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  土壤学报  2022, Vol. 59 Issue (1): 54-65  DOI: 10.11766/trxb202010300268


胡世文, 刘同旭, 李芳柏, 等. 土壤铁矿物的生物-非生物转化过程及其界面重金属反应机制的研究进展. 土壤学报, 2022, 59(1): 54-65.
HU Shiwen, LIU Tongxu, LI Fangbai, et al. The Abiotic and Biotic Transformation Processes of Soil Iron-bearing Minerals and Its Interfacial Reaction Mechanisms of Heavy Metals: A Review. Acta Pedologica Sinica, 2022, 59(1): 54-65.



通讯作者Corresponding author

刘同旭, E-mail: txliu@soil.gd.cn


胡世文(1994-), 男, 博士研究生, 主要从事土壤矿物、重金属和有机质相互作用研究。E-mail: 201810104986@mail.scut.edu.cn
胡世文1,2, 刘同旭1, 李芳柏1, 石振清2    
1. 广东省科学院生态环境与土壤研究所, 广州 5106501;
2. 华南理工大学环境与能源学院, 广州 510006
关键词铁矿物    重金属    有机质    矿物转化    反应机制    
The Abiotic and Biotic Transformation Processes of Soil Iron-bearing Minerals and Its Interfacial Reaction Mechanisms of Heavy Metals: A Review
HU Shiwen1,2, LIU Tongxu1, LI Fangbai1, SHI Zhenqing2    
1. Institute of Eco-environmental and Soil Sciences, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China;
2. School of Environment and Energy, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China
Abstract: Iron (Fe) minerals are widely distributed in soil and are an important component of soils, which play an important role in regulating soil health, pollutant behavior, and element biogeochemical cycles. These minerals are of great importance since they can influence many key chemical processes. For instance, they can affect the bioavailability and toxicity of heavy metals via a series of physical and chemical processes, such as physical encapsulation, adsorption, complexation, and co-precipitation. Additionally, soil organic substances can affect the transformation of iron minerals and lead to changes in the structure and surface properties of the products. Besides, the resultant products of such interactions have been reported to show a varied affinity for heavy metals and demonstrate contrasting effects on the environmental behaviors of heavy metals. In this review, we considered the following three points: (ⅰ) the effect of reaction pH, reaction temperature, and the added ferrous iron activity and concentrations on the abiotic transformation rates, degree, and pathways; (ⅱ) the influence of soil root exudates such as oxalate acid, citric acid, and phenols on the accumulation, reduction, nucleation, dissolution and coprecipitation of Fe oxides; and lastly (ⅲ) the surface complexation, and redox reactions of heavy metals at iron minerals-water interface. Here, the influence of iron mineral transformation on (a) the distribution of heavy metals, (b) the reaction process and molecular mechanism of heavy metals at the interface of iron mineral-organic matter, and (c) the use of kinetic models to evaluate and predict the environmental behavior of heavy metals is given in detail. It was observed that the ferrous oxidation is mediated by anaerobic photoautotrophic ferric oxidizing bacteria, and the bacteria affect the iron oxidation process through nitrate-reducing ferrous oxidation and biomineralization. Also, iron-reducing bacteria influence the iron reduction process primarily through chelating reagents, redox-active electron shuttling substances, and the c-type cytochrome of the outer membrane. Additionally, soil organic matters (e.g., fulvic acids and humic acids) can affect the aggregation and stability of soil aggregates. They can interact with iron minerals packaged in soil aggregates by electrostatic attraction, coordination exchange, van der Waals force, hydrophobic interaction, and hydrogen bonding, thereby affecting the biotic and abiotic transformation process of iron minerals. Nevertheless, this study can only serve as a reference for detail understanding of iron mineral-organic matter-heavy metal dynamic interaction mechanism at the microscale and the interaction molecular mechanisms of heavy metal at the soil multi-component interface. We suggest that future researchers should provide (ⅰ) an in-depth analysis revealing the molecular mechanism of the soil heavy metals environmental behavior under the dynamic interaction of iron minerals, soil organic matter and microorganisms, (ⅱ) a clear picture of the soil interfacial reaction processes and mechanism at the atomic and molecular level, and (ⅲ) a path for developing an in-situ dynamic monitoring method and technology for soil-water interface reaction process in the microscale, simulating the complex biogeochemical reactions, and predicting and assessing the trend of heavy metals in the complex natural environment by coupled kinetics models.
Key words: Iron minerals    Heavy metals    Organic matters    Mineral transformation    Reaction mechanism    

