

Spatial and temporal variations of ammonium nitrogen in sediments of Lake Dianchi,China
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    沉积物在湖泊氮、磷循环和水体富营养化过程中起着重要作用。本研究应用GPS定位技术,于2003年5月至2004年5月,对滇池海埂、斗南、罗家村、新街、昆阳等5个代表性样点沉积物铵态氮含量进行为期1 a的动态监测,全面分析了滇池不同区域、不同层次、不同时期沉积物铵态氮的动态变化特征。结果表明,滇池沉积物铵态氮平均含量为74.57 mg kg-1,全湖沉积物铵态氮平均含量年变化范围是45.55~170.1mg kg-1。沉积物铵态氮因季节变化其变化幅度很大,各区域沉积物铵态氮含量总体趋势夏季高、冬季低,但不同位点变化高峰和趋势不同。不同层次沉积物铵态氮含量变化随季节而变化,夏季为表层(0~5 cm)>中层(5~10 cm)>底层(10~20 cm),冬季为中层>表层和底层。表层、中层、底层沉积物铵态氮含量的变化范围分别为18.71~172.9mg kg-1、 29.55~192.2mg kg-1、19.93~123.8mg kg-1。 各区域沉积物铵态氮平均含量以罗家村最高,斗南最低。沉积物铵态氮与水体铵态氮、水体pH呈显著正相关,与沉积物有效磷呈显著负相关,暗示了沉积物铵态氮是水体氮的源和库,并影响着沉积物中磷的释放。


    Sediments play an important role in nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) cycling and eutrophication in lakes. Spatial and temporal variations of ammonium nitrogen (NH4+-N) in sediments were monitored for one year (May 2003-May 2004) at 5 sampling sites (Haigeng, Dounan, Luojiacun, Xinjie and Kunyang) typical of Lake Dianchi with the aid of the GPS technology, for analysis of characteristics of dynamic variations of NH4+-N in sediments of different depth, different times and different regions of the lake. Results show that the NH4+-N contents in the sediments averaged 74.57mg kg-1 and varied in the range of 45.55~170.1 mg kg-1within a year. It varied sharply with seasons, showing a general trend of being high in summer and low in winter, but the trend differed slightly from site to site NH4+-N contents in sediments also varied significantly with depths, showing a trend of surface (0~5cm) > middle (5~10cm) > bottom (10~20cm) in summer and of middle > surface >bottom in winter. In three layers of sediments it varied in the range of 18.71~172.9 mg kg-1, 29.55~192.2 mg kg-1 and 19.93~123.8 mg kg-1, separately. In terms of mean NH4+-N content, Luojiacun was the highest and Dounan was the lowest. NH4+-N in the sediments showed an extremely significant positive correlation with NH4+-N in and pH of the waterbody, but a significant negative correlation with available-P in the sediments, which indicates sediment NH4+-N is the source and sink of NH4+-N in the waterbody and influence release of phosphorus from the sediments.


陈永川,张德刚,汤利.滇池沉积物铵态氮的时空变化特征研究[J].土壤学报,2010,47(6):1180-1187. DOI:10.11766/trxb200909170421 CHEN Yong-chuan. Spatial and temporal variations of ammonium nitrogen in sediments of Lake Dianchi, China[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2010,47(6):1180-1187.

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  • 收稿日期:2009-09-17
  • 最后修改日期:2010-02-07
  • 录用日期:2010-04-26
  • 在线发布日期: 2010-08-31