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  土壤学报  2021, Vol. 58 Issue (1): 259-268  DOI: 10.11766/trxb201911040281


程思远, 李欢, 梅慧玲, 等. 接种蚯蚓与添加有机物料对茶园土壤结构的影响. 土壤学报, 2021, 58(1): 259-268.
CHENG Siyuan, LI Huan, MEI Huiling, et al. Effects of Earthworms and Organic Materials on Soil Structure in Tea Plantation. Acta Pedologica Sinica, 2021, 58(1): 259-268.



通讯作者Corresponding author

黎星辉, E-mail:lxh@njau.edu.cn


程思远(1993-), 男, 江西上饶人, 硕士研究生, 主要从事茶树栽培与育种研究。E-mail:1584827029@qq.com
程思远1 , 李欢2 , 梅慧玲3 , 王炫清3 , 刘馨秋1 , 陈暄1 , 马青平1 , 黎星辉1     
1. 南京农业大学茶叶科学研究所, 南京 210095;
2. 江苏省农业科学院休闲农业研究所, 南京 210095;
3. 南京农业大学国家有机类肥料工程技术研究中心, 南京 210095
关键词蚯蚓    有机物料    矿物-有机复合体    同步辐射红外显微成像    
Effects of Earthworms and Organic Materials on Soil Structure in Tea Plantation
CHENG Siyuan1 , LI Huan2 , MEI Huiling3 , WANG Xuanqing3 , LIU Xinqiu1 , CHEN Xuan1 , MA Qingping1 , LI Xinghui1     
1. Tea Research Institute, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China;
2. Institute of Leisure Agriculture, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210095, China;
3. National Agricultural Fertilizer Engineering Technology Research Center, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China
Abstract: 【Objective】 Earthworms in the soil may help improve soil structure and fertility significantly through activities, like feeding, excreting, mucus secreting, excavating, etc. To explore the effects of earthworms as affected by application of organic materials of different kinds on the soil of a tea plantation, a pot experiment, designed to have five treatments, i.e.(ⅰ)no fertilizer input (CK), (ⅱ) earthworms only (BE), (ⅲ) rapeseed cake plus earthworms (CE), (ⅳ) tea tree pruning plus earthworms (JE), and (v) biochar plus earthworms (TE), was conducted with tea trees planted in each of the pots (30-cm in diameter and 35-cm in height).【Method】 Three months after the start of the experiment, soil samples were collected from each of the pots for analysis, after being air dried. Soil pH was measured using a pH meter; concentrations of soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) were quantified with a CN analyzer (Vario EL, Elementar GmbH); mineral-organic complex in soil microaggregates were characterized with the synchrotron radiation infrared micro-imaging method; intact particles (100~500 mm), varying in shape, were screened out with a 2-mm-sieve, frozen at -20℃, and then prepared with a cryomicrotome (Cyrotome E, Thermo Shandon Limited, UK) into thin sections (2 μm in thickness), which were eventually transferred into infrared-reflecting MirrIR Low-E microscope Slides (Kevley Technologies, Ohio, USA). Then distribution of SOCs of various forms and clay minerals (OH) was determined with the aid of Synchrotron radiation-based Fourier-transform infrared spectromicroscopy.【Result】 Results show that Treatment BE was higher than CK in content of soil total carbon in, but lower than in Treatment CE, JE and TE in content of total carbon, total nitrogen and organic matter; and Treatment TE group was the highest. Earthworm inoculation alone (Treatment CE) increased total carbon and organic matter content in the soil, and addition of organic materials (Treatment JE and TE) enhanced the effect, and addition of tea biochar (Treatment TE) had the best effect. All the treatments showed a decreasing trend in soil pH, and the trend was especially significant in Treatment BE (from 6.81 to 5.82). Furthermore, the synchrotron radiation microzone infrared spectra demonstrated that polysaccharides, proteins, fats and clay minerals in soil aggregates were highly heterogeneous. Clay minerals and macromolecular organics in Treatment CE and JE were highly dispersed. Minerals and polysaccharides were quite similar while clay minerals, protein and fat were quite different in distribution, and their distributions were had nothing to do with any interactions between earthworms and organic materials. Correlation analysis between clay minerals and organic functional groups shows that the correlation coefficients of clay minerals and organic functional groups in the five fractions of soil aggregates followed an increasing trends:clay minerals-protein < clay minerals-polysaccharide < clay minerals-fat, which indicates that clay minerals varied in affinity with macromolecular organics and their relationships were not affected by any interactions between earthworms and organic materials.【Conclusion】 In summary, soil organic amendments initialize a positive feedback loop by increasing SOC, which promotes interactions between minerals and organic components in the soil, and thereby may possibly serve as a soil management tool for enhancing carbon storage in the soil.
Key words: Earthworm    Organic materials    Mineral-organic complex    Synchrotron radiation infrared micro-imaging    

