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  土壤学报  2018, Vol. 55 Issue (4): 900-910  DOI: 10.11766/trxb20170512


查理思, 吴克宁, 梁思源. 土壤文化历史档案记录功能评价研究——以河南仰韶村文化遗址为例. 土壤学报, 2018, 55(4): 900-910.
ZHA Lisi, WU Kening, LIANG Siyuan. Evaluation of Function of Soil as Archive of Cultural History—A Case Study of the Yangshao Village Cultural Relic Site, Henan Province. Acta Pedologica Sinica, 2018, 55(4): 900-910.



通讯作者Corresponding author

吴克宁, E-mail: wukening@cugb.edu.cn


查理思(1988—), 男, 江西庐山人, 博士, 讲师, 主要从事土壤地理研究。E-mail: 511611249@qq.com
查理思1 , 吴克宁2,3 , 梁思源4     
1. 广东财经大学公共管理学院,广州 510320;
2. 中国地质大学(北京)土地科学技术学院,北京 100083;
3. 国土资源部土地整治重点实验室,北京 100035;
4. 郑州大学公共管理学院,郑州 450001
关键词土壤功能    评价指标    评价标准    




1 材料与方法 1.1 研究区概况


文化剖面以及各文化层与自然剖面土壤理化特征数据详见《河南仰韶村文化遗址的土壤指示特征研究》一文[29],部分比值和差异详见表 1~表 3。结果显示,文化剖面有丰富的遗物遗迹,包括陶片、石器、遗骸、灰坑、灰烬层、文化层,其砂粒含量、低频磁化率值、全磷含量等部分理化性质与自然剖面差异明显。

表 1 文化剖面及各文化层与自然剖面的化学性质比值 Table 1 Comparison of the cultural profile and layers with the natural profile in chemical property

表 2 文化剖面及各文化层与自然剖面的物理性质比值 Table 2 Comparison of the cultural profile and layers with the natural profile in physical property

表 3 文化剖面及各文化层与自然剖面矿质全量比 Table 3 Comparison of the cultural profile and layers with the natural profile in total mineral content
1.2 评价指标

选择能够指示受人类活动干扰形成的土壤特性,建立土壤文化历史档案记录功能评价指标体系,如图 1所示。指标体系分为遗物遗迹和诊断指标两大类。遗物遗迹指标分为遗迹和遗物指标,灰坑、灰烬层和文化层可归类为遗迹指标,陶片、石器、遗骸可归类为遗物指标。诊断指标分为土壤理化性质和土壤包含物指标,色度、磁化率、粒度、游离铁、矿质全量、黏土矿物、微形态、有机碳同位素、容重可归类土壤理化性质指标,孢粉、炭屑、植硅体可归类土壤包含物指标。

图 1 土壤文化历史档案记录功能评价指标体系 Fig. 1 Index system for evaluation of function of soil as archive of cultural history
1.3 评价方法

遗物遗迹指标侧重其是否存在,诊断指标侧重其数值是否达标,采用定性与定量相结合的方法,建立评价标准。由于遗物遗迹科研价值明显,所以其重要性大于诊断指标,而遗迹与遗物相比,土壤科研价值明显,所以遗迹指标的重要性大于遗物指标。据此将土壤文化历史档案记录功能划分为六个等级:一级表示功能完整,需重点保护,具体评价标准为发现所有遗物遗迹指标,且数量丰富,是考古学家和土壤学家共同研究的珍贵科研对象,考古学家可通过研究丰富的遗物遗迹推断古人类生产生活状态,从外观特征上就明显区别与自然土壤的文化层土壤,土壤学家可通过分析其土壤理化性质,探究古人类生产生活留在土壤中的物质以及对土壤发育发生的影响。该功能判别时,可不考虑诊断指标。二级表示功能明显,需保护,发现大量遗迹指标,但遗物指标部分存在,需考古学家和土壤学家通力合作研究。例如灰烬层可能由于刀耕火种、祭祀、烧烤食物等多种原因形成,可通过土壤理化分析或土壤微形态观察等,并结合挖掘出的遗物如石器进行功能解读,予以综合判断灰烬层的形成原因。该功能判别时,可不考虑诊断指标。三级表示功能部分明显,需调查保护,发现大量遗物指标,遗迹指标部分存在,其土壤理化特征与自然土壤相差不大,侧重于考古学家从遗物进行功能解读。该功能判别时,可不考虑诊断指标。四级表示功能不明显,需研究保护,没有发现遗物遗迹指标,但诊断指标达标,土壤理化特征与自然土壤差异明显,侧重于土壤学家的探究,特别是当遗址中大部分遗存,如植物、动物粪便、灰烬,甚至动物碎骨或矿物颗粒等,由于年代久远和保存环境不利等原因从宏观视野中消失,可通过土壤微形态的方法清晰地观察、检验上述遗存,从而对遗址的形成与变化过程做出科学判断。五级表示功能微弱,可选择性保护,未发现遗迹遗物指标,部分诊断指标达标。六级表示无此功能,无需保护,未发现遗物遗迹指标,诊断指标不达标。具体评价标准见表 4

