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  土壤学报  2019, Vol. 56 Issue (2): 276-287  DOI: 10.11766/trxb201806070306


朱濛, 骆永明, 杨如意, 等. 土壤—水环境中二苯砷酸污染及其修复研究进展. 土壤学报, 2019, 56(2): 276-287.
ZHU Meng, LUO Yongming, YANG Ruyi, et al. Progress in Researches on Diphenylarsinic Acid Pollution of Soil-water Environment and Its Remediation. Acta Pedologica Sinica, 2019, 56(2): 276-287.



通讯作者Corresponding author

骆永明, E-mail:ymluo@yic.ac.cn


朱濛(1991—),女,安徽桐城人,博士研究生,讲师,主要从事土壤有机金属的生物化学行为与修复研究工作。E-mail: mzhu@ahnu.edu.cn
朱濛1,4 , 骆永明2,3 , 杨如意1,4 , 周守标1,4     
1. 安徽师范大学环境科学与工程学院,安徽芜湖 241002;
2. 中国科学院土壤环境与污染修复重点实验室(南京土壤研究所),南京 210008;
3. 中国科学院环境过程与生态修复重点实验室(烟台海岸带研究所),山东烟台 264003;
4. 安徽省水土污染治理与修复工程实验室,安徽芜湖 241002
摘要:化学武器残留的二苯砷酸(Diphenylarsinic acid,DPAA)引起的土壤—水环境砷污染事件近年来受到广泛关注。国内外学者对土壤—水环境中DPAA的分析方法、污染状况、迁移转化和修复技术等的研究已取得一定进展。鉴于DPAA污染问题的严峻性和污染修复的迫切性,本文通过系统调研并结合笔者的研究工作,综述了土壤-水环境中DPAA分析方法、来源及污染状况的研究进展,探讨了DPAA吸附/解吸、迁移、转化过程及其关键影响因素和作用机制,阐述了对其污染的物理/化学、生物学修复机理研究;认为建立DPAA污染数据库,开展宏观及微观尺度上DPAA环境行为特征的研究,并系统构建DPAA污染的修复技术方法体系将是该领域今后研究的重点。同时,展望了未来的研究方向,旨在为促进土壤-水环境中DPAA污染及其修复的深入研究、有效降低DPAA的环境健康风险提供理论参考。
关键词二苯砷酸    土壤-水环境污染    提取检测    吸附/解吸    迁移转化    物化/生物修复    

在20世纪一战和二战期间,二苯氰砷(Diphenylcyanoarsine,DA)和二苯氯砷(Diphenylchloroarsine,DC)等含砷化学武器被大量生产,并在战争中作为呕吐剂和糜烂剂使用。战后,这些遗弃的化学武器通常仅采用土地填埋和海洋倾倒的方式进行处置,因而填埋和倾倒场所周边的土壤-水环境很容易受到化学武器中砷的污染。目前,已在日本[1]、德国[2]和中国[3]多处化学武器埋藏区检测到DA、DC、二苯砷酸(Diphenylarsinic acid,DPAA)和苯砷酸(Phenylarsonic acid,PAA)等苯砷酸类化合物。其中,DPAA是DA和DC在环境中经水解、氧化后生成的一种结构稳定的化合物[4]。由于DPAA检出率高、存留时间长,且具有很大的细胞毒性与基因毒性[5],目前有关化学武器残留的苯砷酸类化合物污染的研究大多聚焦于DPAA。尤其是2002年日本发生一起生活饮用水DPAA中毒事件,更促使研究人员将目光转向这种化合物。