铁矿物是土壤氧化物中最为活跃的组分之一[1-2]。在不同环境条件下,铁矿物形态、价态、结构和表面特性的变化使其在环境污染物迁移和转化过程中扮演着极其重要的角色[3-4]。有机质作为土壤重要的组成之一,其在调节土壤健康、污染物行为和生物地球化学循环方面起着重要作用[5-7]。在各种不同类型的土壤中,有机质浓度通常与铁氧化物的含量有关,二者大多数以有机复合体的形式存在。在铁矿物转化过程中,环境中有机质的存在常对铁氧化物的溶解和重结晶以及晶体生长等过程起调控作用。通常,在受污染的土壤环境中,重金属的迁移和生物毒性取决于其形态,其一般受到土壤组分(如铁矿物和有机质)的影响。如图 1所示,土壤中铁矿物、有机质和重金属可通过物理包裹、吸附解吸、氧化还原、溶解沉淀、络合和共沉淀等一系列物理和化学方式发生相互作用[8-11]。例如:重金属或有机质可在土壤铁矿物表面发生吸附解吸和氧化还原反应;游离态的重金属又能和土壤有机质络合并重新吸附至铁矿物表面;在铁矿物发生还原、溶解和重结晶反应过程中,吸附在铁矿物表面或固定在铁矿物晶格内的重金属被重新分配。此外,微生物作为土壤的重要组成部分,不但能够直接还原土壤铁矿物[12-13],还能与重金属竞争铁矿物表面吸附位点并将矿物上解吸的重金属直接还原或氧化,同时微生物还能利用有机质作为电子穿梭体加速铁矿物还原[14],从而间接影响重金属的环境行为,这些耦合反应造成重金属在土壤多组分中的迁移转化与在单一土壤组分中显著不同。

图 1 土壤铁矿物转化及其界面有机质和重金属相互作用过程示意图 Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of the soil iron-bearing minerals transformation and mutual interaction process of interface organic matter and heavy metals


1 土壤铁矿物非生物和生物转化过程

土壤环境中,结晶度较弱的水铁矿通常作为晶质铁矿物的前驱体[21],其一般可通过热脱水和脱羟基等方式最终转化为赤铁矿和磁赤铁矿。铁矿物间相互转化机制主要分为溶解再结晶或者直接固相转化[22]。溶解再结晶机制是弱晶质铁矿物先溶解,产生Fe(OH)2+和Fe(OH)2+等羟基铁离子,然后再通过聚合作用形成晶质铁氧化物;固相直接转化机制是弱晶质铁矿物通过脱水和结构重排直接转化为晶质铁氧化物。通常,弱晶质铁矿物的转化受反应温度和pH的影响。以水铁矿为例,一般地,老化时间越长和转化温度越高,转化产物的结晶度越好;当反应pH低于水铁矿零电荷点时,针铁矿的生成量随转化温度的降低而升高;当反应pH高于水铁矿零电荷点时,赤铁矿的生成量随转化温度的升高而升高;在室温反应条件下,强酸(pH < 3)或者弱碱性(pH=7~8)的环境有利于赤铁矿的生成,弱酸性(pH=3~6)和强碱性(pH=10~14)的环境有利于针铁矿的生成[15-23]


越来越多的研究表明,微生物介导下铁的地球化学循环过程极其重要,该过程广泛存在于湿地系统、沉积物、地球深处的含水层以及淹水水稻土等厌氧环境中,这是自然界铁代谢的重要途径之一[12]。铁循环过程大致可分为铁氧化和铁还原两大过程,其中微生物介导的铁氧化过程主要分为以下四个部分:(1)微生物利用氧气氧化亚铁[27]:在酸性条件下,氧化亚铁硫杆菌(Thiobacillus ferroxidans)可直接利用氧气对亚铁进行生物氧化;微氧的无机营养菌(如水类纤发菌属)可通过细胞外膜上的亚铁氧化蛋白将亚铁转变为难溶解的铁氧化物;微生物产生的氧气自由基(如O2·)可直接将三价铁还原成亚铁,该反应过程中氧气自由基介导的三价铁还原速率要高于亚铁被氧气氧化的速率[3];(2)厌氧光能自养铁氧化菌介导的亚铁氧化[3]:如绿菌属(Chlorobium ferrooxidans)和红假单胞菌属(Rhodopseudomonas palustris)可利用光对二氧化碳进行同化固定,反应过程中溶解态亚铁作为唯一电子供体,最终合成弱结晶的水铁矿或者结晶态较高的针铁矿;(3)微生物矿化[28]:厌氧-好氧界面存在的微好氧微生物(如湿地纤毛菌属)不但可以生物氧化亚铁形成磁铁矿,还能够影响环境中的矿物风化过程;(4)硝酸盐还原亚铁氧化[2]:在厌氧和中性条件下,硝酸盐还原菌可利用乙酸将硝酸根还原为亚硝酸根,产生的亚硝酸根进一步与游离态、吸附态和结晶态的亚铁(如菱铁矿和磁铁矿)直接发生还原反应,最终生成NO、N2O和N2



