Abstract:An experiment using the 15N -labeling method was carried out to investigate effects of application of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3, N 300mg kg-1) and nitrite(Na NO2, N 1mg kg-) on generation of N2O and NO in mid- subtropical forest soils, different in water regime (60% and 90% of WHC), in Southeast China. Results show that in soils 60% of WHC in soil water content, generation of N2O and NO was significantly inhibited by high nitrogen input (p <0.01 ) ; while in soils 90 % WHC in soil water content, a similar phenomenon was observed with the generation of N2Owithin the first 9 hours of incubation, but afterwards the trend turned reversely; When NO2- added the inhibitions of high nitrogen input were lifted for all unsterilized soils, addition of NO2- immediately offset the inhibitive effect of high soil N content and triggered off generation of a large amount of N2O and NO, forming a sharp contrast to CK (p <0.01 ). Such a phenomenon did not last long (for 21 h only) in soils 60% of WHC; but it did quite a long time (over 2 weeks) in soils 90% of WHC, which suggests that high water availability and exogenous NO2- played an important role in offsetting the inhibitive effect of high soil N content. In this experiment, N2O was generated mainly in denitrification process of the soil, and what is more, the addition of unlabeled NO2-led to rapid increase of hybrid N2O (14N15NO) molecules within the first 21 hours of the experiment, demonstrating that denitrification in the forest soil may probably proceed mainly through codenitrification by fungi, which may explain over 80% of the denitrification. Spearman rank correlation analysis indicates that there is a significantly positive correlation between the NO and N2Oproduction rates (p <0.05 ) in non-sterilized soils, and the lower the soil water content, the higher the correlation between the two. After addition of NO2-, sterilized soil produced more NO than unsterilized soil, but almost no N2O, which indicates that in acid soils chemical denitrification contributes more to NO than to N2O.