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  土壤学报  2019, Vol. 56 Issue (1): 78-89  DOI: 10.11766/trxb201802250012


陈剑科, 袁大刚, 晏昭敏, 等. 测色仪与中国标准土壤色卡测定土壤颜色比较——以川中丘陵区为例. 土壤学报, 2019, 56(1): 78-89.
CHEN Jianke, YUAN Dagang, YAN Zhaomin, et al. Comparison between Colorimeter and New Standard Soil Colour Chart of China in Determining Munsell Color of Soils——A Case Study of Central Sichuan Hilly Region. Acta Pedologica Sinica, 2019, 56(1): 78-89.



通讯作者Corresponding author

袁大刚, E-mail:690654034@qq.com


陈剑科 , 袁大刚 , 晏昭敏 , 吕扬 , 翁倩 , 付宏阳 , 张楚 , 王昌全 , 张敬昇     
四川农业大学资源学院,成都 611130
摘要:Munsell色卡是测定土壤颜色的传统工具,而测色仪是测定土壤颜色的新兴仪器。利用统计参数及相关颜色差异等级,比较2种原理、价格不同的测色仪测定川中丘陵区27个拟定土系共97个过2 mm筛风干土壤Munsell颜色与利用《中国标准土壤色卡》目测(即目测法)的差异。结果表明,川中丘陵区风干土壤色调集中于YR色调,未出现RP色调,明度较高,彩度较低。2种测色仪均较目测法测定土壤Munsell颜色色调偏黄,但明度、彩度较一致;以目测值为参照,CM600d实测值和Nix校正值的色调、明度、彩度均方根误差(RMSE)分别为1.74、0.98、0.97和2.04、0.57、0.88,与目测差异等级为“微弱”、“明显”和“强烈”数量分别为90.72%、8.25%、1.03%和84.54%、14.43%、1.03%,表明使用2种测色仪均能辅助研究者判别土壤颜色,提高土壤颜色判别精确度,Nix测定土壤Munsell颜色明度更接近目测,且更具价格优势。
关键词土壤Munsell颜色    色卡    测色仪    色系转化    



1 材料与方法 1.1 研究区概况

供试土样采集于川中丘陵区(图 1)。川中丘陵属典型方山丘陵,位于四川盆地中东部,地跨103°15′至108°30′E,27°35′至32°52′N,地处长江以北,沱江、涪江、嘉陵江、渠江等中下游,属亚热带湿润季风气候,地貌以中、浅丘为主,丘陵出露地层主要为中生界侏罗系中上统的紫红色泥岩和砂岩,区域内主要土壤类型为雏形土、新成土等(发生分类的紫色土等类型)。

图 1 土壤样点分布图 Fig. 1 Distribution of soil sampling sites
1.2 土样采集与处理

2015至2016年间在川中丘陵区获取27个土壤剖面(图 1),依据发生层次自下而上采集分析样品,共97个土样,其中发生分类的紫色土共18个剖面53个土样。由于新鲜土样土块大小不一,色彩均一性较差;水分含量不等,可能发生含水量过饱和现象[15],进而对颜色测定产生一定影响,因此对土样进行风干、过筛、混匀处理,即先将采集的土样平铺于干净牛皮纸,然后剔除动、植物残体和砖瓦等侵入体,置于阴凉处风干,最后将风干土碾碎,过2 mm尼龙筛,混合均匀,装袋备用。

1.3 土壤颜色测定


加拿大的NixTMPRO测色仪测定(以下简称Nix)。该仪器属色彩色差计,价格较低,可测定土壤RGB、CMYK、CIEL*a*b*、CIEL*C*h、XYZ等色空间/色度指标。土样平铺于白纸,直径约4 cm,厚度在1至2 mm,将传感器放置于土样上,传感器底部完全覆盖于土壤表面且底部无缝隙,通过手机蓝牙与传感器进行连接,在传感器提供的手机软件界面进行测定,测定参数为观测角度2°、内置C光源(色温6774K正常日光),测色口径15 mm,仪器出厂前由厂商进行校正,测试前无需再进行校正,同一土样重复测定3次,获得XYZ数据,取平均值记录。