茶树(Camellia sinensis(L.)O. Kuntze)是重要的农业经济作物,我国茶叶产量和种植面积均为世界第一[1]。有“生态系统工程师”之名的蚯蚓,其作为大型土壤动物,能通过破碎、取食、消化、分泌、排泄(蚯蚓粪)、掘穴等一系列生命活动改善土壤理化性质、促进有机质积累、调节土壤中碳氮磷循环、促进物质循环和能量代谢,利用肠道内的活性酶降解土壤有机物[2-4]。蚯蚓活动促进黏砂粒黏结为团聚体,显著促进土壤微团聚体的形成,将土壤中有机残体与矿物混合,增加团聚体有机碳含量,对提高土壤肥力有重要作用[5]。然而,目前对蚯蚓风化土壤矿物和矿物固持有机碳的机理还不清楚。土壤团聚体的物理保护和矿物的化学保护是影响土壤有机碳稳定的重要因素,但目前通常是将土壤团聚体和矿物-有机复合体隔离开来研究。

同步辐射红外显微成像技术(SR-FTIR)具有快速、直接、精准且光谱宽(10~10 000 cm-1)、亮度高、发散度小以及具备时间结构等优良特性,可原位检测土壤团聚体中矿物和有机官能团,分析微米级局域样品[6-8],能够从生物样品红外光谱中识别振动的分子成分[9]。本文采用SR-FTIR显微光谱技术研究土壤团聚体中矿物-有机复合体的红外成像规律和官能团特征,相比于传统的红外光谱技术,使用SR-FTIR技术可以使衍射限制在几毫米,它具有超声高分辨率,能提供一个准确的信号,为试验结果提供了更高的精准度[10]


1 材料与方法 1.1 供试材料

供试土壤:盆栽土壤取自江苏省南京市玄武区中山陵茶园(118°50' E,32°03' N),2018年茶园年平均气温为15.3 ℃,该茶园为温带季风气候,年均降雨量1 106.5 mm。根据茶园的地形与种植面积情况采用S散点法确定5个取样点,采集茶树行间0~20 cm表层土壤,将各个采样点的土壤混匀,摊开剔除杂物后,自然风干,过2 mm筛待用。


生物质炭:将茶树修剪物晒干后剪碎(<5 cm=,装入1 m3的反应炉设备中,密封后,由外部的电加热器将内部的茶树修剪物以每分钟升温8.5 ℃至400 ℃左右,保持8~10 h,至反应炉的通风管中没有明显的浓烟排出为止[13]

蚯蚓和菜籽饼:蚯蚓和菜籽饼购自于江苏省句容市王军蚯蚓专业养殖有限公司,蚯蚓品种为威廉环毛蚓(Pheretima guillelmi),属上食下居型蚯蚓[14]。在实验开始前利用滤纸法排空蚯蚓肠道,清肠方法:将干净的滤纸放置在烧杯的底部,再向烧杯里加少许蒸馏水,以刚好浸没滤纸,然后将蚯蚓放置于滤纸上后用保鲜膜将烧杯封口,并用注射器针头将上方的保鲜膜扎孔,然后将烧杯放入温度为20 ℃,湿度为80%~85%的恒温箱中黑暗中清肠24 h。

供试土壤和有机物料基本理化性质见表 1

表 1 供试土壤和有机物料基本理化性质 Table 1 Basic physical and chemical properties of the soil and organic material tested
1.2 试验方法

