豆土壤根际线虫总数明显高于正茬土壤。正茬土壤,除鸡粪处理根际土壤线虫略高于CK外,其余所有处理的线虫总量均低于对照,黄腐酸生物有机肥的作用效果最明显,较对照相比降低7.43%。连作土壤,所有有机物料处理线虫数量均明显低于对照,鸡粪效果最为明显,其次为黄腐酸生物有机肥,分别降低19.65%和16.84%,两者较对照均达到显著性差异(p<0.05)。在大豆连作7年过程中,CK处理土壤中线虫数量上升了36.65%,所有有机物料处理增幅均明显小于CK处理,施用鸡粪处理仅增长5.27%,其次为菌渣处理增长20.73%。

图 2 不同有机物料对线虫总数的影响 Fig. 2 Effect of organic manure on total number of the nematodes in the rhizosphere soil relative to type of the manure
2.3 不同有机物料对土壤线虫群落的影响



表 2可以看出,正茬土壤中食细菌线虫占线虫总量的10%左右,各施肥处理间差异不明显。CK处理所占比例最高为13.98%,所有有机物料处理所占比例均低于对照。连作土壤中食细菌线虫所占的比例较正茬呈明显上升趋势。猪粪处理增加最明显,上升了64.08%,其次是菌渣处理增加40.06%,其余各有机物料处理增长幅度均低于对照。在连作土壤中CK处理中食细菌线虫占15.24%,有机物料处理明显低于CK处理。

表 2 不同有机物料对根际土壤食细菌线虫群落结构、cp值、相对丰度与优势度的影响 Table 2 Effects of organic manure on community structure, cp value, relative abundance and dominance of the soil bacteria feeding nematodes in the rhizosphere soil relative to type of the manure


不同有机物料对植物寄生线虫影响也各有差异(表 4)。螺旋虫属相对丰度,在正茬和连作土壤中各施肥处理间均无明显差异,连作土壤较正茬土壤略有上升,上升幅度在9.32%~31.57%之间。拟盘旋线虫属相对丰度,在大豆连作过程中也有略微上升。孢囊线虫属,正茬土壤中各处理间也无明显差异,相对丰度在26.98%~32.65%之间。连作土壤中菌渣处理中孢囊线虫属相对丰度值最高,达36.69%,其次为鸡粪和猪粪处理均为34.75%。鸡粪处理在连作过程中增加最明显,上升25.91%,增加最少的为猪粪处理,提高2.10%。垫刃线虫属、丝尾垫刃线虫属、具脊垫刃线虫属在连作土壤中相对丰度较正茬土壤均有略微上升,但在正茬和连作土壤中丰度值较小。纽带线虫属、针线虫属、剑线虫属、叉叶线虫属在正茬土壤中未发现,但在连作土壤中出现,并表现为一般菌属。拟盘线虫属,在正茬和连作土壤中均为一般菌属,在连续种植过程中丰度略有下降。盾线虫属、平滑垫刃线虫属相对丰度在连作过程中呈下降趋势,并且正茬和连作间均无明显差异。盘旋线虫属、小环线虫属、杆垫刃线虫属在正茬土壤植物寄生线虫中相对丰度较小,在连作土壤中未发现。在大豆连作过程中土壤中植物寄生线虫丰度总体呈上升趋势,各处理的增长幅度不同。其中黄腐酸生物有机肥处理增加最明显,提高26.37%,其次为鸡粪处理提高24.35%。

表 3 不同有机物料对根际土壤食真菌线虫群落结构、cp值、相对丰度与优势度的影响 Table 3 Effects of organic manure on community structure, cp value, relative abundance and dominance of the fungi-feeding nematode in the rhizosphere soil relative to type of the manure

表 4 不同有机物料对根际土壤植物寄生线虫群落结构、cp值、相对丰度与优势度的影响 Table 4 Effects of organic materials on community structure, cp value, aelative abundance and dominance of theplant parasitic nematodes in the rhizosphere soil relative to type of the manure