日本Konica Minolta的CM600d分光测色计测定(以下简称CM600d)。该仪器属分光测色计,价格较高,可测定土壤CIEL*a*b*、CIEL*C*h、Hunter Lab、Yxy、XYZ、Munsell等色空间/色度指标。将供试土样放置于配套的粉末测试装置,使土样略多于装置,拧紧装置盖,待测土样制备完成。测定参数为观测角度2°、内置C光源,选用8 mm测色稳定片,测试前进行1次零校正,5次白板校正,将CM600d测定端放置于粉末测试装置进行测定,同一土样重复测定3次,获取HV/C(Munsell色空间)及XYZ数据。

1.4 土壤颜色转化



$ {X_{\rm{C}}} = 1.020{\rm{ \times }}X $ (1)
$ {Y_{\rm{C}}} = 1.000{\rm{ \times }}Z $ (2)
$ {Z_{\rm{C}}} = 0.847{\rm{ \times }}Z $ (3)


$ \begin{array}{l} \;\;\;\;\;\;{M_1} = \left[{{{\left( {11.559{\rm{ \times }}{X_{\rm{C}}}} \right)}^{1/3}} - 1.695} \right] - \left[{\left( {11.396} \right.} \right.\\ \left. {{{\left. {{\rm{ \times }}{Y_{\rm{C}}}} \right)}^{1/3}} - 1.610} \right] \end{array} $ (4)
$ \begin{array}{l} \;\;\;\;\;{M_2} = 0.4{\rm{ \times }}\left[{{{\left( {11.510{\rm{ \times }}{Z_{\rm{C}}}} \right)}^{1/3}} - 1.691} \right] - \left[{\left( {11.396} \right.} \right.\\ \left. {{{\left. {{\rm{ \times }}{Y_{\rm{C}}}} \right)}^{1/3}} - 1.610} \right] \end{array} $ (5)


$ {S_1} = \{ 8.398 + 0.832{\rm{ \times }}\cos \left[{{{\tan }^{ - 1}}\left( {{M_2}/{M_1}} \right)} \right]\} {\rm{ \times }}{M_1} $ (6)
$ {S_2} = \{ - 6.102 - 1.323{\rm{ \times }}\cos \left[{{{\tan }^{ - 1}}\left( {{M_2}/{M_1}} \right)} \right]\} {\rm{ \times }}{M_2} $ (7)


$ H = \left| {{{\tan }^{ - 1}}\left( {{S_2}/{S_1}} \right){\rm{ \times }}\left( {100/2{\rm{ \mathsf{ π} }}} \right)} \right| $ (8)
$ V = {\left( {11.396{\rm{ \times }}{Y_{\rm{C}}}} \right)^{1/3}} - 1.610 $ (9)
$ C = {\left( {{S_1}^2 + {S_2}^2} \right)^{1/2}} $ (10)


1.5 土壤颜色差异比较



(2)根据相关研究[2-3],采用土壤Munsell色卡差异等级,拟定土壤Munsell颜色差异等级如表 1所示。为统一HV/C差异,1个ΔH单位为2.5个H计算值,即2.5YR计算值为12.5,5YR计算值为15,两者计算差值2.5就是1个ΔH单位。差异等级越小,即越“微弱”,方法间差异越小,测色仪测值越接近目测。

表 1 土壤Munsell颜色差异等级划分规则 Table 1 Rules for grading of difference in Munsell soil color
1.6 数据统计分析


2 结果 2.1 目测土壤Munsell颜色

目测土壤Munsell颜色统计参数见表 2,频率分布见图 2。H值范围为12.50~22.50,即在2.5YR至2.5Y,共计5个色调,主要集中于YR色调,其中以5YR、10YR出现频率最高,分别为33和30次,发生分类的紫色土18个剖面53个土样,风干、过筛后均不显示系统分类中紫色砂、页岩岩性特征要求的RP色调;V值范围为4.00~8.00,C值范围为2.00~6.00,跨度不大。结合频率分布(图 2)中土壤“明度/彩度”组合情况可以看出,5/3、5/4、6/4、7/4出现频率较高,表明供试土壤总体表现为明度较高,彩度较低。

表 2 目测土壤Munsell颜色 Table 2 Ocular estimation of Munsell soil color

图 2 目测土壤Munsell颜色频率分布 Fig. 2 Frequency distribution of Munsell soil color using the ocular estimation method
2.2 CM600d测定土壤Munsell颜色

CM600d测定土壤Munsell颜色统计参数如表 3所示。

表 3 CM600d测定土壤Munsell颜色实测与转化结果 Table 3 Measured Munsell soil color by CM600d and converted one



