

Effects of chelating agents on growth and lead-zinc accumulation of castor seedlings growing in amended substrate of lead-zinc tailings
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    采用盆栽试验,以铅锌尾矿与对照土壤按1:1的质量比例混合为培养基质, 研究了单独添加乙二胺四乙酸二钠盐(EDTA-Na2)和氨三乙酸(NTA)以及复合添加对蓖麻幼苗生长和重金属积累的影响。结果表明:添加螯合剂后蓖麻生物量和根系形态参数均显著下降。其中,根系形态参数中根尖数下降最明显,与对照相比差异极显著( p <0.01)。各螯合处理蓖麻叶绿素a、b和叶绿素a+b与对照相比均显著下降( p <0.05),且叶绿素b较叶绿素a下降幅度略大。蓖麻叶片中三种抗氧化酶活性均随螯合处理中EDTA添加量的增加先上升后下降。添加螯合剂使蓖麻各部位Pb、Zn含量明显增加,且Pb的增幅较Zn大。螯合剂添加显著提高蓖麻对Pb、Zn的积累能力,其中对Pb的积累能力大于Zn。添加螯合剂明显促进了Pb、Zn从根部向地上部的转移,转移系数在添加EDTA和NTA各3 mmol kg-1处理中达最大值。蓖麻对Pb和Zn有较强的耐性和积累能力,可用于铅锌尾矿废弃地植物修复的进一步研究。


    Pot experiments were conducted to study effects of addition of EDTA-Na2 only, NTA only and both in combination, separately, on growth and heavy metal accumulation of castor seedlings, growing in a substrate of Pb-Zn tailings and soil in ratio of 1:1. Results of the experiments show that biomass and root morphological parameters of the castor seedlings decreased significantly with the addition of chelating agents. The decrease in the number of root tips was the most significant. Comparison with the control demonstrated that the difference reached extremely significant level ( p <0.01). Addition of the chelating agents reduced chlorophyll a, b, and a+ b significantly in castors ( p <0.05), especially chlorophyll b. The activities of SOD (Superoxide Dismutase), CAT (Catalase) and POD (Peroxidase) in leaves of the castor seedlings were also affected, ascending first and then descending with the increasing EDTA application rate. The addition increased generally Pb and Zn contents in the castor seedlings, with Pb in particular, demonstrating that it significantly enhanced the plant’s capacity of accumulating Pb and Zn, especially Pb, and of transferring Pb and Zn from roots to shoots, with translocation coefficient reaching the peak when 3 mmol kg-1 EDTA and NTA was added. Castor is relatively high in tolerance to Pb and Zn and in capacity of accumulating the two, so it can be used in the study on phytoremediation of waste lands of Pb-Zn tailings.


王红新,郭绍义,胡锋,蒋洋杨,李辉信.螯合剂对铅锌尾矿改良基质上蓖麻幼苗生长和铅锌积累的影响[J].土壤学报,2012,49(3):491-498. DOI:10.11766/trxb201107310285 Wang Hongxin, Guo Shaoyi, Hu Feng, Jiang Yangyang, Li Huixin. Effects of chelating agents on growth and lead-zinc accumulation of castor seedlings growing in amended substrate of lead-zinc tailings[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2012,49(3):491-498.

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  • 收稿日期:2011-07-31
  • 最后修改日期:2011-12-20
  • 录用日期:2011-12-29
  • 在线发布日期: 2012-02-27