于2018年5月18日采集中山陵茶园土壤模拟盆栽培养试验,设置5个处理,分别为:1)不施肥处理(CK);2)不施肥+蚯蚓(BE);3)15 g菜籽饼(盆栽土重量的0.5%)+蚯蚓(CE);4)60 g茶树修剪物(盆栽土重量的2%)+蚯蚓(JE);5)60 g生物质炭(盆栽土重量的2%)+蚯蚓(TE)。每个处理重复5次,每盆装培养土3 kg。原始蚯蚓经过清肠处理后每1 kg土壤接种蚯蚓10 g±0.02 g(2条)。选取一年生长势基本一致的无性系健壮茶苗“龙井长叶”用于试验,每盆栽植6株,并根据茶苗的生长环境温度、湿度和观察茶苗长势不定期用去离子水浇灌茶苗,使试验土壤含水率保持在田间持水量的85%左右。

1.3 测定项目与方法

试验培养3个月时采集土壤样品进行分析测试,6个月时采集一次土壤样品测定pH。土壤基本理化性质采用常规方法[15]测定。pH利用ORION 3 STAR(Thermo公司,美国)pH计测定(土壤/水为1/2.5的质量体积比);全碳、全氮采用vario MACRO cube系列元素分析仪(Elementar公司,德国)测定。有机质采用重铬酸钾容量法测定,有机质(OM)含量依据“OM含量=TC含量×1.724”进行换算[16-17]。同步辐射红外显微光谱技术(SR-FTIR)与样品处理:采用国家蛋白质科学研究设施中的BL01B红外线站设备进行同步辐射光源(Synchrotron Radiation Facility,SSRF)显微成像检测土壤微团聚体[18]。选取培养了3个月的土壤颗粒为研究对象,用水包埋土壤样品,并保持其完整性,在全封闭式快速冷冻切片机(徕卡,型号CM1950,德国)内进行-20 ℃低温切片,厚度约为2 µm。切好的样品平铺放置在低辐射的Low-E镜片上,干燥后在国家上海蛋白质科学研究设施五线六站BL01B线站红外显微成像仪进行观察(图 1)。面扫设置参数:光谱范围650~4 000 cm-1;光阑孔径20×20 µm;步长10×10 µm;光谱分辨率4 cm-1;扫描次数64次。

图 1 同步辐射红外显微成像技术研究土壤微团聚体的流程 Fig. 1 Stepwise imaging process of the synchrotron radiation infrared microscopy for studying soil microaggregates
1.4 数据处理

数据处理及分析采用Excel 2010、SPSS19.0完成。

2 结果 2.1 土壤酸碱度(pH)

培养3个月和6个月时,土壤pH均值如图 2所示,CK处理分别为6.57、6.44,BE处理分别为6.59、5.97,CE处理分别为6.15、5.75,JE处理分别为6.43、6.16,TE处理分别为6.69、6.34,5个处理组中第3月pH均值均高于第6月,表明即使在蚯蚓活动下,添加不同有机物料处理的土壤pH均呈下降趋势;但添加茶树修剪物和生物质炭处理有缓解土壤酸化效果,但无显著性差异。

注:1)CK,对照;BE,不施肥+蚯蚓;CE,施菜籽饼+蚯蚓;JE,施茶树修剪物+蚯蚓;TE,施生物质炭+蚯蚓。下同。2)无相同字母表示同一采样时间处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。  Note: 1) CK, control; BE, earthworms only; CE, rapeseed cake plus earthworms; JE, tea tree pruning plus earthworms; TE, biochar plus earthworms. The same below. 2) Different letters indicate significant differences between treatments at 0.05 level. 图 2 不同施肥处理与接种蚯蚓下土壤pH状况 Fig. 2 Soil pH in the pot relative to fertilization treatment
2.2 土壤全碳、全氮及碳氮比

从各处理(CK、BE、CE、JE、TE)中选取3次重复测定土壤基本养分状况,如表 2所示。相较于CK处理,BE处理的土壤全碳、有机质含量有升高趋势,表明蚯蚓活动可提高土壤肥力;与BE处理相比,蚯蚓配施有机物料的CE、JE、TE处理均提高了土壤全碳、全氮和有机质含量,TE处理提高效果最明显,说明生物质炭与蚯蚓配施对土壤肥力提升效果最好。

