

Application of reductive soil disinfestation to suppress soil-borne pathogens
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    随着集约化种植程度的不断提高,土传病原菌侵染、土壤酸化、次生盐渍化、养分平衡失调等引起的作物连作障碍发生率不断攀升,严重威胁着集约化农业的可持续发展。强还原土壤灭菌(Reductive Soil Disinfestation, RSD)法是一种作物种植前的土壤处理方法,即:在发生土传病害的土壤上,添加大量的易分解有机物料、灌溉、薄膜覆盖或淹水阻隔与大气的气体交换,快速创造土壤强还原环境,短期内杀灭土传病原菌的方法。强还原杀灭土传病原菌的作用机理包括:1)厌气杀灭好氧病原菌;2)还原过程产生有毒有害的物质杀灭土传病原菌;3)强还原改变土壤微生物群落结构,抑制土传病原菌活性。强还原土壤灭菌法还具有提高土壤pH,减轻次生盐渍化的作用,具有广谱性和环境友好性。本文介绍了该方法的起源、作用机理、影响该方法效果的因素及其应用前景。


    With farming cultivation increasing steadily in intensiveness, obstacles to successive cropping, such as soil-borne pathogens, soil acidification, secondary salinization and unbalanced nutrient supply, occur more frequently, and seriously sabotage sustainability of the intensive agriculture. The threat is even more serious in China due to excessive application of N fertilizers and farmers’ poor knowledge about intensive agriculture. Firstly developed in Japan and the Netherlands in the early 2000’s as an alternative of chemical soil disinfestationand named as biological soil disinfestation (BSD) or reductive soil disinfestation (RSD) in Japan or anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) in the Netherlands and the USA, the method is now being widely applied in these countries. RSD refers to the pre-planting soil treatment method, i.e. applying decomposable organic materials at a very high rate to the soils infested with soil-borne pathogens, flooding or irrigating the field to water saturation, and mulching the field with plastic film to limit gas exchange between the soil and the atmosphere and create the soil in a very intensively reductive state for a short period of time (a few days). The method can be conducted in the fallow season between two crops when temperature is higher than 25℃ and the treatment usually lasts 2~4 weeks mainly depending on temperature, amount of the organic material applied, and population of pathogens. The researches have demonstrated that the method controls a broad-spectrum of pests and is an alternative to chemical fumigation with gaseous pesticides, such as methyl bromide, effective to eliminate or reduce the populations of fungal and bacterial pathogens and root-knot nematodes. The mechanisms of RSD for disinfestation include: 1) creating an anaerobic condition that kills aerobic soil-borne pathogens; 2) producing substances harmful and toxic to the pathogens during the treatment period; and 3) altering structure of the soil microbial community and inhibiting the activity ofsoil-borne pathogens. Besides, the RSD method has some effects of increasing soil pH and alleviating soil secondary salinization, and its application is universal and environment-friendly. An introduction is presented in the paper to the development, mechanisms for suppressing soil-borne pathogens and remediation of acidified or secondarily salinized soils, and factors influencing the effectiveness of the RSD method and prospects of the application of the method as well.

    发 布

蔡祖聪,张金波,黄新琦,朱同彬,温 腾.强还原土壤灭菌防控作物土传病的应用研究[J].土壤学报,2015,52(3):469-476. DOI:10.11766/trxb201411040554 Cai Zucong, ZhangJinbo, Huang Xinqi, Zhu Tongbin, Weng Teng. Application of reductive soil disinfestation to suppress soil-borne pathogens[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2015,52(3):469-476.

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  • 收稿日期:2014-11-04
  • 最后修改日期:2015-01-04
  • 录用日期:2015-01-20
  • 在线发布日期: 2015-03-02