

Indices for fertilization of winter wheat in Guanzhong irrigation area of Shaanxi
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    为建立关中灌区冬小麦施肥指标体系,对关中灌区2008年95个冬小麦“3414”大田试验数据进行整理、分析,以相对产量70%、80%、90%和95%划分土壤养分丰缺指标,并利用一元二次模型对各试验点施肥量与产量关系进行模拟,确定各试验点最佳经济产量施肥量,最终建立了关中灌区冬小麦基于土壤碱解氮(AN)、有效磷(AP)和速效钾(AK)测定值的氮、磷、钾推荐施肥模型,确定了不同肥力水平下的推荐施肥量:当碱解氮含量处于极低(<50 mg kg-1)、低(50~80 mg kg-1)、中(80~120 mg kg-1)和高等级(>120 mg kg-1)时,氮肥(N)施用量分别为190~230 kg hm-2、150~190 kg hm-2、110~150 kg hm-2和0~110 kg hm-2;有效磷含量处于极低(<10 mg kg-1)、低(10~20 mg kg-1)、中(20~35 mg kg-1)和高等级(>35 mg kg-1)时,磷肥(P2O5)施用量分别为130~160 kg hm-2、110~130 kg hm-2、90~110 kg hm-2和0~90 kg hm-2;速效钾含量处于低(<90 mg kg-1)、中(90~150 mg kg-1)、高(150~190 mg kg-1)和极高等级(>190 mg kg-1)时,钾肥(K2O)施用量分别为120~150 kg hm-2、90~120 kg hm-2、70~90 kg hm-2和0~70 kg hm-2。示范试验证明推荐施肥处理较农民习惯施肥处理平均增产789 kg hm-2,增收1 227 元 hm-2,肥料贡献率提高8.2个百分点,每kg氮磷钾肥小麦增产量提高1.7 kg。


    To build up a fertilization index system for winter wheat in Guanzhong irrigation area of Shaanxi, the data of 95 “3414” field experiments on winter wheat carried out in 2008 were analyzed; relative yields of the fields, i.e. 70%, 80%, 90% and 95%, were set as indices for grading abundance of soil nutrients; relationship between fertilization rate and yield of each field experiment site was simulated with a linear quadratic model; and an optimal economical fertilization rate was determined for each experiment site. In the end, a model for recommendation of N, P2O5 and K2O application rates for winter wheat in this area was established based on the measurements of alkalytic N (AN), available P (AP) and available K (AK) in the soils and fertilization rates were recommended for fields different in soil fertility level. In wheat fields with the content of AN being very low (<50 mg kg-1), low (50~80 mg kg-1), medium (80~120 mg kg-1) or high (>120 mg kg-1), the application rate of N 190~230, 150~190, 110~150 and 0~110 kg hm-2 was recommended, respectively; in fields with the content of AP being <10, 10~20, 20~35 and >35 mg kg-1, the application rate of P2O5 130~160, 110~130, 90~110 and 0~90 kg hm-2 was, respectively; and in fields with the content of AK being <90, 90~150, 150~190 and >190 mg kg-1, the application rate of K2O 120~150, 90~120, 70~90 and 0~70 kg hm-2 was, respectively. Demonstration trials showed that compared with farmer’s practice, recommended fertilization increased the yield and profit of winter wheat on average by 789 kg hm-2 and 1 227 yuan hm-2, and fertilizer contribution rate and agronomic efficiency by 8.2% and 1.7 kg kg -1, respectively.


刘 芬,同延安,王小英,赵佐平.陕西关中灌区冬小麦施肥指标研究[J].土壤学报,2013,50(3):556-563. DOI:10.11766/trxb201204060110 Liu Fen, Tong Yan’an, Wang Xiaoying, Zhao Zuoping. Indices for fertilization of winter wheat in Guanzhong irrigation area of Shaanxi[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2013,50(3):556-563.

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  • 收稿日期:2012-04-06
  • 最后修改日期:2012-12-06
  • 录用日期:2012-12-28
  • 在线发布日期: 2013-03-04