1 土壤—水环境中二苯砷酸的分析方法


1.1 土壤中二苯砷酸高效提取剂的筛选



1.2 二苯砷酸的测定方法



与GC相比,HPLC方法在DPAA检测中的应用更为广泛。Witkiewicz等[23]综述过化学武器残留的苯砷酸类化合物的HPLC检测方法。本文仅列出针对DPAA等常见苯砷酸类化合物的HPLC分析方法及其测定参数(表 1)。其中,HPLC-ICP-MS是目前检测土壤[13]、地下水[24-26]中DPAA最常用的方法。与HPLC-ICP-MS相比,HPLC-MS/MS还能同时对DPAA的降解产物进行定性分析,因而近年来在DPAA相关研究中的应用逐渐增多。但HPLC-MS/MS方法普遍存在基质效应,严重降低了测定的准确度。最近,笔者首次通过提取剂的筛选降低了土壤DPAA在HPLC-MS/MS分析中的基质效应[16],填补了已报道的DPAA分析方法未对基质效应进行系统评估的不足之处。总体而言,目前土壤-水环境中DPAA的检测尚无统一、规范性的方法,这给科学研究和实际工作带来了诸多不便。

表 1 化学武器残留的苯砷酸类化合物的HPLC-MS/MS分析方法及其测定参数 Table 1 HPLC-MS/MS analytical method and determined parameters of phenylarsinic compounds hung over from chemical weapons
2 土壤—水环境中二苯砷酸的来源及污染现状 2.1 二苯砷酸污染的来源


2.2 二苯砷酸污染的浓度水平

DPAA污染的研究区域主要集中在我国东北、日本南部及东南部地区。表 2归纳了化学武器埋藏区土壤[2-3, 9, 13, 17, 19, 31-32]、地下水[1, 13-14, 25, 28, 33-35]和沉积物[36-37]中DPAA及总砷的浓度范围。总体上,与化学武器接触的土壤总砷含量往往严重超标,达到几十甚至上千mg·kg-1。在土壤DPAA污染浓度的调研上,目前相关数据较少,这在很大程度上是由于化学武器掩埋点位于地下,增加了污染调查的难度。在地下水DPAA污染浓度的调研上,日本在2002年后陆续开展了较多工作,但至今仍未查到国内有相关方面的报道。此外,化学武器经海洋倾倒处理后造成的沉积物砷污染问题逐渐引起了广泛关注[38]。目前相关的调查工作主要关注总砷浓度,仅少数文献报道了DPAA的污染浓度。

表 2 化学武器埋藏区环境样品中DPAA及总砷的浓度范围 Table 2 Range of concentrations of diphenylarsinic acid and total arsenic in environmental samples taken from chemical weapon dumping areas
3 土壤—水环境中二苯砷酸的环境行为 3.1 二苯砷酸在土壤中的吸附/解吸及其影响因素


氧化物和有机质也是影响土壤中DPAA吸附的重要因素。Maejima[41]和Wang[39]等的研究均表明,铁/铝氧化物含量高的土壤对DPAA的吸附能力更强。去除有机质反而增强了土壤对DPAA的吸附,这可能与去除有机质暴露了氧化物和硅酸盐矿物的吸附位点有关[41]。此外,Zhu等[42]发现外源添加乳酸钠显著促进了土壤中DPAA的解吸,推测可能与乳酸钠的竞争吸附或掩蔽氧化物表面的吸附位点有关。以上研究表明,DPAA在土壤中的吸附主要受氧化物的配位交换作用而非有机质的疏水作用控制,这与无机砷[43]、洛克沙胂[44]和阿散酸[45]的吸附机制类似。最近,Tanaka等[46]采用扩展X射线吸收精细结构光谱(Extended X-ray absorption fine structure,EXAFS)技术鉴定出DPAA在水铁矿上的吸附结构为内圈层双齿双核和单齿单核。虽然DPAA在土壤中的吸附主要以牢固的专性吸附为主,但与前人报道的无机砷的吸附量[47]相比,DPAA的吸附量明显降低。这很可能与苯环取代基增加了DPAA分子的疏水性和空间位阻,进而影响了砷酸根与羟基基团的配位交换作用有关。类似现象也发生在甲基砷的吸附过程中[48]


