

Effect of hedgerows reducing of nitrogen and phosphorus leaching loss from Phyllostachys praecox stands
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    为了解不同植物篱对雷竹林氮磷渗漏流失拦截的效果,在集约经营雷竹林下坡设置黑麦草(草篱)、红叶石楠+金森女贞(灌木篱)和半野生状态粗放经营雷竹林(雷竹篱)3种植物篱,于2010年6月至10月采样并分析其渗漏水。结果表明,3种植物篱对集约经营雷竹林氮磷渗漏流失拦截效果明显,拦截前后氮磷浓度差异达极显著水平,但不同植物篱的拦截效果差异并不显著。对氮的拦截量表现为雷竹篱(81.3 kg hm-2),草篱(81.1 kg hm-2),灌木篱(77.0 kg hm-2),拦截率分别为61.0%,60.8%和57.7%;对磷的拦截量表现为雷竹篱(4.9 kg hm-2),草篱(4.7 kg hm-2),灌木篱(4.3 kg hm-2),拦截率分别是49.0%、46.9%、43.1%。半野生态粗放经营雷竹作为植物篱,既可减少氮磷面源污染,又可节省种植时间和费用,同时收获笋材,具有较大的推广价值。


    A field study was conducted to evaluate effects of hedgerows reducing nitrogen and phosphorus leaching loss from intensively managed Phyllostachys praecox stands. Three types of hedgerows composed of Lolium perenne L., Photinia X. and Ligustrum japonicum mixture, and extensively managed P. praecox groves, separately, were set up. Samples of subsurface leachate were taken at 0.3m depth on both sides of the hedgerows between June and October in 2010 for analysis of concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus. All the three types of hedgerows intercepted large amounts of nutrients, thus significantly reducing concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in the leachates collected at the down slopes of the hedgerows. But the effects varied only slightly between hedgerows, showing a decreasing order of hedgerow of natural P. praecox (N 81.3 kg hm-2 and P 4.9 kg hm-2 ) > hedgerow of L. perenne (N 81.1 kg hm-2 and P 4.7 kg hm-2 ) > hedgerow of Photinia X. and L. japonicum mixture (N 77.0 kg hm-2 and P 4.3 kg hm-2 ). Up to 61% of the nitrogen and 49% of the phosphorus in the leachate from the upslope P. praecox stands were intercepted by the hedgerows. Among the three types of hedgerows, the one of extensively managed P. praecox groves was the most worthy of extrapolating, because it does not only reduce N and P non-point source pollution, but also save time and labor in setting up the hedgerow and produce marketable bamboo shoots as well.


许开平,吴家森,黄程鹏,姜培坤.不同植物篱在减少雷竹林氮磷渗漏流失中的作用[J].土壤学报,2012,49(5):980-987. DOI:10.11766/trxb201109010332 Xu Kaiping, Wu Jiasen, Huang Chengpeng, Jiang Peikun. Effect of hedgerows reducing of nitrogen and phosphorus leaching loss from Phyllostachys praecox stands[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2012,49(5):980-987.

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  • 收稿日期:2011-09-01
  • 最后修改日期:2012-01-11
  • 录用日期:2012-02-15
  • 在线发布日期: 2012-04-23