

Effects of combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers plus dmpp on nitrogen transformation in soils as affected by different factors
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    研究不同作用因子下有机无机配施模式添加DMPP(3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐)对土壤氮素形态转化的影响,为田间氮素管理和高效利用提供科学依据。采用好气恒温土壤培养试验,研究施肥用量、水分条件、环境温度、土壤类型等不同作用因子,对有机无机氮肥配施模式添加DMPP土壤氮素形态转化的影响。结果表明,60 d时,高用量有机无机配施处理比常规有机无机处理铵态氮含量提高89倍,硝态氮减少57.8%;与湿润培养相比,淹水条件下有机无机配施模式添加DMPP,60 d内土壤铵态氮含量持续增加,硝化进程受抑制更显著;60 d时15 ℃处理铵态氮含量较25 ℃处理高56倍,硝态氮含量低18倍;60 d时红壤中铵态氮含量分别是小粉土和青紫泥的30倍与31倍,而硝态氮含量仅为二者的55.7%与33.6%。25 ℃时青紫泥、小粉土和红壤中有机无机配施模式添加DMPP最佳抑制效果在30~40 d,有效作用时间可达60 d。DMPP能够明显增加有机无机配施模式土壤中铵态氮含量,有效延长铵态氮在土壤中停留的时间,使硝态氮含量长期维持在较低水平。高施肥水平有机无机配施模式下DMPP的抑制效果更突出。低温环境有利于DMPP对硝化进程的抑制。不同作用因子下,有机无机配施模式添加DMPP对氮素转化影响的深层作用机理值得进一步研究。


    To provide scientific basis for management and efficient utilization of nitrogen in fields, effects of combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers plus DMPP (3,4-dimethypyrazole phosphate) on nitrogen transformation in soils as affected by to various factors were studied. For that end, an aerobic thermostat pot experiment was designed to have various affecting factors, like fertilization rate, soil moisture, environmental temperature, soil type, etc., and carried out. After 60 days of incubation, it was found that NH4+-N concentration was 89 times higher and NO3--N concentration 57.8% lower in the pots higher in fertilization rate than in the pots conventional in fertilization rate (no DMPP was added in either pots); in the pots subjected to flooding and combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers plus DMPP, NH4+-N concentration kept on rising and nitrification process was more significantly inhibited; NH4+-N concentration was 56 times higher and NO3--N concentration 18 times lower in the pots incubated under 15℃ than in the pots under 25℃, and NH4+-N concentration was 30 and 31 times higher and NO3--N concentration was 44.3% and 66.4% lower in the pots of red soil than in the pots of silt paddy soil and blue clayey paddy soil, respectively. The optimal nitrification inhibitory effect was observed during the period from day 30 to day 40 in the pots of blue clayey paddy soil, silt paddy soil and red soil subjected to combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers plus DMPP under 25℃, and inhibitory effect of the treatment may last throughout the experiment period of 60 days. Obviously the addition of DMPP could increase NH4+-N concentration in the pots subjected to combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers, and effectively extend residence of the NH4+-N in the soils, and keep NO3--N concentration at a lower level for a longer period. The inhibitory effect of DMPP was more outstanding in the pots subjected to high rates of combined fertilization. Low temperature is benefit to the inhibitory effect of DMPP. It is, therefore, worthwhile to do some further studies on mechanisms of different factors affecting effects of combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers plus DMPP on nitrogen transformation.


殷建祯,俞巧钢,符建荣,马军伟,邹 平,王欣欣,费 杰,方晓波.不同作用因子下有机无机配施添加DMPP对氮素转化的影响[J].土壤学报,2013,50(3):574-583. DOI:10.11766/trxb201206250252 Yin Jianzhen, Yu Qiaogang, Fu Jianrong, Ma Junwei, Zhou Ping, Wang Xinxin, Fei Jie, Fang Xiaobo. Effects of combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers plus dmpp on nitrogen transformation in soils as affected by different factors[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2013,50(3):574-583.

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  • 收稿日期:2012-06-25
  • 最后修改日期:2012-12-25
  • 录用日期:2013-02-01
  • 在线发布日期: 2013-03-04