

Comparison between ion activity method and suspension Wien effect method in determining binding energy between soils and monovalent cations
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    选用黑土、黄棕壤、红壤和砖红壤黏粒与蒙脱土作供试样本,用离子活度法与悬液Wien效应法测定不同黏粒对单价阳离子Na+和K+的平均结合自由能。测试结果表明,对于黑土、黄棕壤和蒙脱土而言,用Wien效应法和离子活度法测定的钠离子的平均结合自由能ΔGbi比较一致,离子活度法相对于Wien效应法测定的钠离子平均自由结合能的相对误差在24%至10%之间;对于黑土和黄棕壤而言,用Wien效应法和离子活度法测定的钾离子平均结合自由能ΔGbi十分一致,相对误差在2% 以下;对于红壤,相对误差为11.5%。结果还表明,钠玻璃电极应用于本试验条件下,仅当标准溶液与被测悬液的pH之差在0.5以下,才有测定意义;液膜钾电极在本试验条件下可用于测量土壤悬液中K+离子的活度,但在蒙脱土悬液中K+离子活度测量值偏大而不适用;到目前为止,还不能直接应用Wien效应法来测求带有正电荷的可变电荷土壤,如砖红壤,对单价阳离子的结合能。


    Samples of montmorillonite and clay fractions (<2 μm) of black soil, yellow-brown soil, red soil, and latosol were used in the test to determine mean free binding energies (ΔGbi) between monovalent cations Na+, and K+ and various clay particles with the ion activity method and the suspension Wien effect method. Results show that the values ofΔGbi determined of Na+ to black soil, yellow-brown soil and montmorillonite with the two different methods were quite similar, and the relative errors ofΔGbi determined with the ion activity method in relation to those determined with the Wien effect method varied in the range from 24% to 10%; the values ofΔGbi determined of K+ to black soil, and yellow-brown soil with the two different methods were almost the same, with relative errors lingering below 2%. But the relative errors ofΔGbi determination of red soil were about 11.5%. The results also indicated that the sodium glass electrode is applicable to this experiment only when the difference in pH between the standard solution and the suspension to be tested is less than 0.5; and the liquid-membrane potassium electrode can be used to determine K+ activity in the soil suspensions in this experiment, but can not in the suspensions of montmorillonite. However, it is still impossible to directly apply the Wien effect method to determination of binding energy of monovalent cations to the variable-charge soils, positive in charge, such as latosol.


周俊,李成保,程程,王玉军,周东美,周立祥.用离子活度法和悬液Wien效应法测定土壤对单价阳离子结合能的比较研究[J].土壤学报,2010,47(6):1151-1158. DOI:10.11766/trxb200902100047 Zhou Jun, Li Chengbao. Comparison between ion activity method and suspension Wien effect method in determining binding energy between soils and monovalent cations[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2010,47(6):1151-1158.

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  • 收稿日期:2009-02-10
  • 最后修改日期:2009-06-02
  • 录用日期:2009-04-30
  • 在线发布日期: 2010-08-31