Abstract:The genetic characteristics of the warpic soils in the whole Chine were found in the present study to include;(1) Raising of land surface and thickening of the.cultivated layer;(2) Increase of organicmattcr and N,P,R and other nitrous elements;(3) Rising of soil moisture;(4) Leaching out of soluble salt and gypsum; (5) Leaching and replenishing of carbonates and clay;(6) Vanishing of warpic stratification and improvement of soil physical preperties.The paper also summarizes the characteristics of the diagostic horizon of warpic soils (warpic epipedon); and pointed out the position of warpic soils in the classification system.As anthropic soils,the warpic soils are much defferent from the arid soils,the udic soils, the Inceptisols and the Entisols.At last,the paper divides the warpic soils into eig subtypes:commonic,hydragric,Baltic,udic,fimic and frigic warpic soils,xnd puts forward the indexes to the warpic soils.