2 土壤有机物对铁矿物转化过程的影响机制




3 土壤铁矿物界面重金属反应机制



4 土壤铁矿物-有机质相互作用下的重金属反应机制

铁矿物转化(水解、成核、沉淀和重结晶)使得与之相关联的重金属和有机质释放进入溶液中或通过物理包裹和共沉淀作用被重新固定[64-65]。由于溶解性有机质广泛存在于沉积物和土壤环境中,通常在自然界中铁矿物和有机质会以有机质-矿物复合体的形式存在,这使得重金属在土壤环境中的作用机制较为复杂[66-67],造成该现象的主要原因可能是:(1)吸附在矿物表面的有机质通过配体交换和螯合等方式使得重金属更加牢固地吸附在矿物上[7],进一步抑制了重金属在环境中的迁移;赵转军等[68]阐述了土壤中有机质能够显著改变铁矿物的表面性质,增强其吸附性能,铁矿物-有机质形成的共沉淀的优良吸附性可能为将来土壤污染场地重金属的治理和修复提供新思路。(2)有机质与原本吸附在矿物上的重金属竞争矿物表面的吸附位点,减弱了重金属与矿物的吸附作用,同时有机质还能作为电子穿梭体,加速铁矿物还原溶解,进一步增加了重金属的迁移和生物可利用性。Qiao等[64-65]通过微宇宙培养实验发现在受砷污染的土壤中添加天然有机质(如富里酸、胡敏酸和胡敏素)和生物质炭均能促进铁还原,增加溶液中砷的浓度。由此可知,反应体系中有机质的出现对铁矿物的转化和重金属的迁移具有显著的影响。此外,在亚铁催化铁矿物转化过程中,当溶液中存在腐殖酸时,亚铁容易与腐殖酸结合形成络合物,从而降低铁矿物的转化速率[9],进而影响与之共存的重金属的铬[66-67]和锌[69]的迁移转化。Lu等[1170]通过球差校正显微镜等手段系统地研究了水铁矿-有机质-重金属反应体系中,有机碳及重金属铜和铅的环境行为。研究[11]发现,胡敏酸的加入能够减缓水铁矿的转化速率,促使转化产物含有更多疏松多孔的结构,进而增加对重金属铅和有机质的固定(图 2)。综上所述,有机质的存在会一定程度地影响铁矿物转化,从而促进或者抑制铁矿物对重金属的固定。

注:图中元素的能量色散谱图和能量损失谱图源自Hu等[10]。  Note:The elemental energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDS)mapping and electron energy loss spectroscopy(EELS)line scans were adapted with permission from Hu et al.[10]. Copyright 2018 American Chemical Society. 图 2 铁矿物、有机质和重金属耦合反应及微观观测手段 Fig. 2 Coupled reactions of Fe oxides, organic matter, and heavy metals and microscopic characterization approach


5 展望






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图 1 土壤铁矿物转化及其界面有机质和重金属相互作用过程示意图 Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of the soil iron-bearing minerals transformation and mutual interaction process of interface organic matter and heavy metals
注:图中元素的能量色散谱图和能量损失谱图源自Hu等[10]。  Note:The elemental energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDS)mapping and electron energy loss spectroscopy(EELS)line scans were adapted with permission from Hu et al.[10]. Copyright 2018 American Chemical Society. 图 2 铁矿物、有机质和重金属耦合反应及微观观测手段 Fig. 2 Coupled reactions of Fe oxides, organic matter, and heavy metals and microscopic characterization approach
胡世文, 刘同旭, 李芳柏, 石振清