将CM600d实测值与目测值进行相关分析(图 3),结果表明,CM600d实测H、V、C值与目测值均在P < 0.01水平上相关,即呈极显著相关;CM600d实测H、V值与目测值决定系数R2均大于0.7,而C值R2小于0.4,偏小。综合1:1线,CM600d测定土壤色调总体上较目测偏黄,主要表现在10YR以下色调;明度偏暗,彩度较为一致,与统计参数分析结果一致。

图 3 目测与CM600d实测土壤Munsell颜色相关分析 Fig. 3 Correlation analysis of visual and measured Munsell soil color by CM600d

将CM600d实测HV/C值与用XYZ转化的HV/C值进行相关分析(图 4),可以看出,转化值与实测值之间存在极显著相关关系,色系转化公式存在色调偏黄、明度偏暗、彩度偏低现象,与Rossel等[19]研究结果一致。

图 4 CM600d测定土壤Munsell颜色实测值与转化值相关分析 Fig. 4 Correlation analysis of measured and converted Munsell soil color by CM600d
2.3 Nix测定土壤Munsell颜色

Nix获取的XYZ值转化成HV/C值后,其统计参数如表 4。根据CM600d实测HV/C值与用XYZ转化的HV/C值的相关关系(图 4),再将转化的HV/C值进行校正,结果列于表 4

表 4 Nix测定土壤Munsell颜色校正前后结果 Table 4 Measurement of Munsell soil color by Nix before and after calibration

表 4可知,校正前,H值范围为16.40~24.76,极差较目测小1.64,平均值偏黄3.82,即1.53个色调,MSE、RMSE分别为17.17和4.14,色调整体偏离程度大。V值范围为3.91~6.82,极差较目测偏小1.09,平均值偏暗0.83,不足1个明度,与Rossel等[19]研究结果一致,MSE、RMSE分别为0.97和0.98,与目测值差异较小。C值范围为2.02~5.77,极差较目测偏小0.25,平均值偏小0.12,MSE、RMSE分别为0.56和0.75,与目测较一致。

将校正前Nix测定值与目测值进行相关分析(图 5a),结果表明,校正前Nix测定值与目测值呈极显著相关,H值决定系数R2为0.701 4,回归线在1:1线上方,表明Nix测定结果较目测偏黄;V值决定系数R2为0.706 5,回归线位于1:1线下方,表明Nix测定明度值较目测偏暗;C值R2偏低,为0.401 2,回归线与1:1线交叉,这是由Nix测定C值较目测值上下偏移造成的。综上,校正前Nix测定土壤Munsell颜色与目测差异较大。

图 5 目测与Nix测定土壤Munsell颜色校正前(a)后(b)相关分析 Fig. 5 Correlation analysis of Munsell soil color between visual and Nix before (a), after (b) calibration


校正后Nix测值与目测值的相关分析(图 5b)可发现,校正后,H值回归线向下移动,更接近1:1线,偏黄现象得到改善。V值回归线对比校正前向上移动,偏暗现象得到改善。C值回归线对比校正前向上移动,彩度更鲜明、丰富。R2校正前后变化不大,差值均小于0.01。


同时对比图 3~图 5可以看出,测色仪与目测土壤Munsell颜色之间决定系数R2均不高,C值最为突出,主要表现在横坐标点重合度高。由于使用色卡进行目测时,Munsell色卡色调均为2.5的整数倍,明度和彩度最小精度为0.5,使用测色仪时,其转化值、测定值最小精度达0.01,测色仪在测定土壤Munsell颜色时较目测精度更高。

2.4 土壤颜色差异等级

表 1所示土壤Munsell颜色差异等级划分规则可以看出,不同方式测定土壤Munsell颜色若差异等级为“微弱”,其限制性条件为方法间彩度必须满足“ΔC < 1.5”,而色调与明度要求方法间差距(ΔH与ΔV)允许在一定条件下大于1.5。因此,当色调、明度、彩度差值均满足小于1.5时,方法间差异等级一定为“微弱”。

统计方法间色调、明度、彩度单项差值小于1.5和同时满足3项差值小于1.5的数量,如表 5所示。可以看出,以目测值为参照,CM600d转化值与Nix未校正值的4项指标分别为67.01%、63.92%、94.85%、38.14%和55.67%、90.72%、96.91%、49.48%,表明2种测色仪使用色系转化公式测定色调均与目测差异较大,满足条件“ΔH < 1.5”的数量仅为67.01%和55.67%,与Rossel等[19]研究结果一致。