表 4 土壤文化历史档案记录功能评价标准 Table 4 Standards for grading the function of soil as archive of cultural history in evaluation
2 结果与讨论 2.1 指标选择

根据典型土壤剖面的理化分析比较,选择适宜仰韶村遗址的指标。遗物遗迹指标方面,发现大量文化层、灰烬层、灰坑、陶片、石器,故选择它们为定性参数。诊断指标方面,古人类活动降低了土壤的色度值,但整体而言,文化剖面土壤色度值与自然剖面的比值接近1,难以明显区别。虽然灰烬层以及文化层色度值与自然剖面的比值能有效区分,但已通过宏观特征,选入遗物遗迹指标,故色度指标舍去。古人类活动提高了土壤低频磁化率值(χlf),降低了土壤频率磁化率值(χfd),其中χlf与自然剖面的比值较大,差异明显,特别是在文化层中出现异常高值,达到7.06×10-6 m3 kg-1,而χfd与自然剖面的比值接近1,难以明显区别,故选择χlf指标,舍去χfd指标。古人类活动增加了砂粒含量,与自然剖面的比值较大,差异明显,故选择砂粒指标。古人类活动减少了游离铁,但数值与自然剖面的比值接近1,难以明显区别,故游离铁指标舍去。古人类活动相对减少了Al2O3、Fe2O3含量,增加了P、CaO含量,其中P与自然剖面的比值较大,差异明显,特别是在文化层中出现最大值,达到9 880 mg kg-1,故选择P指标。古人类活动增加了高岭石含量,但数量难以确定,故黏土矿物指标舍去。古人类居住等活动导致土壤容重偏小,其中文化层2容重值小于1 g cm-3,差异特征明显,故选择容重指标。虽然文化剖面有机碳同位素(δ13C)值较自然剖面偏正,但差异不明显,故有机碳同位素指标舍去。古人类活动明显增加了禾本科(Gramineae)、藜科(Artemisia)和炭屑含量,并出现粟、黍、水稻植硅体,故选择孢粉、炭屑和植硅体指标。

2.2 评价标准

根据指标选择结果,建议当发现土壤存在陶片、石器、灰坑、灰烬层、文化层时,可以推断该土壤具有文化历史档案记录功能。当未发现遗物遗迹时,诊断出土壤通体χlf平均值与自然土壤的比值分别大于等于1.15,或某一层χlf大于等于7.06×10-6 m3 kg-1;或砂粒平均含量与自然土壤的比值大于等于1.38,或某一层砂粒含量大于等于44.80%;或全磷含量平均值与自然土壤的比值大于等于4.95,或某一层P含量大于等于9 880 mg kg-1;或容重平均值与自然土壤的比值小于等于1,或某一层容重小于等于1 g cm-3;或禾本科和藜科含量与自然土壤的比值分别大于等于2.56和1.27,或某一层禾本科和藜科含量分别大于等于72.64%和61.39%;或炭屑浓度含量平均值与自然剖面的比值大于等于4.02,或某一层炭屑含量大于等于438 152粒g-1;或存在粟、黍、水稻等直接指示古农业的植硅体,可推测该土壤具有文化历史档案记录功能。