表 5 不同有机物料对根际土壤杂食-捕食性线虫群落结构、cp值、相对丰度与优势度的影响 Table 5 Effects of organic manure on community structure, cp value, relative abundance and dominance of the omnivorous -predatory bacteria nematodes in the rhizosphere soil relative to type of the manure
2.4 不同有机物料对大豆根际土壤线虫营养类群比例的影响

图 3可以看出,连作土壤中食细菌线虫所占比例并不高,CK处理的食细菌线虫占比例最高15.24%。所有有机物料处理在12.89%~15.73%之间,均低于对照。各处理间无明显差异。食真菌线虫CK处理所占比例最高为12.34%,所有有机物料处理均低于CK处理。各处理间无明显差异。植物寄生线虫占线虫总数的1/2以上,菌渣处理最多占70.03%,CK最少占39.58%。杂食-捕食性线虫占线虫总数的比例最小。

图 3 不同有机物料对正茬大豆根际土壤线虫营养类群比例的影响 Fig. 3 Effects of organic manure on proportion of trophic groups of soil nematodes in the rhizosphere of soybean relative to type of the manure 注:不同英文字母表示相同营养类群在不同处理间差异显著(p < 0.05)。下同 Note: Different letters indicate significant difference between treatments the same in trophic group at 0.05 level. The same below

图 4可以看出,在连作土壤中所有处理的食细菌线虫所占线虫总量的12.89%~15.63%之间,与食真菌线虫间无显著差异,与植物寄生线虫间差异极显著,与杂食-捕食性线虫之间差异也比较明显。食真菌线虫在个营养类群中所占比例较小,CK处理最高12.34%,菌渣最低8.59%,各施肥处理间无明显差异。植物寄生线虫在营养类群中占比例最高,CK除外所有处理所占比例均超过60%,菌渣处理最高可达70.03%,各有机物料处理间差异不显著。

图 4 不同有机物料对连作大豆根际土壤线虫营养类群比例的影响 Fig. 4 Effects of organic manure on proportion of trophic groups of nematodes in rhizosphere soils under continuous cropping of soybean relative to type of the manure


2.5 不同有机物料对土壤线虫生态指数的影响


表 6 不同有机物料处理土壤线虫生态指标 Table 6 Ecological indices of soil nematodes in the rhizosphere soil relative to type of the manure applied
3 讨论


本研究结果表明,有机物料对减缓大豆连作过程土壤中孢囊线虫数量的显著增加具有一定的效果,不同类型孢囊线虫对不同类型有机物料的响应也有所不同。在大豆连作过程中,食细菌线虫种类较多,相对丰度略有上升。食真菌线虫种类相对较少,在线虫总量中所占的比例有所提高。植物寄生线虫种类最多,在线虫总量中所占比例超过50%,杂食-捕食性线虫所占比例明显下降,有机物料对平衡土壤中线虫比例作用明显;对缓解连作大豆土壤中食细菌线虫、食真菌线虫、植物寄生线虫占线虫总量中所比例的增加,杂食-捕食性线虫的显著减少作用明显。这与林琳等[32]不同施肥对土壤线虫群落组成、结构及多样性均产生一定影响的结论一致。由于大豆孢囊线虫对寄主的强专化性,大豆连作过程中会出现优势菌属相对丰度不断增加,而常见菌属、一般均属相对丰度不断下降,甚至消失,群落结构复杂性降低,土壤线虫群落结构稳定性下降,导致连作大豆病害加重的现象。王雪峰等[33]研究发现,大豆根际效应增加土壤线虫的丰度,但降低了线虫群落结构的复杂性;王进闯等[34]认为线虫的物种丰富度随着连作年限的增加呈逐渐降低的趋势,这与本研究结果一致。而王雪峰等[35]认为施用化肥能够抑制植物寄生线虫但提高食细菌和食真菌线虫在线虫总数中的比例,与本研究结论有所不同,这可能是由于气候和种植作物不同造成的。靳学慧等[36]报道长期轮作使土壤中胞囊数量减少,连作使土壤中胞囊数量增加至14年后趋于平衡。张俊华和郑国琦[37]认为土壤碱解氮与线虫总数呈显著正相关; 速效钾与线虫多个生态指数均呈显著负相关。本研究发现,无论正茬还是连作土壤中,线虫总数与碱解氮含量均呈正相关关系,与其研究结果一致,但本研究未发现土壤中速效钾含量与生态指数有明显的相关性,这可能是由于连作的年限不同所致。陈井升等[38]认为,在发生大豆胞囊线虫病的任何地块,大豆胞囊线虫都是混合群体,不存在单一生理小种,仅是某个生理小种占优势。因此,研究大豆连作过程中不同有机物料对土壤中胞囊线虫数量的影响有着重要的意义,尤其要明确何种有机物料更有效地平衡连作过程中大豆孢囊线虫相对数量,降低大豆胞囊线虫的危害。


