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  土壤学报  2019, Vol. 56 Issue (5): 1235-1246  DOI: 10.11766/trxb201810290494


张红霞, 张舒雅, 张玉涛, 等. 山药根际土壤微生物16S rRNA多样性及影响因素. 土壤学报, 2019, 56(5): 1235-1246.
ZHANG Hongxia, ZHANG Shuya, ZHANG Yutao, et al. Genetic 16S rRNA Diversity of Soil Microbes in Rhizosphere of Chinese Yam and Its Influencing Factors. Acta Pedologica Sinica, 2019, 56(5): 1235-1246.




山药根际土壤微生物16S rRNA多样性及影响因素
张红霞1,2 , 张舒雅1 , 张玉涛1,2 , 张天缘3     
1. 安顺学院化学化工学院,贵州安顺 561000;
2. 安顺学院/贵州省科技厅土壤污染控制与修复工程技术中心,贵州安顺 561000;
3. 武汉贝纳科技服务有限公司,湖北武汉 430070
摘要:通过采集山药连作2年的植株根际土壤及根茎,采用高通量测序技术研究根际土壤细菌多样性,分析7个样本中菌群的组成、丰度、α多样性、β多样性、菌群差异性。采用典型相关分析(Canonical Correlation Analysis, CCA)分析优势菌群与土壤化学因子、根茎糖类物质的关系,探讨根际土壤中细菌群落与土壤化学指标、根茎糖类物质的相关性。结果表明:山药根际土壤细菌优势群落为变形菌、绿弯菌、酸杆菌、放线菌;土壤pH是影响细菌群落结构及分布的重要因子;酸杆菌和硝化螺旋菌与土壤中蔗糖酶、脲酶活性及总有机碳、碱解氮呈正相关,奇古菌和绿弯菌与土壤总有机碳、碱解氮呈正相关,土壤中碳、氮养分又与山药根茎中可溶性糖、粗多糖及淀粉呈正相关关系,说明这些微生态环境因子可能对山药根茎糖类物质积累有促进作用。
关键词山药    根际土壤    细菌群落    多样性    相关性    

山药(Dioscorea opposita)为薯蓣科多年生草质藤本植物,其地下根茎为主要利用器官,是我国传统的药食同源植物。现代药理研究表明,山药具有抗衰老、调节免疫、抗肿瘤、降血糖等作用,其主要化学成分有多糖、尿囊素、皂甙等[1]。我国栽培山药历史悠久,由于栽培的地域环境条件不同和人工选择的原因,形成了各具特色的地方品种。贵州安顺山药因口感软糯,富含蛋白质、多糖等成为大众喜爱的品种之一。土壤生态环境因子、养分状况是影响植物生长及品质形成的主要因素,随着人们对土壤微生物生态因子重要性认识的不断深入,将土壤微生物学特性作为评价土壤质量和健康程度的相应指标已广受关注,其结果可用于指导生产实践[2]。陆地生态系统中的土壤微生物群落多样性受到土壤养分的显著影响[3]。研究表明,山药连作会破坏土壤耕层微生物种群结构,抑制土壤酶活性,可能导致山药连作障碍[4]。随着山药种植规模的扩大,为保证其优良品质,推行规范化种植,开展了大量栽培管理措施、施肥及土传病害防治方面的研究,然而结合土壤微生物群落结构及其多样性,分析其与土壤化学性质、根茎营养成分关系方面的研究鲜有报道。高通量测序技术具有可全面、准确获得微生物群落结构信息的特点,已被广泛应用于微生物研究中[5-7]。本研究采用高通量测序技术,通过提取不同环境土壤样品的DNA,选择合适的通用引物扩增16S的目标区域,检测目标区域的序列变异和丰度,分析环境中细菌群落结构及其多样性,结合根际土壤养分状况及部分酶活性的检测,研究山药根际土壤中细菌群落特征与土壤养分、根茎糖类含量的关系,阐明影响山药根茎中营养物质累积的重要土壤生态因子,对于研究山药种植专用生物肥料及其种植土壤环境评价提供数据参考。

