

Mechanisms for the increased utilization of fertilizer N under integrated use of inorganic and organic fertilizers in a winter wheat-rice rotation system Ⅱ. The availability of residual N from winter wheat growing season to succeeding rice
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    15氮(N)标记的硫酸铵和兔粪作为无机肥和有机肥氮源,采用土培试验,研究了小麦-水稻轮作(W-R)系统小麦季残留的氮素对下茬水稻(O.sativa L. cv. Wuyujing 7)生长的影响。结果表明: 1) 小麦季残留的氮素对水稻生长具有显著影响,有机无机肥料配施(IOF)处理的水稻籽粒产量均高于单一无机氮肥施用(IF)处理,黏壤土和黏土上分别高49.3%和14.9%;2)与IF处理相比较,IOF处理的矿质氮含量在水稻季均保持较高水平,且IOF处理显著增加了黏壤土上穗期和黏土上分蘖期、拔节期、穗期土壤矿质氮中来自于有机肥料15N和无机肥料15N的比例。IOF处理还显著增加了水稻分蘖期、拔节期、穗期土壤微生物量氮(MBN)中来自于无机肥料15N的比例;3) 与IF处理相比较,IOF处理有机肥料氮促进了小麦季残留无机肥料15N在水稻生殖器官籽粒的分配比例,黏壤土和黏土上分别增加60%和52.6%,降低了其在叶片等营养器官的分配比例,降幅均在30%以上;与单一有机氮肥(OF)处理相比较,IOF处理无机肥料氮降低了残留有机肥料15N在水稻生殖器官籽粒的分配比例,黏壤土和黏土上降幅分别为20%和22.7%,增加了其在根系的分配比例,黏壤土和黏土增幅分别为90%和240%;4)与IF或OF处理相比较,IOF处理有机肥料氮促进了无机肥料15N在土壤的残留,而无机肥料氮增加了有机肥料15N在植株和土壤的回收率。有机肥料氮和无机肥料氮的协同降低了双方在水稻季向环境的损失,黏壤土和黏土上无机肥料15N损失率(NLR)分别降低17%和16%,而有机肥料15N的NLR分别降低15%和56%。IOF通过提高有机、无机肥料氮在土壤-作物系统的回收减少了肥料氮在W-R轮作系统的损失。


    A pot experiment was conducted, using the soil from a pot that had been planted with winter wheat, to investigate availability of residual fertilizer nitrogen (N) from the winter wheat season applied in combination with inorganic and organic fertilizer (IOF) to the rice(O.sativa L.cv. Wuyujing 7) following the winter wheat. Results show 1) the residual N effect was significant on growth of the rice. Treatment IOF was 49.3% and 14.9% higher than Treatment IF (inorganic N fertilizer) in grain yield in clay loam and clay, respectively; 2) compared with Treatment IF, Treatment IOF maintained a higher mineral N content in the soils. Treatment IOF significantly increased the ratio of organic-fertilizer-sourced 15N /inorganic-fertilizer-sourced 15N in mineral N at the heading stage in clay loam and at tillering, jointing and heading stages in clay, and it also increased significantly the percentage of organic-fertilizer-sourced 15N in microbial biomass N (MBN) at the tillering and jointing stages, and that of inorganic-fertilizer-sourced 15N at the tillering, jointing and heading stages; 3) compared with Treatment IF, Treatment IOF increased the relative distribution of inorganic-fertilizer-sourced 15N in the reproductive organ (by 60% in the clay loam and by 52.6% in the clay), while decreased that in the vegetative organs (by more than 30% both in the clay loam and clay); compared with Treatment OF (organic fertilizer N), Treatment IOF decreased the relative distribution of organic-fertilizer-sourced 15N in the reproductive organ (by 20% in the clay loam and by 22.7% in the clay), while increased that in the roots (by 90% in the clay loam and by 240% in the clay); and 4) in comparison with both Treatment IF and OF, Treatment IOF increased residues of inorganic-fertilizer 15N in the soils, and also the recovery rate of organic fertilizer 15N in both plant and soils. As a result, the fertilizer 15N loss rate (NLR) decreased correspondingly during the rice season (by 17% and 16% for inorganic fertilizer 15N, and by 15% and 56% for organic-fertilizer 15N in the clay loam and clay, respectively). In a word, Treatment IOF reduced fertilizer N loss from the winter wheat-rice rotation system by increasing N recovery rate in the soil-plant system.


吴成龙,沈其荣,张树林,张燕菁,徐阳春.麦-稻轮作系统有机无机肥料配施协同氮素转化的机制研究Ⅱ.小麦季残留15N对水稻的有效性分析[J].土壤学报,2010,47(6):1170-1179. DOI:10.11766/trxb200907210325 wuchenglong, Shen qi rong. Mechanisms for the increased utilization of fertilizer N under integrated use of inorganic and organic fertilizers in a winter wheat-rice rotation system Ⅱ. The availability of residual N from winter wheat growing season to succeeding rice[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2010,47(6):1170-1179.

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  • 收稿日期:2009-07-21
  • 最后修改日期:2010-01-31
  • 录用日期:2010-02-01
  • 在线发布日期: 2010-08-31