2.3 评价结果

在中国文化遗产研究院编制的《仰韶村遗址保护规划》成果基础上,参照该遗址的评价标准,根据遗迹点分布特征[30],通过野外勘察,结合考古资料,在每个典型地貌区域以及古人类活动区进行观察和土样测试分析,从而对该遗址进行土壤文化历史档案记录功能评价,并划分为6个等级范围区(如图 2所示),从保护程度和科研价值角度对每一等级区域提出合理方案。

图 2 仰韶村遗址土壤文化历史档案记录功能等级分布 Fig. 2 Distribution of the function of soil as archive of cultural history by grade in the Yangshao village cultural relic site

一级区域:此区域土壤宏观特征为存在陶片、石器、遗骸、灰坑、灰烬层和文化层,微观特征为粒度偏砂、χlf高、全磷和碳屑含量高,孢粉、植硅体的含量和类型与自然剖面有较大差别,其中禾本科(Gramineae)、藜科(Artemisia)含量丰富,并鉴定出驯化粟、黍和水稻粮食作物的植硅体。这表明该区域古人类活动类型丰富,包括居住、耕作、用火等。此区域位于台地中心,大致为安特生路口、遗址保护墙和寺沟村南端三点围成的三角区域,以平地为主,略有起伏变化,适合古人类居住等活动。在该区域发现全部遗物遗迹指标,出土珍贵的红陶,发现多个古人类不同活动区,如制陶、翁棺、居住、饮食,以及不同时代的文化层,遗物遗迹十分丰富,需重点保护,科研价值很高。也存在许多科学问题,如灰烬层是古人类何种用火目的所形成,刀耕火种、祭祀还是饮食,该区域是考古学和土壤学结合的最佳区域。目前虽然在此建立保护场所(图 3),但属于半封闭,建筑顶部现种植花椒等经济作物,由于农作等原因,部分灌溉水下渗,侵蚀了部分文化剖面,长满青苔(图 4)。而大部分剖面却由于气候干旱的原因,发生崩落,虽然已有考古研究团队在此开展防治土壤崩落研究,但由于应保护的文化土壤面积较大,建议该区域停止农作物种植,同时采取必要的工程和技术措施,根据土壤质地、盐分等特性,选择合适的化学物理措施,减缓土壤崩落。

图 3 仰韶村遗址保护墙场馆 Fig. 3 Yangshao village site protection wall

图 4 受潮长满青苔的文化层 Fig. 4 Damped and lichenize cultural layer

二级区域:此区域土壤宏观特征为存在陶片、灰坑、灰烬层、文化层,微观特征主要为粒度偏砂、全磷和碳屑含量高,表明该区域古人类活动以居住为主。此区域位于台地中心边缘,以平地为主,开始出现坡地,亦适合古人类居住等活动。在该区域发现大量遗迹指标,然而遗物指标部分存在,文化保护和科研价值高。此外,许多文化剖面考古学意义解释不清,需考古学家和土壤学家共同研究解释。目前该区域开发成考古旅游线路(图 5),但路边较多文化剖面被田鼠打洞或游人采挖(图 6),破坏较为严重,建议此区域增加护栏等必要的工程建设以及生态维护。

图 5 旅游线路安特生小道 Fig. 5 Andersson path for travellers

图 6 被破坏的文化层 Fig. 6 Damaged cultural layer

三级区域:此区域土壤宏观特征为存在陶片、石器、遗骸、灰坑,微观特征主要为全磷含量高,表明该区域古人类活动主要为垃圾掩埋。此区域位于台地中心偏南为主,靠近南端水塘(图 7),以坡地为主,坡度较小,方便古人类取水,适合古人类捕鱼等活动。发现大量遗物指标,然而遗迹指标部分存在,文化保护和科研价值较高。目前多为村民居住地(图 8),政府渐渐引导搬迁,预加强该区域保护力度,建议尽快规划新居民点,促进该区域居民搬迁,对搬迁后的宅基地进行复垦或开发成保护场馆。