1 材料与方法 1.1 供试材料

前期对安顺4个山药种植区山药营养成分的分析发现,不同种植区的山药根茎在灰分、粗纤维和蛋白质的质量分数上有显著差异[8],因此本研究选取安顺市辖区内7个集中种植山药的村寨(表 1)采集样本,每个村寨选取连续种植山药2年的有代表性的5个地块作为样本(5个重复)。于2017年3月10日至30日期间整地并施基肥后,用薯蓣科薯蓣属植物山药(经安顺学院农学院沈昱翔副教授鉴定)芦头种植。于2017年10月3日至15日期间采集土壤样品及山药样品,每个地块按5点取样法,将山药根茎采挖出后,抖落根茎上附着的土壤作为根际土壤,混匀后储存于无菌自封袋中,按表 1编号后低温运输,-20℃冰箱保存。土壤均为黄棕壤。

表 1 研究样本基本情况 Table 1 Basic information of the experiment plots of the study
1.2 16S rRNA基因扩增、文库构建及测序


以提取的总DNA为模板,采用16SrDNA V3-V4区引物(上海生工生物工程技术服务有限公司):338F:(5′-ACTCCTACGGGAGGCAGCAG-3′),806R:(5′-GGACTACHVGGGTWTCTAAT-3′)进行PCR扩增(上海精宏实验设备有限公司)。PCR反应条件:94℃预变性4 min,94℃变性30 s,55℃退火30 s,72℃延伸45 s,35个循环,最后72℃延伸10 min。PCR产物采用琼脂糖凝胶DNA回收试剂盒(TIANGEN)回收目的条带,使用Qubit荧光定量系统对回收产物进行检测定量,等量混合不同样品PCR回收产物,构建高通量测序文库,IlluminaHiseq 2500上机测序。

1.3 根际土壤生态指标及根茎糖类指标检测



山药根茎糖类指标检测:可溶性糖、淀粉含量测定[11]采用硫酸蒽酮法和高氯酸法;粗多糖测定[12]采用85%乙醇除去低聚糖、单糖、双糖等,用95℃水浴水提后硫酸蒽酮显色,于620 nm波长下比色法测定;粗蛋白含量测定采用GB/T5009.5-2010中的分光光度法。

1.4 数据处理

样品经IlluminaHiseq 2500测序进行PE250双端测序后,对获得的原始测序序列进行过滤和质控,通过质量分值衡量测序序列的质量和拼接效果,选取长度大于100bp,平均质量分值> 20,拼接序列重叠区域错配率小于20%的序列作为有效序列,进行下游分析。以97%水平的SILVA数据库为参考,计算OTUs的丰度。


采用Vegan软件进行典型相关分析(Canonical Correlation Analysis, CCA)。使用R软件做环境因子与物种丰度的相关性分析。

2 结果 2.1 根际土壤生态特性与根茎营养成分含量

表 2可见,7个样本土壤偏酸性,且其养分含量及酶活性均有显著差异。表 3可见,7个样本的山药根茎中4种营养成分含量也呈现一定差异。对根际土壤的化学性质与山药根茎中营养成分相关性的分析(表略)可知,碱解氮与有机质呈极显著正相关(相关系数为0.877),过氧化氢酶与有效磷呈显著正相关(相关系数为0.811),山药根茎中粗多糖与根际土壤的有机质呈显著正相关(相关系数为0.770),可溶性糖与土壤有机质、全氮及碱解氮含量呈极正显著相关或显著正相关(相关系数分别为0.942、0.810、0.790),上述结果说明土壤碳、氮养分能够促进山药根茎中糖的积累。

表 2 山药根际土壤生态特性 Table 2 Ecological characteristic of the rhizosphere soil of Chinese yam

表 3 山药根茎中营养成分含量 Table 3 Nutrient contents in rhizome of Chinese yam /(g·100g-1)
2.2 物种相对丰度统计