表 2 不同施肥处理与接种蚯蚓下盆栽土壤基本养分状况 Table 2 Basic nutrient status of the soil in the pot relative to treatment
2.3 土壤团聚体的显微成像规律

本试验各处理中土壤团聚体的同步辐射红外显微成像如图 3所示,土壤中官能团的指定如下:黏土矿物(Clay-OH,3 620 cm-1),脂肪(-C-H,2 920 cm-1),蛋白质(-NH,1 650 cm-1),多糖(-OH,1 080 cm-1[19]。从同步辐射红外显微成像图可以看出多糖、蛋白质、脂肪和黏土矿物均呈高度异质性分布,且黏土矿物与多糖的分布规律较为相似,蛋白质与脂肪的分布规律相似,而黏土矿物与蛋白质和脂肪的分布规律有较大的差异;其中CK、BE和TE组中的多糖、蛋白质、脂肪和黏土矿物的分布形状为团状,而CE和JE组中的黏土矿物与大分子有机物具有较高的分散性。

图 3 不同施肥处理与接种蚯蚓下盆栽土壤团聚体的同步辐射红外显微成像图 Fig. 3 Synchrotron radiation microscopic imaging of microaggregates of the soil in the pot relative to treatment
2.4 土壤有机碳的存在形式

利用红外显微光谱技术(SR-FTIR)定性研究不同施肥处理中土壤有机碳的存在形式,图 4为各处理土壤团聚体的红外吸收光谱。从图中可以看到当样品在3 620 cm-1左右会出现强烈的醇羟基-OH伸缩震动,波数在2 880 cm-1左右处会出现不对称脂肪族-C-H伸展震动,波数在1 732 cm-1左右处会出现不饱和键C=C震动、不饱和键C=O震动以及蛋白质-NH伸缩震动,波数在1 150 cm-1左右处会出现C-O拉伸弯曲、多糖-OH伸缩震动。相比CK处理,其他处理的伸缩震动整体更强烈,说明蚯蚓配施有机物料可使大分子有机官能团与矿物结合能力增强,提高土壤固存能力,从而增加土壤中有机质含量,其中CE和TE组更强烈,表明蚯蚓配施菜籽饼肥和生物质炭提高土壤肥力效果更好,有利于茶树生长。

图 4 不同施肥处理与接种蚯蚓下土壤微团聚体的红外吸收光谱 Fig. 4 Infrared absorption spectroscopy of soil microaggregates of the soil in the pot relative to treatment
2.5 黏土矿物和大分子有机物的官能团相关性

黏土矿物和大分子有机物的官能团相关性越强,矿物固碳越多,土壤肥力越高。土壤团聚体中黏土矿物和大分子有机官能团的相关性分析如图 5所示,5个处理中黏土矿物和有机官能团的决定系数(R2)由小到大均依次为:黏土矿物-蛋白质、黏土矿物-多糖、黏土矿物-脂肪。该结果表明,土壤团聚体中的黏土矿物和大分子有机物亲和性有所差异,其中黏土矿物-脂肪的亲和性最高,黏土矿物-蛋白质亲和性最低,黏土矿物-多糖亲和性次之,且这种亲和性差异不受有机物料与蚯蚓互作的影响。

图 5 不同施肥处理与接种蚯蚓下土壤微团聚体中官能团的相关性分析 Fig. 5 Correlation analysis of functional groups in soil microaggregates of the soil in the pot relative to treatment
3 讨论


李萍萍等[24]研究表明,与不施肥处理相比,配施不同有机化肥可有效提高土壤养分含量,均不同程度提高了土壤有机质含量。这与本试验结果一致,试验中蚯蚓配施有机物料的土壤处理中有机质和全碳含量均有所提高。茶树生长的土壤pH应控制在4.5~6.0,最适宜种植茶树的pH在4.5~5.5,但就pH值降低这一现象,Abe等[25]发现大量种植茶树可以加速土壤酸化,K. OH[26]和Wang[27]等研究表明种植茶树时限越长土壤酸化越明显。这说明本试验中土壤pH下降的原因是蚯蚓活动和茶苗长时间种植的综合作用。



4 结论


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