图 7 水塘 Fig. 7 Pond

图 8 废弃窑洞 Fig. 8 Deserted cave-houses

四级区域:此区域土壤宏观特征与自然土壤相似,微观特征为粒度偏砂、χlf高、全磷含量高、容重小,表明该区域受到古人类活动影响。此区域位于遗址东北为主,以平地为主,但地势较高,不方便古人类取水,不适合古人类居住活动,但在此发现过墓葬。在该区域未发现明显遗物遗迹指标,但抽样土壤剖面的诊断指标全部达标,文化保护和科研价值一般。目前开发成薰衣草观赏区(图 9),但长势不佳,建议调整土壤水肥状态,或更换适宜作物,并需考虑种植作物的根系长度,以免破坏潜在的遗物遗迹(图 10)。

图 9 薰衣草 Fig. 9 Field of lavender

图 10 古人类活动迹象 Fig. 10 Traces of ancient human activities

五级区域:此区域土壤宏观特征与自然土壤相似,微观特征为粒度偏砂、χlf较高,表明该区域受到古人类活动影响,但相对较弱。此区域位于遗址边缘,以坡地为主(图 11),坡度较大,抽样土壤剖面的部分诊断指标达标(图 12),文化保护和科研价值低。目前多为裸露状态,建议加强植被种植,以免水土流失。

图 11 坡地 Fig. 11 Slope

图 12 古人类活动迹象 Fig. 12 Traces of ancient human activities

六级区域:此区域土壤宏观和微观特征均与自然土壤相似,位于保护范围最外圈与文化遗址最外圈之间,以沟壑沟谷为主(图 13),未发现遗物遗址指标,抽样土壤剖面的诊断指标全部不达标,无文化保护和科研价值,但需注意生态保护,以免影响核心保护区域生态环境。目前多为农地(图 14),建议注意土壤和环境护理,以免生态恶化。

