

Mechanism of CTMAB Modifying BS-12 Modified Bentonite
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Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41271244) and the Social Development Research Project of Shaanxi Province (No. 2013K13-01-05)

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    研究了十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTMA)在十二烷基二甲基甜菜碱(BS-12)修饰膨润土表面的复配模式, 通过BS-12膨润土表面Ca2+/2和CTMA总浓度(SCC)变化及20℃和40℃条件下CTMA吸附量的变化可知:存在离子交换和疏水键合模式。CTMA在25%、50%、100% BS-12修饰(25BS、50BS和100BS)膨润土表面出现疏水键的临界比例(R C)分别为20.30%、11.56%和2.00%,且疏水比例随CTMA复配比例(R )及其摩尔分数的增大而增大,疏水键合模式占绝对优势的临界比例(R C’)分别为200%、150%和100%。对于BS-12单一修饰及BS-12+CTMA复配修饰比例之和,50%及200%分别是膨润土表面出现疏水键合及其占绝对优势的转折点。R <R C,离子交换模式;R CR R C’,离子交换与疏水键合共存;R > R C’,疏水键合占绝对优势。R CR C’及CTMA最大吸附量(qm)呈现25BS>50BS>100BS特点,升温使qm减小。


    Mechanism of hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTMA) modifying the surface of dodecyl dimethyl betaine (BS-12) modified bentonite was studied. Judging by changes in the Sum of CTMA and Calcium ion (SCC) on the surface of BS-12 modified bentonite and CTMA adsorption as affected by temperature, 20℃or 40℃, it was found that there were two modes of CTMA adsorption on BS-12 modified bentonite: ion exchanging and hydrophobic bonding. On the surface of BS-12 modified bentonites (25BS, 50BS and 100BS) varying in modification degree, 25%, 50% and 100%, the adsorption of CTMA in the mode of hydrophobic bonding reached its critical level in proportion (R C), that is, 20.30%, 11.56% and 2.00%, respectively, and the percentage of hydrophobic bonding increased with increasing CTMA modification ratio (R ) and mole fraction. The critical ratio (R C’) reached 200%, 150% and 100%, respectively, when hydrophobic bonding assumed its absolute dominancy. On the surface of bentonites modified with BS-12 only or with BS-12 and CTMA, 50% and 200% was the turning point for hydrophobic bonding to appear and to assume absolute dominancy, Separately. When R < R C, CTMA adsorption was mainly in the ion exchanging mode; when R CR R C’, it was in both modes, ion exchanging and hydrophobic bonding; and when R > R C’, it was overwhelmingly dominated with hydrophobic bonding mode. R CR C’ and the maximum adsorption of CTMA (qm) displayed an order of 25BS>50BS>100BS. With rising temperature, qmdeclined.


余 璐,孟昭福,李文斌,任 爽,吴 琼,刘 伟,白 丹. CTMAB对BS-12修饰膨润土的复配修饰模式[J].土壤学报,2016,53(2):543-551. DOI:DOI:10.11766/trxb201510090353 YU Lu, MENG Zhaofu, LI Wenbin, REN Shuang, WU Qiong, LIU Wei, BAI Dan. Mechanism of CTMAB Modifying BS-12 Modified Bentonite[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2016,53(2):543-551.

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  • 收稿日期:2015-07-23
  • 最后修改日期:2015-11-14
  • 录用日期:2015-12-01
  • 在线发布日期: 2015-12-15