
国家自然科学基金重大项目(61190114)、国家“973”重点基础研究发展规划项目(2011CB302705, 2010CB950702,2010CB428503)、国家自然科学基金项目(41171324)和浙江大学科研发展基金面上项目(2012FK032)资助

Variation of soil heat flux in subtropical Phyllostachys edulis forest ecosystem in China
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    选取2010年12月1日—2011年11月30日的土壤热通量实测数据,通过研究,分析了亚热带(浙江省)毛竹林土壤热通量与三层土壤温度、三层土壤含水量以及净辐射的关系。结果表明:土壤热通量有明显的季节变化特征,而日变化均为“S”形,有一个峰值和一个谷值,月均值差异较明显。年尺度上土壤是热源,土壤热通量为-7.52 MJ m2,占全年净辐射的-0.289%,正向最大值出现在7月(18.71 MJ m2),负向最大值出现在1月(-19.33 MJ m2)。不同时间尺度和不同土壤深度进行回归关系分析,在月尺度上,土壤热通量与土壤5 cm温度的相关性最好,达极显著水平;在日尺度上,土壤热通量与土壤5 cm含水量相关性达极显著水平,但相关系数不高;在月尺度上月均值土壤热通量与净辐射极显著相关,在0.5 h尺度上相关性也为极显著水平,且时间上无延滞现象。


    With its remarkable advantages of rapid growth, high yield, wide application and good economic returns, Phyllostachys edulis has been one of the most extensively cultivated bamboo in China, especially in South China. Soil heat fluxes and meteorological factors of P. edulis ecosystems in Anji were monitored with soil heat flux plates (HFP01) and a meteorological monitoring system. Presently, few works are available on soil heat fluxes in P. edulis ecosystems, but soil heat flux is an important part of ecosystem energy flow. Based on the soil heat flux data measured from Dec. 1st 2010 to Nov. 30th 2011, relationships of soil heat flux with soil temperatures and, soil of water contents in three soil layers and net radiation were analyzed. Results show that soil heat flux varied seasonally with monthly mean flux differing sharply between months, and diurnally, displaying an “S” curve, with one peak and one valley. On an annual scale, soil is the source of heat, providing-7.52 MJ m2 a year and contributing, -0.289% to the total net radiation of a year. The maximum positive value appeared in July and the maximum negative one in January. Regression relationship analysis of different temporal scales and different soil depths shows that on a monthly scale, soil heat flux was best related to the soil temperature at 5 cm in soil depth, showing a relationship at the extremely significant level, while on a daily scale, soil heat flux was in an extremely significant relationship with soil water content at 5 cm in soil depth, but the correlation coefficient was not so high. The monthly mean of soil heat fluxes was extremely significantly related with net radiation on a monthly scale and even at a half-an-hour scale, showing no temporal retardation phenomenon.


孙 成,江 洪,陈 健,王 彬,刘玉莉,陈雅奇.亚热带毛竹林土壤热通量变异特征[J].土壤学报,2013,50(5):966-973. DOI:10.11766/trxb201303010095 Sun Cheng, Jiang Hong, Chen Jian, Wang Bin, Liu Yuli, Chen Yaqi. Variation of soil heat flux in subtropical Phyllostachys edulis forest ecosystem in China[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2013,50(5):966-973.

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  • 收稿日期:2013-03-01
  • 最后修改日期:2013-05-22
  • 录用日期:2013-06-08
  • 在线发布日期: 2013-07-05