Molydenum content in beer barley was found in kernel>in leaves>m roots>in straw, and was significantly correlated to P-fertilization levels with an exception of stem (straw), while the magnitude of plant Fe content was in an order almost opposite to that of Mo. Root Fe increased with the increasing of P level, showing very significant correlation these two variables. Plant Fe obviously declined with too high P level (P2O5 4.6g/pot). Root Fe was 8.61 times higher than that of leaf Fe, having the leaf P: Fe ratio hightened towards 63-75, causing chlorosis disorder. The highest Mo and Fe content in plant parts observed in this study appeared at P-level of 2.4g P2O5 per pot. Mo and Fe accumulated in matured plant was 14.9 and 3218 μg/pot, respectively. Distribution rate of Mo was 62.3% in kernel, but of Fe, was only 10.2%.Proper quantity of P-application was proved to be beneficial in crop yield and quality. There was evidence of the increment of 1000-seed weight, final yield, and seed starch content, also the decrease of crude protein.
程素贞.磷肥对啤酒大麦钼、铁的吸收分配及产量品质的影响[J].土壤学报,1997,34(4):444-450. Cheng Suzhen. EFFECT OF P-FERTILIZATION LEVEL ON THE CONTENT, DISTRIBUTION OF Mo, Fe IN BEER BARLEY AND ON ITS YIELD AND QUALITY[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,1997,34(4):444-450.