高通量测序数据经过滤、质控后,对7个样本随机抽取的有效序列所对应的稀释曲线分析,结果表明深度测序已接近饱和,可用于后续分析。在97%相似水平下的OTU进行生物信息统计分析。图 1显示了“门”水平的物种相对丰度。从统计结果可知,相对丰度大于1%的菌群有9个,分别为变形菌门(31.0%)、绿弯菌门(22.8%)、酸杆菌门(22.7%)、放线菌门(8.6%)、拟杆菌门(4.3%)、厚壁菌门(3.1%)、奇古菌门(1.5%)、芽单胞菌门(1.3%)和硝化螺旋菌门(1.1%)。从数据分析结果可见,变形菌,绿弯菌和酸杆菌、放线菌是优势种群(相对丰度 > 5%),它们的相对丰度均大于5%,占了总序列的85.1%;此外还发现了相对丰度小于1%的其他44个稀有门类,但分布不均匀,仅在部分样本中发现。在“属”水平上进行分析,7个样本中均发现慢生根瘤菌属(1.4%),5个样本(S2, S3, S5, S6, S7)发现假单胞菌属(0.4%)。从结构来看,表现为7个样本共有大多数相同的细菌群落,但也存在一定差异。已有研究表明土壤pH、有机碳和全氮是土壤细菌群落结构和多样性的主导因子[13],据此分析认为本研究7个样本的细菌群落结构存在差异的原因可能与土壤理化性质有关。

图 1 各样本在门水平的物种相对丰度条形图 Fig. 1 Relative abundances of the species of bactera in the samples at the phylum level in bar chart
2.3 α多样性指数与β多样性聚类

香农指数反映物种丰富度和均度的影响,用于说明微生物群落分布的均匀度,其数值大小主要衡量非均衡分布状况。Chao1指数仅简单指群落中物种的多样性,不考虑丰度情况。对表 4的两种多样性指数进行比较,结果表明S5、S6、S7这3个样本的细菌群落物种丰度、多样性和均度比较接近;S1、S2和S4样本的在一个水平;而S3样本的菌群丰度、多样性与均度与其余样本比较处于中间。从细菌群落多样性指数上可将7个样本分为3个类别。经相关性分析发现,香农指数与Chao1指数和土壤磷酸酶活性为显著相关(相关系数分别为-0.644**和-0.506*),说明在山药根际土壤中细菌群落的多样性对磷酸酶活性有较大影响。

表 4 α多样性指数统计 Table 4 Statistics of α diversity indices

在β多样性研究中,PCoA(Principal coordinate analysis)是基于UniFrace的主坐标分析,可直观显示不同样品中微生物进化上的相似性或差异性。图 2显示了在菌群β多样性中各样本的特征贡献值,其中S5、S6、S7样本的菌群多样性占71.44%,为菌群多样性的主要贡献者,与α多样性分析结果相互印证。

图 2 样本主坐标分析 Fig. 2 Sample principal coordinate analysis
2.4 菌群丰度统计

采用LEfSe分析检测不同组别中具有显著丰度差异特征的菌群。从图 3a可知,除平寨村(S2)外的6个样本在多个菌群丰度上存在显著差异,其中放线菌、绿弯菌、酸杆菌、变形菌分别在不同组别中起重要作用,说明这几个优势菌群对于土壤细菌群落结构产生重要影响。图 3b将7个细菌门在6个不同样本中的门、纲、目、科、属水平的差异信息用饼形图表示,其中最大的变形菌门菌群类别较多(见图 3ba1~a9b0~b4),且差异明显;乐平村(S6)土壤中所含细菌群落种类较丰富,且与其他样本的差异明显,与多样性指数分析的结果一致。

注:a)为LDA分析结果,通过线性回归分析两个组别当中有显著作用的细菌类群。b)为6个样本中细菌群落由门至属(或种)的分类级别差异,右边图例为不同分类水平上菌群的名称。图中的每一个小圆圈代表该水平下的一个分类,从内到位的圈,分别是不同的分类水平的分类树,圆圈直径大小与相对丰度大小呈正比;不同的分组用不同的颜色区分,其中不同的颜色节点表示在相应颜色组别中起到重要作用的微生物类群,黄色节点表示的是在所有组中均没有起到重要作用的微生物类群  Note: a) shows results of LDA analysis, and bacterial groups with significant effects among the two plots through linear regression analysis. b) shows differences in classification level from phylum to genus (or species) in classification of soil bacteria in the six samples, and in the diagram on the right are listed names of bacterial groups at different classification levels. Each small circle in the figure represents a taxon at a set classification level. The concentric circles from inside to outside represent classification trees at different classification levels. Different groups are coloured differently, indicating that the microbial groups plays an important role in the group correspondingly colored, while yellow dots represent the microbial groups that do not play any important role in all the groups 图 3 菌群统计结果 Fig. 3 Statistics chart of microflora
2.5 环境因子、根茎糖类物质与土壤细菌物种分布的相关性


