Present investigations were carried out by soil column method in the greenhouse and by rainshed method under field conditions.The soil columns liave a cross section of 1m2 and a height of 3.2m,provided with glass window in one side for the observation of root development.Movable rainsheds were used to oontrol the rainfall under field conditions.All field plots were isolated by cement Plate of 60 cm depth to prevent the watershed from nearby areas.Detailed treatments for both methods are given in Table 1 and Table 2.Water storage in soil before wheat sowing and water supply during the growing Period of wheat are detailed in Table 3.Table 4 reports the yield of wheat under different treatments.Table 5 and Table 6 analyse the water consumption of wheat plant at the rate of consumption at different growing periods.Coeffieients of the utilization of available water by wheat under field eonditions are presented in Table 8.Descriptions on the root development cnder various soil moisture status are given in Table 7 and Fig.5.Fig.2 illustrates the status of wheat growth by soil column method.Fig.1,Fig.3 and Fig.4 show the characteristics of soil water under various treatments.All explanations can be read in English translation from the Figures and Tables in the Chinese text of the present article,whieh come to the eonclusion that an adequate moisture content in deep soil layer before sowing has benefieial effects on the growth and yield of wheat plant in next year.
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