图 13 沟壑 Fig. 13 Gully

图 14 农地 Fig. 14 Farmland
3 结论


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Evaluation of Function of Soil as Archive of Cultural History—A Case Study of the Yangshao Village Cultural Relic Site, Henan Province
ZHA Lisi1 , WU Kening2,3 , LIANG Siyuan4     
1. School of Public Administration, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, Guangzhou 510320, China;
2. School of Land Science and Technology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China;
3. Key Laboratory of Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Ministry of Land and Resources, Beijing 100035, China;
4. School of Public Administration, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
Abstract: 【Objective】 At present, the issue of how to evaluate of function of the soil as archive of cultural history remains to be at the stage of theory and concept. Most indices and standards of the evaluation are rather qualitative than quantitative. As a special kind of soil formed under the impacts of fossil human activities, only when its recognition and identification is performed in combination with quantitative analysis, will it be feasible to define accurately the function of the soil as archive of cultural history, which will then provide scientific basis for protection of the soils that possess such functions.【Method】 In this paper, qualitative methods were used in combination with quantitative methods to evaluate the function of the soil. An evaluation index system and a set of evaluation standards were established. The evaluation index system consisted of two categories, remains/relics and diagnostic indices. The former included ash pit, ash layer, cultural layer, pottery shards, stoneware and human remains, among which ash pit, ash layer and cultural layer were sorted into indices of remains, and the rest into indices of relics, while the latter did chroma, magnetic susceptibility, particle size, free iron, total mineral, clay mineral, micromorphology, organic carbon isotope, bulk density, spore pollen, charcoal shavings and phytolith. The remains/relics indices are much more important and valuable than diagnostic indices to scientific research, while relics are more valuable than remains to soil research, so the indices of relics are more important than those of remains. Once the indices of relics are detected, it can be concluded immediately that the soil is cultural soil formed under the impact of fossil human activities, whereas if no index of relics is found, it has to be ruled out in diagnosis whether the soil has been affected by fossil human activities. On such a basis, the function of soil as archive of cultural history could be divided into six grades. Grade Ⅰ indicates that the function is complete with all remain/relic indices detected, and found in large quantity. Grade Ⅱ indicates that the function is apparent, with numerous relic indices, and only some remain indices detected. Grade Ⅲ indicates that only part of the function is apparent with large volumes of remains indices and some relic indices found. Grade Ⅳ indicates that the function is not apparent, with none of the remains/relic indices found, and all the diagnostic indices up to the standard. Grade Ⅴ indicates that the sampling profiles have only a few of the diagnostic indices up to the standard. Grade Ⅵ indicates that none of the remains/relic indices are found and that all the sampled profiles have none of the diagnostic indices up to the standard.【Result】 Based on the method of evaluation, two soil profiles in the Yangshao Village cultural relic site of Henan Province, one containing obvious evidence of ancient human activities (cultural profile in short) and the other doing none (natural profile in short), were chosen to build evaluation system. In the area of the grade Ⅰ, all relic and remain indices are found, precious pottery is found, and different areas of ancient human activities are found like making pottery, grave, living and eating, and different eras of cultural layers are also found. They are abundant and value in research which need protection. In this area, there are many scientific issues like how did ash layer form under what ancient human purpose of using fire? Framing or sacrificing or eating? This area was a perfect place for the corporation of archaeologists and pedologists. In the area of the grade Ⅱ, relic indices are abundant while remains indices are rare, the value of cultural protection and scientific research is high. Lots of cultural profiles are hard to explain, which need the corporation of archaeologists and pedologists. In the area of the grade Ⅲ, remains indices are abundant while relic indices are rare, the value of cultural protection and scientific research is a bit high. In the area of the grade Ⅳ, apparent relic and remains indices are not found, but diagnostic indices of sampling profiles are up to the standard, the value of cultural protection and scientific research is general. In the area of the grade Ⅴ, only party of diagnostic indices of sampling profiles are up to the standard, the value of cultural protection and scientific research is little. In the area of the grade Ⅵ, none of relic and remain exist, and all diagnostic indices are below to the standard, the value of cultural protection and scientific research is none, but it is necessary to pay attention to ecological protection, so as not to affect the ecological environment of the core protection area.【Conclusion】 The evaluation helps us define the need for protective input and research value of soils relative to function grade. The merit of the evaluation method is the realization of semi quantitative evaluation of the function. Based on its own soil characteristics, each relic site can be evaluated using indices and data selected for their sharp contrast in the index system. Therefore, this method is of certain extendability.
Key words: Soil function    Evaluation index    Evaluation standard    
表 1 文化剖面及各文化层与自然剖面的化学性质比值 Table 1 Comparison of the cultural profile and layers with the natural profile in chemical property
表 2 文化剖面及各文化层与自然剖面的物理性质比值 Table 2 Comparison of the cultural profile and layers with the natural profile in physical property
表 3 文化剖面及各文化层与自然剖面矿质全量比 Table 3 Comparison of the cultural profile and layers with the natural profile in total mineral content
图 1 土壤文化历史档案记录功能评价指标体系 Fig. 1 Index system for evaluation of function of soil as archive of cultural history
表 4 土壤文化历史档案记录功能评价标准 Table 4 Standards for grading the function of soil as archive of cultural history in evaluation
图 2 仰韶村遗址土壤文化历史档案记录功能等级分布 Fig. 2 Distribution of the function of soil as archive of cultural history by grade in the Yangshao village cultural relic site
图 3 仰韶村遗址保护墙场馆 Fig. 3 Yangshao village site protection wall
图 4 受潮长满青苔的文化层 Fig. 4 Damped and lichenize cultural layer
图 5 旅游线路安特生小道 Fig. 5 Andersson path for travellers
图 6 被破坏的文化层 Fig. 6 Damaged cultural layer
图 7 水塘 Fig. 7 Pond
图 8 废弃窑洞 Fig. 8 Deserted cave-houses
图 9 薰衣草 Fig. 9 Field of lavender
图 10 古人类活动迹象 Fig. 10 Traces of ancient human activities
图 11 坡地 Fig. 11 Slope
图 12 古人类活动迹象 Fig. 12 Traces of ancient human activities
图 13 沟壑 Fig. 13 Gully
图 14 农地 Fig. 14 Farmland
查理思 , 吴克宁 , 梁思源