4 结论


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Effect of Organic Manure on Nematodes in Rhizosphere Soil of Soybean under Continuous Cropping
WANG Duchao , WU Jinggui , LI Jianming     
College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, China
Abstract: 【Objective】 Studies so far made at home and abroad on soil nematodes are found mostly concentrated on nematodes in bulk soil or non-rhizosphere soil, with relatively less focus on those in rhizosphere soils, let alone on phytophagous nematodes in rhizosphere soils. Therefore, the purpose of this experiment was designed to explore effects of organic manures, prepared mainly out of different agricultural wastes, i.e. pig dung, crop stalks, mushroom residue, forage grass, chicken dropping and fulvic acid bio-manure, on soil nematodes in rhizosphere soil of soybean under a continuous cropping system. Soybean nematodes diseaseis a disastrousone to soybean production, seriously affecting growth and yield of the crop.【Method】 By comparing organic manures of different nature in effect on number of nematodes and structure of the nematode community, a method to prevent nematode disease in continuous cropping of soybean was proposed here in the paper. Six different organic materials were selected for comparison and analysis of the two treatments to compare the difference of the rhizosphere soil nematodes. Soil samples were collected from plots applied with different organic manure in the experiment for isolation of nematodes with the shallow disk method and counting of the nematodes under an anatomical lens. Then from each lot, about 100 nematodes were sampled out for identification till genus under an optical microscope.【Result】 Results show that cp values of the dominant genera and key species in the study were 3, indicating thatthe nematodes were high in breeding ability and disturbance resistance; after 7 years of continuous cropping of soybean, relative abundance of the omnivorous/predatory nematodes among the trophic groups of soil nematode in the rhizosphere decreased significantly, while that of the plant parasitic nematodes in the rhizosphere increased significantly and that of bacterivores and fungivores increased slightly; the number of nematodes in the rhizosphere of soybean of continuous cropping was significantly higher than in the rhizosphere of soybean of non-continuous cropping; compared with application of chemical fertilizer, application of organic manure retarded growth of plant parasitic nematodes in number. In terms of the effect, the organic manures displayed an order of pig dung > crop stalks > mushroom residue > forage grass > chicken dropping > fulvic acid bio-manure > CK (chemical fertilizer), compared with non-continuous cropping respectively increased by 6.48%, 15.34%, 15.98%, 18.51%, 24.35%, 26.33% and 27.4%. With the continuous cropping going on, the proportion of bacterial nematodes expanded obviously and the expansion was inhibited by application of organic manure and so was the proportion of fungal-feeding nematodes and that of plant parasitic nematodes, though varying in extent. The effect of organic manure was higher than that of chemical fertilizer. In the plots treated with organic manure, plant parasitic nematodes dominated the nematodes community, accounting for more than 50%, while omnivorous nematodes and predatory nematodes were on a decreasing trend. Obviously, application of organic manure has an effect of keeping balance of the soil nematode community. The ecological index of nematodes was significantly improved by organic manureas compared with CK.【Conclusion】 The response of soil nematode to fertilizers depends on quality and nutrient content of the crop and fertilizer or manure; Dominant trophic groups, dominant species and key genera of soil nematodes are effective indicators of health of the agricultural soil and degree of soybean nematodes diseases in the soybean fields.
Key words: Continuous cropping    Rhizosphere    Nematode    Nutritional groups    Relative abundance