图 4a可见,土壤化学指标可聚为两类,其中pH与样本中细菌群落分布的相关性最大,且位于第Ⅲ、Ⅳ象限之间的轴上,与AP、AK、TOC、TN呈正相关,而与碱解氮呈负相关。

a),样本与理化指标相关分析CCA analysis of sample andphysico-chemical indices;b),细菌群落与理化指标、酶活性及根茎糖类含量相关性Correlations of bacteria community withphysico-chemical indices, enzyme activities, saccharide content in rhizome
注:图中箭头表示环境因子(或糖类物质),箭头连线的长度示某个环境因子与物种分布相关的大小,箭头越长,说明相关越大。环境因子与物种之间的夹脚为锐角时表示该物种与环境因子之间呈正相关,钝角时则呈负相关。箭头连线和物种的夹角(以中心的十字为角的顶点)代表某个环境因子与物种相关性大小,夹脚越小,相关性越高;反之越低。TOC表示总有机碳,AN表示碱解氮,AP表示有效磷,AK表示速效钾,CAT表示过氧化氢酶,Invertase表示蔗糖酶,Urease表示脲酶,Phosphatase表示磷酸酶,Solublesugar表示可溶性糖,Starch表示淀粉,Roughpolysaccharide表示粗多糖  Note:Arrows in the picture mean environmental factors, and length of the line with an arrow denotes extent of the correlation between environmental factors and bacterial species. The longer the arrow, the closer the relationship. The angle between environmental factors and bacterial species is acute, signifying positive relationship, otherwise, negative relationship. The angle between the line with an arrow and bacterial species (with the cross in the center being the vertex of the angle) suggests extent of the relationship. The sharper the angle, the closer the relationship, and the duller, the looser. TOC stands for total organic carbon, AN for alkalytic nitrogen, AP for available phosphorus, AK for available potassium, CAT for catalase, invertase for sucrase
图 4 山药根际土壤理化指标与样本及细菌群落CCA分析 Fig. 4 CCA analysis of soil physicochemical indexes and bacterial communities in yam rhizosphere

图 4b中优势菌群绿弯菌、奇古菌与TOC、AK、TN、AP和pH这5个环境因子呈正相关;而酸杆菌与pH、AP呈负相关,与TOC、AK呈正相关,进一步说明土壤pH因子是影响土壤细菌群落分布的主要环境驱动因子之一,且也是影响土壤养分状况的重要因子。碱解氮单独归为一类,位于第Ⅱ象限,与其他环境因子呈负相关,与硝化螺旋菌高度正相关,说明了土壤中硝化细菌在促进氮素同化的同时,可能对土壤中其他养分因子将会产生一定抑制作用。

几种土壤酶分别位于4个象限,相互之间的相关性表现不强(图 4b)。优势菌群奇古菌和绿弯菌与磷酸酶呈正相关关系;酸杆菌与蔗糖酶呈较高正相关关系,但与过氧化氢酶为负相关;硝化螺旋菌和放线菌与脲酶和过氧化氢酶均呈正相关关系,但又与磷酸酶和蔗糖酶呈负相关,说明土壤中几种酶活性对优势菌群有不同程度的影响,且这种影响比较复杂,这可能跟土壤酶活性的时空异质性[13]及菌群结构复杂性有关。

