Abstract:This paper deals with the E' center's mean life of quartz in the Quaternary red earth developed largely in South China.According to the results of annealing experiments at equitime (ten minutes), the curve of equitime-annealing of the quartz particles was drawn successfully.The curves showed that the E' center of quartz declined quickly from the temperature of 600K to 748K, based on the curve the probable temperatures of isothermal annealing experiments were selected as following: 623, 648, 673, 698 as well as 723K.After each sample's being annealed at the selected temperatures, the ESR intensity was measured at the room temperature respectively.Considering the fitting function of ESR intensity versus the annealing time (minutes), each sample's E' center's mean life at corresponding temperature was acquired.Consequently, from the fitting line of E' center's mean life versus temperatures, we assumed that the E' center's mean life at room temperature would be 3.09×108 years.This study demonstrates that the quartz particle in the red earth of south China is fully suitable to be selected as the specimen for ESR dating.