表 5 不同方式测定土壤Munsell颜色差异数量 Table 5 Difference between the methods in measured Munsell soil color

采用实测值,或校正后,CM600d、Nix对比目测4项指标的数量分别增加28.87%、22.99%、2.06%、44.33%和40.21%、8.25%、-9.28%、32.99%,CM600d实测值较转化值更接近目测,Nix经校正,除“ΔC < 1.5”数量略有下降,其余指标较校正前更接近目测。

对比CM600d实测值与Nix校正值可知,2种测色仪与目测满足“ΔH < 1.5”数量均为95.88%,CM600d满足“ΔV < 1.5”数量较Nix校正值少12.06%,满足“ΔC < 1.5”数量较Nix校正值多9.28%,满足“ΔHV/C < 1.5”数量均为82.47%。

利用表 1所示土壤Munsell颜色差异等级,对不同方法测定的97个土样HV/C值进行对比并划分差异等级如表 6所示。使用色系转化2测色仪与目测差异等级为“微弱”“明显”“强烈”的数量分别为39.18%、56.70%、4.12%和64.95%、26.80%、8.25%,未校正前,2种测色仪测定土壤Munsell颜色与目测差异较大。

表 6 不同方式间测定土壤Munsell颜色差异等级 Table 6 Grading of differences between the methods in measured Munsell soil color




3 讨论

土壤颜色是土壤理化性质的集中体现,是土壤系统分类一项重要指标。土壤系统分类判别土壤颜色目前主要采用Munsell色空间下的土壤色卡,采用目视判别[20]。随土壤颜色与土壤理化性质之间的深入研究发现,采用Munsell色卡目测存在较大主观性,且为定性结果,难区别细微色差,数学分析较难[21]。实验中发现采用Munsell色卡目测较测色仪精度更低,主要表现在图 3图 5中横坐标点重合度高,沈星诚等[22]利用色卡目测和测色仪对“日本红枫”叶片色彩进行测定,结果也表明色卡精度较测色仪更低。采用测色仪对土壤颜色进行判别,能避免目测判别中的主观误差,利用测色仪内置标准光源等设置减少环境造成的客观误差。目前土壤颜色描述以HV/C色度指标为主,应用则多为L*、a*、b*[23-25]等色度指标,采用能获取多种色空间、色度指标的测色仪,更利于提升研究土壤颜色的数据种类、数量。


测色仪逐渐应用于土壤Munsell颜色测定,各类测色仪之间虽存在一定差距,但均能与目测保持较好的一致性。Islam等[9]使用Cary 5 000紫外-可见-近红外分光光度计中可见光波段测定土壤Munsell颜色,其测定结果与目测值决定系数R2均保持在0.84以上,具有良好相关关系。Stiglitz等[12]对比了Nix与CR400色彩色差计,表明2种测色仪均能较好测定土壤Munsell颜色,且价格较低的Nix在测定干、润2种状态土壤均优于CR400。实验选用Nix和CM600d与目测进行比较,结果表明,CM600d与目测差异在“微弱”等级的数量保持在90%以上,Nix略少,但也能保持在84%以上,且Nix测定土壤Munsell颜色明度优于CM600d。综合两者价格,CM600d售价在人民币10万左右,Nix官方售价为349美元(人民币2 300元左右),土壤Munsell色卡价格在人民币4 000元左右,因此,选用Nix辅助土壤颜色测定,有助于降低工作强度,增加数据精度;若对光谱数据要求更高,且对光源、色空间多样性等有更多要求,价格较高、功能更丰富的分光测色计CM600d更能满足研究需求。

