

Temporal-spatial distribution of soil salt in coastal cotton field soil
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    Using a portable Geonics EM38 electromagnetic soil conductivity meter, electrical conductivity of an experiment field at the Yellow River delta was measured in spring, summer and autumn to. Study the temporal-spatial distribution of soil salt .With the help of classical statistics and geostatistics, analysis was performed of the measurements. Results show that the correlation coefficients were all higher than 0.8 and hence in the category of strong correlation, while horizontally, they were in the range of -0.2 ~ 0.2 and the hence in the category of weak correlation. Soil salt was found to be accumulated in the bottom soil layer. Comparisons of coefficients of variation indicate that among the data collected at the same time, the variation was the highest in the surface layer and the lowest in the bottom layer. Semi-variance analysis shows that the nugget/sill ratios of the soil layers were all in the range of 25% ~ 75%. Spatial distribution of salt tended to be moderate in spatial correlation. Spatial interpolation diagrams were formed after values were assigned to cotton growth, and the diagrams of the same season were compared. Soil salinity was sorted into four grades. Proportion of each grade of soil salinity in the grid interpolation of the re-sorted salinity grades was calculated, and shows that the proportion of non-salinized soil has increased from 5.54% to 11.93% in the surface soil layer and that of slightly, salinized soil increased by 40%.


孙运朋,陈小兵,张振华,吴从稳,颜 坤,张立华.滨海棉田土壤盐分时空分布特征研究[J].土壤学报,2013,50(5):891-899. DOI:10.11766/trxb201304280209 Sun Yunpeng, Chen Xiaobing, Zhang Zhenhua, Wu Congwen, yYan Kun, Zhang Lihua. Temporal-spatial distribution of soil salt in coastal cotton field soil[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2013,50(5):891-899.

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  • 收稿日期:2013-04-28
  • 最后修改日期:2013-06-19
  • 录用日期:2013-07-08
  • 在线发布日期: 2013-07-08