Soil and Environment Bioremediation Research Centre, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China 在期刊界中查找 在百度中查找 在本站中查找
This paper reviews research and management of remediation and restoration of mined land in China aiming at promotion of theoretical innovation and technological development in this research field of China. The review is made mainly in view of soil science and ecology in mined land, including the following seven sections: (1) the development background during last 50 years;(2) the limitation factors for remediation and restoration;(3) physical and chemical remediation of degraded soil;(4) phytostabilisation and phytoextraction of metal polluted soil;(5) microbial animal enhanced remediation of polluted and degraded soil;(6) the technological requirements for utilization and management of remediated mined land;and (7) future research and development in field of mined land remediation and eco restorat ion in China.
黄铭洪,骆永明.矿区土地修复与生态恢复[J].土壤学报,2003,40(2):161-169. DOI:10.11766/trxb200210100201 Wong Ming-hong, Luo Yong-ming. LAND REMEDIATION AND ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION OF MINED LAND[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2003,40(2):161-169.