3.2 二苯砷酸在土壤中的迁移及其影响因素


3.3 二苯砷酸在土壤中的转化及其影响因素


硫化是淹水土壤中DPAA的另一个重要转化途径。Nakamiya等[33]在污染地下水中检测到DPAA的硫化产物,包括二苯基硫代砷酸(Diphenylthioarsinic acid,DPTAA)和甲基化二苯基硫代砷酸(Methylphenyldithioarsinic acid,MPDTAA)。近来,日本Naoki Harada课题组开展了一系列有关DPAA硫化的研究。Guan等[14]的研究发现,向淹水土壤中添加碳源和硫酸盐显著促进了DPAA转化。Hisatomi等[15]进一步鉴定出DPAA的转化产物为DPTAA。从上述土壤中分离得到的硫酸盐还原菌Desulfovibrio aerotolerans JCM 12613在溶液中能够直接介导DPAA的硫化[51]。Zhu等[42]还考察了DPAA释放对其硫化的影响,发现碳/铁循环通过促进黑土中DPAA的释放进而促进其硫化。该研究首次揭示了碳铁硫耦合作用下土壤中DPAA的结合/释放与硫化过程,说明碳铁硫循环是影响土壤-水环境中DPAA转化的关键因素,具体可能产生的影响见图 1。总体而言,虽然厌氧微生物显著促进了DPAA发生脱苯环、甲基化或硫化,但仅依靠土著微生物破坏DPAA的As-C键并释放出无机砷仍比较困难。

图 1 碳-铁-硫耦合作用下土壤中DPAA形态转化与分配过程的示意图 Fig. 1 Schematic diagram for morphological transformation and partitioningof DPAA under the coupling effects of carbon, iron and sulfur
4 土壤—水环境中二苯砷酸污染的修复


4.1 物理/化学修复


光化学氧化也能达到消除DPAA的目的,这方面的研究近年来开展的较多。Wang等[54]的研究表明,纯水中的DPAA经紫外光照射全部发生了光降解,最终生成小分子有机物、砷酸盐和亚砷酸盐,加入纳米TiO2光催化剂还能避免生成毒性较高的亚砷酸盐[55]。TiO2光催化同样能有效去除土壤中的DPAA。王阿楠和骆永明[10]的研究显示,原位施用TiO2光催化剂时,对DPAA的光催化能力受限于土层厚度和土壤含水量,采用异位泥浆法则显著提高了DPAA降解率(> 57.0%),且降解终产物为无机砷[56]。上述结果提示,利用(光)化学氧化法将DPAA降解为无机砷和植物超富集无机砷同时进行,理论上能够彻底去除土壤-水环境中的DPAA,这为DPAA污染的(光)化学-植物联合修复提供了新思路。