4 结论


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Comparison between Colorimeter and New Standard Soil Colour Chart of China in Determining Munsell Color of Soils——A Case Study of Central Sichuan Hilly Region
CHEN Jianke , YUAN Dagang , YAN Zhaomin , Lü Yang , WENG Qian , FU Hongyang , ZHANG Chu , WANG Changquan , ZHANG Jingsheng     
College of Resources, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China
Abstract: 【Objective】 Soil color is a reflectance spectra characteristic of the soil in the visible light band and also a kind of visual perception. The Munsell color chart is a traditional tool to determine Munsell color of soils, however, soil color determination by color charts may be subjective due to the impacts of human subjective consciousness and environmental conditions. With advancement of the optical technology, numerous instruments have been developed one by one for determining soil colors, such as spectrographs, digital cameras, and even more convenient mobile phones that can all be used to determine soil colors. However, spectrometers are often quite expensive and bulky, and digital cameras and mobile phones are not so easy to get calibrated. So portable colorimeters pop up as a new type of tool that has the advantages of being small in size, easy to carry, and moderate in price. The use of colorimeters to determine soil colors helps to avoid subjective factors and some objective environmental factors, and hence improves work efficiency. The object of this study is to compare the New Standard Soil Colour Charts with two types of portable colorimeters in determining Munsell color of soils, in an attempt to find out differences between them and select a superior one for determination of Munsell color of soils.【Method】 A total of 97 soil samples of 27 soil series were collected in the Central Sichuan hilly region, for determination of Munsell color after they were purged of plant and animal residues, air-dried, ground to pass a sieve, and mixed to get homogenized, separately. Each sample under went three treatments, that is, determination of Munsell soil color, with the New Standard Soil Colour Charts, Nix and CM600d, separately. The data of hue, value and chroma of soil Munsell color could be achieved directly via ocular estimation of the sample against the New Standard Soil Colour Charts, the use of CM600d, and the use of the color conversion formula to process the CIE XYZ data obtained with NIX. Then with the help of statistical parameters and rules for grading differences in Munsell soil color, comparison was done of the data obtained with the three different methods.【Result】 The hue of the air-dried soil in Central Sichuan hilly area lingered mainly in YR, with 5YR and 10YR appearing the most frequently, or 33 and 30 times, respectively. The soil classified as purple soil in the Chinese Soil Genetic Classification System, after being air-dried, did not show any hue of RP, and lingered in the range of 4~8 in value and in the range of 2~6 in chroma, with "value/chroma" ratio being 5/3, 5/4, 6/4 and 7/4, the most frequently, indicating that the soils tested were quite high in value, but low in chroma. With the result of the ocular estimation method as reference for comparison, the Munsell soil color obtained with the colorimeter method tended to be yellowish and agreeable value and chroma. The RMSE of hue, value and chroma measured with the CM600d was 1.74, 0.98 and 0.97 unit, respectively, and that with the NIX was 2.04, 0.57 and 0.88 unit, respectively. The difference between the ocular estimation method and the colorimeter methods in Munsell soil color could be graded into"Faint", "Distinct"and "Prominent", which was 90.72%, 8.25% and 1.03%, respectively, for CM600d and 84.54%, 14.43% and 1.03%, respectively for NIX.【Conclusion】 The two kinds of colorimeters are useful to help researchers measure Munsell soil color, and improve accuracy of the measurement, too. The Nix method is closer to the ocular estimation method in measuring value of the Munsell soil color and moreover superior in price.
Key words: Munsell color of soils    Color charts    Colorimeter    Color system conversion    
图 1 土壤样点分布图 Fig. 1 Distribution of soil sampling sites
表 1 土壤Munsell颜色差异等级划分规则 Table 1 Rules for grading of difference in Munsell soil color
表 2 目测土壤Munsell颜色 Table 2 Ocular estimation of Munsell soil color
图 2 目测土壤Munsell颜色频率分布 Fig. 2 Frequency distribution of Munsell soil color using the ocular estimation method
表 3 CM600d测定土壤Munsell颜色实测与转化结果 Table 3 Measured Munsell soil color by CM600d and converted one
图 3 目测与CM600d实测土壤Munsell颜色相关分析 Fig. 3 Correlation analysis of visual and measured Munsell soil color by CM600d
图 4 CM600d测定土壤Munsell颜色实测值与转化值相关分析 Fig. 4 Correlation analysis of measured and converted Munsell soil color by CM600d
表 4 Nix测定土壤Munsell颜色校正前后结果 Table 4 Measurement of Munsell soil color by Nix before and after calibration
图 5 目测与Nix测定土壤Munsell颜色校正前(a)后(b)相关分析 Fig. 5 Correlation analysis of Munsell soil color between visual and Nix before (a), after (b) calibration
表 5 不同方式测定土壤Munsell颜色差异数量 Table 5 Difference between the methods in measured Munsell soil color
表 6 不同方式间测定土壤Munsell颜色差异等级 Table 6 Grading of differences between the methods in measured Munsell soil color
陈剑科 , 袁大刚 , 晏昭敏 , 吕扬 , 翁倩 , 付宏阳 , 张楚 , 王昌全 , 张敬昇