

Potential and gas products of denitrification in forest soils in Changbai Mountain
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    采用淹水厌氧密闭培养-乙炔抑制法测定了长白山4种森林土壤的反硝化势以及气态产物N2O、NO和N2的产生量。供试4种森林土壤均呈酸性,pH(H2O)4.5-5.0,有机碳含量24.6-83.0 g kg-1。结果表明,长白山4种典型森林土壤反硝化势及反硝化产物中氮氧化物的比例差异很大。土壤反硝化势强弱顺序依次为:阔叶红松>白桦>红松云冷杉>兴安落叶松,与土壤有机碳和全氮含量有显著的正相关关系(p<0.01),与土壤pH的相关性不显著。比较加乙炔和不加乙炔处理发现,在培养过程中,N2O始终是反硝化的主要产物,占反硝化产物的比例变化于50%~85%之间,不随培养时间而发生显著的变化,与土壤pH呈弱负相关关系(p=0.22)。反硝化产物中,NO仅占0.2%~2.4%,随培养时间也未发生有规律的变化,与土壤有机碳含量呈显著的对数负相关关系(p<0.05)。上述结果表明,长白山森林土壤反硝化过程并不能有效地将活性氮转化为惰性氮,反硝化作用的生态环境意义需要重新评估。


    Denitrification and its products (N2, N2O and NO) in four forest soils collected from Changbai Mountain were investigated by acetylene inhibition method applied to a laboratory incubation under flooded condition with N2 gas in the headspace. The tested four forest soils are all acid, soil pH varied from 4.5 to 5.0 and the organic carbon changed in 24.6-83.0g kg-1. The results showed denitrification potential and composition of denitrification products varied greatly among the investigated soils with a decreasing order of denitrification potential: Pinus koraiensis > Betula platyphylla Suk.> Pinus koraiensis - Picea asperata (Mast.) - Akjes fabri (Mast.) > Larix gmelini(Rupr.). Denitrification potential was positively correlated with soil organic carbon and nitrogen content significantly (p<0.01), not significantly with soil pH. Compared the Treatments with acetylene inhibition and no acetylene inhibition, we found that during the period of incubation, N2O was always the dominant product of denitrification, accounting for 50% ~ 85% of total N gas production. The ratio of N2O to total N gas production was weakly correlated with soil pH (p = 0.12). NO was a minor product of denitrification, accounted for only 0.2% ~ 2.4% of total N gas production. A significant logarithm correlation between the ratio of NO to total N gas production and the soil organic carbon content was observed to be significant (p<0.05). These results implied that denitrification process would not transform reactive nitrogen into inert nitrogen (N2) effectively in Changbai Mountain forest soils and the significance of the denitrification removing reactive nitrogen should be re-assessed.


吕海霞,周鑫斌,张金波,蔡祖聪.长白山森林土壤反硝化潜力及产物组成[J].土壤学报,2011,48(1):39-46. DOI:10.11766/trxb200912080561 lvhaixia. Potential and gas products of denitrification in forest soils in Changbai Mountain[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2011,48(1):39-46.

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  • 收稿日期:2009-12-08
  • 最后修改日期:2010-07-08
  • 录用日期:2010-10-15
  • 在线发布日期: 2010-10-28