

Effects of planting AtPAP15 transgenic soybeans on soil nutrients and enzyme activities in rhizosphere
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    以转入 AtPAP15 基因的两个磷养分高效转基因大豆株系AP15-1、AP15-3及其各自受体YC03-3、YC04-5为材料,在大田连续种植两季,通过在苗期、盛花期和成熟期采集根际土,对其进行pH和全磷、速效磷、有机磷、全氮、碱解氮、全钾、速效钾、及钼等八种微量元素含量的测定,并分析了盛花期AP15-1与其受体YC03-3根际土中酸性磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶、蔗糖酶和脲酶的活性变化,从而了解上述磷高效转基因大豆的种植是否会对根际土中主要养分和酶活性产生影响。研究结果显示:秋春两季根际土中除全钾和微量元素含量外,其他养分含量在个别时期,转基因大豆AP15-1或AP15-3与其受体之间,均存在显著性的差异,但这些显著性差异大部分出现在苗期,成熟期仅有机磷含量在AP15-1与其受体YC03-3、速效钾含量在AP15-3与其受体YC04-5之间呈显著差异,并且这些差异在两季中均未重复出现。根际土中四种土壤酶活性测定结果显示:同季转基因大豆与其受体之间差异不显著。总体结果表明,上述转AtPAP15基因磷高效大豆种植对根际土中磷、氮、钾等养分和四种土壤酶活性均未产生显著的影响。


    In a field experiment, where two successive crops of soybeans, including 2 P-efficient transgenic soybeans AP15-1 and AP15-3, and their receptors YC03-3 and YC04-5, were planted. Samples of rhizosphere soils were collected at the seedling, florescence, and mature stages for analyses of pH, total P, available P, organic P, total N, alkali N, total K, available K and eight trace elements, and the activities of four soil enzymes, including sucrase, phosphatase, hydrogen peroxidase and urease, in the rhizosphere soils of AP15-1 and YC03-3 at the full bloom stage, to explore effects of planting of the transgenic soybeans on soil nutrients and enzyme activities in the rhizosphere soil. Results showed that the significant differences were found at certain stages between AP15-1 and YC03-3 and between AP15-3 and YC04-5 in nutrient content, except for total K and trace elements. However, the differences were observed mostly at the seedling stage, and at the mature stage, the difference existed only in content of organic P between AP15-1 and YC03-3, and in content of available K between AP15-3 and YC04-5. Moreover, such differences were no longer detected any time of the two seasons. The determination of activities of the four soil enzymes indicated that there was no significant difference between the transgenic varieties and their respective receptors in the same season. To sum up, the findings demonstrate that planting P-efficient transgenic soybeans is likely to have no significant effects on contents of the main soil nutrients or activities of the four soil enzymes in rhizosphere.


吴 凡,林桂潮,吴坚文,姚 涓,周 峰,姜大刚,梅曼彤,穆 虹.转 AtPAP15基因大豆种植对根际土壤养分及酶活性的影响[J].土壤学报,2013,50(3):600-608. DOI:10.11766/trxb201207130283 Wu Fan, Lin Guichao, Wu Jianwen, Yang Juan, Zhou Feng, Jiang Dagang, Mei Mantong, Mu Hong. Effects of planting AtPAP15 transgenic soybeans on soil nutrients and enzyme activities in rhizosphere[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2013,50(3):600-608.

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  • 收稿日期:2012-07-13
  • 最后修改日期:2013-01-30
  • 录用日期:2013-01-31
  • 在线发布日期: 2013-03-04