

Effects of Combined Application of Biogas Slurry and Chemical Fertilizer on Soil Nutrients and Peanut Yield in Upland Red Soil
Fund Project:

Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31201690), the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest of China (No. 201203050) and the GanPo “555”Talent Program

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    通过沼液化肥配施定位实验,研究等氮量条件下沼液替代化肥的不同比例(沼液全氮分别占总N 0%、15%、30%、45%、100%)对红壤旱地土壤养分库和花生产量的影响。结果表明,沼液施用2年后,花生平均产量显著增加,较无肥和单施化肥处理分别增产33.15% ~ 48.29% 和10.24% ~ 22.77%,其中30%处理达到最高(3 332 kg hm-2),较其他处理显著增产4.0% ~ 48.3%。同时土壤有机质(OM)、活性有机质(LOM)及碳库管理指数(CMI)也发生了显著变化,30%处理较其他处理表现为显著增加。可见沼液化肥均衡配施在提高土壤有机质含量的同时显著改善了有机质质量。同时较不施肥和单施化肥处理,30%处理显著提高了土壤全氮、NH4+ -N、NO3 -N、NO2 -N、有效磷和速效钾含量。对花生产量与土壤各养分指标进行Pearson相关分析,发现相关系数最高的是有效磷(0.956**),表明有效磷是当前红壤旱地花生持续高产的首要限制因子。作物产量与LOM显著正相关(0.826*),而与OM无显著相关性。同时,LOM与OM(0.920**)、全氮(0.894*)、全磷(0.867*)、有效磷(0.872*)和速效钾(0.821*)均呈极显著或显著正相关,而OM除与LOM达到显著相关外,仅与全氮(0.922**)和有效磷(0.862*)呈极显著或显著正相关。这表明LOM较OM更能客观反映土壤质量的变化,应成为土壤施肥的良好评价指标。本实验条件下,红壤旱地花生产区沼液化肥均衡配施(30%)既显著提高花生产量、减少化肥使用量,又可以提高土壤养分库,增加土壤有机质和活性有机质含量,应成为红壤旱地地区花生增产和地力培肥的有效途径。


    Biogas slurry was known to affect the soil-plant ecosystem when applied as manure, especially in combination with chemical fertilizer. However, little knowledge was available regarding how this combination affects peanut yield and soil fertility in peanut fields of red soil, South China. Therefore, a two-year field experiment, designed to have 6 treatments, except for CK (No fertilizer applied), different in proportion of biogas slurry N to total N input [0% (NPK), 15% (BS15), 30% (BS30), 45% (BS45) and 100% (BS100)] and the same in NPK rate (N-P2O5-K2O, 120-90-135 kg hm-2), was carried out to evaluated synthetically the effects of combined application of biogas slurry and chemical fertilizer on peanut yield, soil organic matter, labile organic matter, carbon management index and soil nutrients (N, P, K et al) in the Red Soil Ecological Experiment Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Results show that combined application increased peanut yield by 33.2%~48.3% and 10.2%~22.8% as compared to that in CK and Treatment NPK, respectively, with Treatment BS30 in particular, reaching 3332 kg hm-2 in peanut yield or being 4.0%~48.3% higher than the other treatments, separately. Meanwhile it also significantly increased soil organic matter, labile organic matter and carbon management index (CMI), and the effect was especially obvious in Treatment BS30. The findings suggest that combined application may increase the content of soil organic matter and improve its quality as well. Treatment BS30 markedly increased soil total nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, available phosphorus and potassium in the soil, as compared with CK and Treatment NPK, respectively. Correlation analysis of peanut yield with soil nutrients (N, P, K, etc.) reveals that its correlation coefficient was the highest with available phosphorus, being 0.956**, which indicates that soil available phosphorus is presently the main factor affecting peanut yield in peanut fields of red soil. In addition, peanut yield was also found positively related to labile organic matter with correlation coefficient being 0.826*, but did not have much to do with organic matter. At the same time, labile organic matter was in extremely significant or significant positive relationship with organic matter (0.920**), total nitrogen (0.894*), total phosphorus (0.867*), available phosphorus (0.872*) and available potassium (0.821*), while organic matter was significantly related only to labile organic matter (0.920**), total nitrogen (0.922**) and available phosphorus (0.862*), which suggests that labile organic matter could be better used as indicator of soil quality than organic matter, and, hence, may well be used as a good index for evaluation of soil fertilization efficiency. All the findings in this experiment indicate that the combined application of biogas slurry and chemical fertilizer, 3:7 in ratio can not only significantly increase peanut yield and reduce the use of chemical fertilizer, but also build up the soil nutrient pool with higher labile organic matter and organic matter contents. It is, therefore considered to be an effective way to increase peanut yield, while building up soil fertility in the upland red soil areas of South China.


郑学博,樊剑波,周 静,何园球.沼液化肥配施对红壤旱地土壤养分和花生产量的影响[J].土壤学报,2016,53(3):675-684. DOI:10.11766/trxb201509210375 ZHENG Xuebo, FAN Jianbo, ZHOU Jing, HE Yuanqiu. Effects of Combined Application of Biogas Slurry and Chemical Fertilizer on Soil Nutrients and Peanut Yield in Upland Red Soil[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2016,53(3):675-684.

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  • 收稿日期:2015-08-10
  • 最后修改日期:2015-10-11
  • 录用日期:2015-10-15
  • 在线发布日期: 2016-02-29