4.2 生物修复



5 研究展望






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Progress in Researches on Diphenylarsinic Acid Pollution of Soil-water Environment and Its Remediation
ZHU Meng1,4 , LUO Yongming2,3 , YANG Ruyi1,4 , ZHOU Shoubiao1,4     
1. College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, Anhui 241002, China;
2. Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China;
3. Key Laboratory of Coastal Environmental Processes and Ecological Remediation, Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai, Shandong 264003, China;
4. Anhui Provincial Engineering Laboratory of Water and Soil Pollution Control and Remediation, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, Anhui 241002, China
Abstract: Chemical warfare agents containing organoarsenic compounds such as Clark Ⅰ (diphenylcyanoarsine) and Clark Ⅱ (diphenylchloroarsine)were widely produced and used during World Wars Ⅰ and Ⅱ. After the wars, remains of these agentswere simply dumped into the sea or buried underground, thus inevitably polluting the soil-water environments of the sits where they were disposed with the arsenic contained in the chemical weapons. In the environment, these abandoned chemical agents are easily hydrolyzed and oxidized into diphenylarsinic acid (DPAA), rather stable in structure, and other organoarsenic compounds. So far, DPAA has been detected in quite a number of the areas where these chemical weapons were dumped. The detection has aroused extensive concerns because the presence of DPAA may bring about environmental and health risks. Scholars both at home and abroad have already begun doing some researches, trying to find ways to analyze DPAA in the soil and water environments, determine their status and behaviors and remedy the polluted environments. However, few have done any to summarize systematically progresses in the research. In this paper, a review is presented to introduce some high-effect inorganic and organic extractants and GC as well as LC analytical methods for DPAA in the soil, and sources and status of the pollutant in the soil-water environments. Generally speaking, the DPAA contaminated areas are located mainly in Northeast China, and South and Southeast Japan. Especially in the chemical weapons dumping sites, the concentration of total arsenicis far beyond the criteria for safety. At the same time, the paper also discusses how DPAA is adsorbed/desorbed, translocated and transformed in the soil-water environment, what are the factors affecting the processes and what are the mechanisms. Studies in the past reported that the adsorption/desorption of DPAA in soil was controlled by a variety of factors, including pH, inorganic ions, Fe/Al oxides, organic matter, redox potential (Eh), etc. and adsorption of the substance was completed via ligand exchange reactions between hydroxyl groups of Fe/Al oxides and arsenate of DPAA, rather than the hydrophilic effect of organic matter; the effective transformation of DPAA in the soil occurred under flooded anaerobic conditions, and under sulfate-reducing conditions, in particular; and iron reduction and sulfate reduction were the two key factors controlling desorption and transformation of DPAA. In the end, the paper elaborates the physical, chemical and biological technologies available for remediation of DPAA contaminated soil-water environments, and their remediation efficiency, controlling factors and mechanisms as well. In terms of physic-chemical remediation, application of activated carbon, Fenton and Fenton-like oxidation and photochemical degradation has been demonstrated to be able to effectively remove DPAA in soil-water environments. In terms of bioremediation, certain progresses have been made, like screening of highly efficient DPAA degrading bacteria, unfolding microbial remediation and combined microbial-phyto remediationand previewing directions of the future researches. The paper holds that all the relevant research findings will serve as the oretical reference for future in-depth studies on DPAA pollution of soil-water environments, remediation of DPAA polluted environments, and protection of environmental quality and human health from DPAA pollution. For further researches, emphases should be laid on the following aspects: (1) To perfect quality assurance and quality control system for DPAA analytical methods, with focus on development of standard alternatives, purgation of internal standards and markers; (2) To launch investigations on scope and extent of DPAA contamination, while taking into the consideration of geographical locations, soil types and land-use patterns of the chemical weapon burial sites; (3) To explore forms of DPAA bonding with soil colloids, clay minerals and oxides in the soil and molecular binding mechanisms, and elucidate the mechanisms responsible for adsorption/desorption, translocation and transformation of DPAA inmulti-media environment and at microscopic interfaces; (4) To explore for developing new remediation materials, intensify researches on physic-chemical-phyto combined remediation and continue to screen out highly efficient DPAA degrading bacteria and probe mechanisms of their effectiveness at molecular as well as genetic levels, while integrating genetic engineering, molecular biology with phytoremediation technologies, so as to eventually establish a bioremediation technical system applicable to DPAA contaminated media different in type and condition.
Key words: Diphenylarsinic acid (DPAA)    Soil-water environmental pollution    Extraction and determination    Adsorption/desorption    Translocation and transformation    Physico-chemico/bio-remediation    
表 1 化学武器残留的苯砷酸类化合物的HPLC-MS/MS分析方法及其测定参数 Table 1 HPLC-MS/MS analytical method and determined parameters of phenylarsinic compounds hung over from chemical weapons
表 2 化学武器埋藏区环境样品中DPAA及总砷的浓度范围 Table 2 Range of concentrations of diphenylarsinic acid and total arsenic in environmental samples taken from chemical weapon dumping areas
图 1 碳-铁-硫耦合作用下土壤中DPAA形态转化与分配过程的示意图 Fig. 1 Schematic diagram for morphological transformation and partitioningof DPAA under the coupling effects of carbon, iron and sulfur
朱濛 , 骆永明 , 杨如意 , 周守标