山药根茎中的3种糖类物质相互之间有一定相关关系,其中淀粉与可溶性糖、粗多糖为正相关,而粗多糖与可溶性糖为弱负相关,说明粗多糖的累积一方面随可溶性糖增加而增加,另一方面随着粗多糖的累积可能会抑制可溶性糖的积累。优势菌群中奇古菌和绿弯菌与淀粉正相关,并且这两种菌群与粗多糖为显著正相关(相关系数为0.54,P < 0.01);变形菌和硝化螺旋菌与可溶性糖为正相关,与粗多糖为负相关;酸杆菌与可溶性糖的夹角几乎呈180°,说明这个菌群与可溶性糖呈负相关关系。上述结果说明在山药根际土壤中的奇古菌和绿弯菌菌群利于多糖和淀粉的累积。

3 讨论





4 结论


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Genetic 16S rRNA Diversity of Soil Microbes in Rhizosphere of Chinese Yam and Its Influencing Factors
ZHANG Hongxia1,2 , ZHANG Shuya1 , ZHANG Yutao1,2 , ZHANG Tianyuan3     
1. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Anshun University, Anshun, Guizhou 561000, China;
2. Engineering Technology Center of Control and Remediation of Soil Contaminationof Provincial Science & Technology Bureau, Anshun University, Anshun, Guizhou 561000, China;
3. Wuhan Benagen Technology Solutions Company Limited, Wuhan 430070, China
Abstract: 【Objective】 Chinese yam (Dioscorea opposita) is a parannial herbal liane popular as vegetable in this country. Its tuber is consumed as both food and medicinal herb for its functions of anti-oxidation, anti-aging, immunity regulation, blood sugar reduction, etc. Soil ecoenvironmental factors and soil nutrient status are major factors affecting growth and quality of the plant. Soil microbes, in particular, participate in recycling of carbon, nitrogen and some other nutrient elements in the soil, flowing of energy, formation of soil humus, shaping and amelioration of soil structure. This study aims to explore relationships of the soil bacterial community in the rhizosphere of yam with soil nutrients and contents of saccharides in the tuber, and to elucidate major soil ecological factors affecting nutrient accumulation in yam tuber, in an attempt to provide certain reference for development of yam-specfic bio-manure and assessment of soil environment for cultivation of the plant.【Method】 Seven samples of rhizosphere soil and rhizomes of 2-year old Chinese yam plants were collected for analysis of composition, abundance, Alpha diversity, Beta diversity and bacteria diversity of soil microbes with the aid of the high-throughput sequencing technology, and for analysis of relationships dominant soil bacterial groups and soil microbial community in rhizosphere with soil chemical factors and saccharides in root with the canonical correlation analysis method.【Result】 Results show that Shannon and Chaol indices were significantly and negatively related to soil phosphatese activity; proteobacteria, chloroflexi, acidobacteria and actinobacteria were the dominant bacterial groups in the rhizosphere of Chinese yam; soil pH was an important factor affecting structure and distribution of the soil bacterial community; acidobacteria and nitrifying spirulina was related to sucrase and urease activities in soil; archaea and chloroflexi was positively related to soil organic carbon and nitrogen; soil carbon, nitrogen nutrient was positively related to soluble sugar, crude polysaccharides and starch in the root of yam. Chloroflexi and Thaumarchaeota, dominant soil bacterial groups were positively related to total organic carbon, total nitrogen, AK, AP and phosphatase activity in rhizosphere soil, and to content of starch and crude polysaccharide (spearman correlation index is 0.54, P < 0.01) in tuber, too, which indicate that the above-mentioned chemical properties plays important roles in growth of the plant; Acidobacteria was negatively related to soil pH, AP and catalase and positively to total organic carbon, AK and invertase activity in soil, and negatively related to crude polysaccharide in tuber, too; Nitrospirae and Actinobacteria was positively related to activity of urease and catalase, and negatively to phosphatase and sucrase; Proteobacteria and Nitrospirae was positively related to soluble sugar and negatively related to crude polysaccharide.【Conclusion】 All the findings demonstrate that the dominant bacterial groups in the rhizosphere of Chinese yam are proteobacteria, chlorobacteria, acidobacteria and actinomycetes; Soil pH is an important factor affecting structure of the soil bacterial community.Acidobacteri and nitrospira may improve carbon and nitrogen levels in the soil through stimulating the activity of sucrase and urease in soil; archaea and chlorobacteria promotes TOC and AN recycling in rhizosphere soil and increase TOC and AN nutrient supply in the soil, which in turn promotes accumulation of soluble sugar, crude polysaccharides and starch in rhizome of yam.
Key words: Chinese Yam    Rhizosphere soil    Bacterial community    Diversity    Correlation    
表 1 研究样本基本情况 Table 1 Basic information of the experiment plots of the study
表 2 山药根际土壤生态特性 Table 2 Ecological characteristic of the rhizosphere soil of Chinese yam
表 3 山药根茎中营养成分含量 Table 3 Nutrient contents in rhizome of Chinese yam /(g·100g-1)
图 1 各样本在门水平的物种相对丰度条形图 Fig. 1 Relative abundances of the species of bactera in the samples at the phylum level in bar chart
表 4 α多样性指数统计 Table 4 Statistics of α diversity indices
图 2 样本主坐标分析 Fig. 2 Sample principal coordinate analysis
注:a)为LDA分析结果,通过线性回归分析两个组别当中有显著作用的细菌类群。b)为6个样本中细菌群落由门至属(或种)的分类级别差异,右边图例为不同分类水平上菌群的名称。图中的每一个小圆圈代表该水平下的一个分类,从内到位的圈,分别是不同的分类水平的分类树,圆圈直径大小与相对丰度大小呈正比;不同的分组用不同的颜色区分,其中不同的颜色节点表示在相应颜色组别中起到重要作用的微生物类群,黄色节点表示的是在所有组中均没有起到重要作用的微生物类群  Note: a) shows results of LDA analysis, and bacterial groups with significant effects among the two plots through linear regression analysis. b) shows differences in classification level from phylum to genus (or species) in classification of soil bacteria in the six samples, and in the diagram on the right are listed names of bacterial groups at different classification levels. Each small circle in the figure represents a taxon at a set classification level. The concentric circles from inside to outside represent classification trees at different classification levels. Different groups are coloured differently, indicating that the microbial groups plays an important role in the group correspondingly colored, while yellow dots represent the microbial groups that do not play any important role in all the groups 图 3 菌群统计结果 Fig. 3 Statistics chart of microflora
a),样本与理化指标相关分析CCA analysis of sample andphysico-chemical indices;b),细菌群落与理化指标、酶活性及根茎糖类含量相关性Correlations of bacteria community withphysico-chemical indices, enzyme activities, saccharide content in rhizome
注:图中箭头表示环境因子(或糖类物质),箭头连线的长度示某个环境因子与物种分布相关的大小,箭头越长,说明相关越大。环境因子与物种之间的夹脚为锐角时表示该物种与环境因子之间呈正相关,钝角时则呈负相关。箭头连线和物种的夹角(以中心的十字为角的顶点)代表某个环境因子与物种相关性大小,夹脚越小,相关性越高;反之越低。TOC表示总有机碳,AN表示碱解氮,AP表示有效磷,AK表示速效钾,CAT表示过氧化氢酶,Invertase表示蔗糖酶,Urease表示脲酶,Phosphatase表示磷酸酶,Solublesugar表示可溶性糖,Starch表示淀粉,Roughpolysaccharide表示粗多糖  Note:Arrows in the picture mean environmental factors, and length of the line with an arrow denotes extent of the correlation between environmental factors and bacterial species. The longer the arrow, the closer the relationship. The angle between environmental factors and bacterial species is acute, signifying positive relationship, otherwise, negative relationship. The angle between the line with an arrow and bacterial species (with the cross in the center being the vertex of the angle) suggests extent of the relationship. The sharper the angle, the closer the relationship, and the duller, the looser. TOC stands for total organic carbon, AN for alkalytic nitrogen, AP for available phosphorus, AK for available potassium, CAT for catalase, invertase for sucrase
图 4 山药根际土壤理化指标与样本及细菌群落CCA分析 Fig. 4 CCA analysis of soil physicochemical indexes and bacterial communities in yam rhizosphere
山药根际土壤微生物16S rRNA多样性及影响因素
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