

Influence of Ancient Human Activities on Development of Soil— A Case Study of Yangshao Village Cultural Relic Site, Henan Province
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Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41371226)

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    选择在河南仰韶村文化遗址内,分别选取一个受到古人类活动干扰的土壤剖面(简称文化剖面)和没有受到古人类活动干扰的土壤剖面(简称自然剖面),通过分析和比较两个剖面中炭屑、各种氧化物含量和土壤发育指标数值,研究古人类活动对土壤发育的影响。研究结果显示,在古人类用火形成的灰烬层中,炭屑含量达到最大值2.38×105粒 g-1,约为自然剖面最高值的12.35倍,这使得SiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3、K2O、MgO和Na2O含量相对减少,均达到最小值,而CaO、MnO含量达到最大值,表明古人类用火产生大量含Ca和Mn物质;而在古人类居住形成的文化层中,除SiO2几乎无变化外,其余物质均出现最大值或达到波峰,表明古人类居住活动有利于各种氧化物的富集。文化剖面发育指标数值总体高于自然剖面,在文化剖面内,文化层和灰烬层的上覆和下伏自然土层中各种元素物质含量基本相同,表明古人类活动阻碍了各种元素物质向下迁移和聚集,使下伏自然土层保持在一个相对封闭的环境中,由此推测古人类活动基本阻碍了土壤发育进程。


    【Objective】In recent years, the issue of influences of human activities on soil development has been drawing more and more attention, however, present researches are main focused on impacts of modern cultivation and urban activities on soil, with little attention to those of ancient human activities on soil. As a matter of fact, ancient human activities have left so many traces in the soil that it is feasible to expose the influence of ancient human activities on soil genesis and development, and intensity and range of the activities through pedological researches and hence to provide archaeologists with certain scientific basis in their work. 【Method】In this paper, two soil profiles in the Yangshao Village cultural relic site of Henan Province, one containing obvious evidence of ancient human activities (cultural profile in short) and the other free of any ancient human disturbance (natural profile in short), were chosen for comparison. By referring to the method for studying genetic features of paleosol and the means of explore for charcoal grains that may indicate intensity of ancient human activities this paper focused on analysis of the two profiles for comparison in content of various oxides and soil weathering and development indices, Sa, Saf and ba, and hence for influences of ancient human activities on soil formation and development. 【Result】Results show that ancient human activities varied in influence on migration and accumulation of various oxides. In the ash layer formed by ancient human using fire, the number of charcoal grains was the highest, reaching 238,153 pcs g-1,which was about 12.35 times the maximum in the natural profile, thus leading to relatively lower SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, K2O, MgO and Na2O contents, or down to the minimum, while bringing the contents of CaO and MnO up to the maximum, which indicates that the use of fire by the ancient human beings generated a great deal of materials abundant in Ca and Mn. In the cultural layer formed by living of ancient humans, all oxides expect SiO2, came to the maximum or peak, which indicates that the living of ancient humans facilitated accumulation of various oxides. As the ash and cultural layers were formed with foreign objects that were brought in by ancient human activities, they were no long ordinary soils, so in comparing the two profiles in soil weathering and development indices, it is necessary to rule out the two layers. 【Conclusion】It was found that the cultural profile was on the whole higher than the natural profile in soil weathering and development indices, which indicates that the use of fire and living activities of ancient human beings inhibited soil weathering processes. Besides, the two profiles were more or less the same in content of oxides, which indicates that ancient human activities did not affect much contents of various oxides in the soil. However, the comparison of the two profiles in variation of the contents of oxides reveals that in the cultural profile, except for the ash and cultural layers, the fluctuation of the content of various oxides in all the other layers was less in frequency and magnitude than that in the natural profile, particularly in the subsoil layer, which indicates that the use of fire by ancient human beings inhibited downward transportation and accumulation of various elements, thus keeping the subsoil in a relatively enclosed environment. Meanwhile, the fluctuation of the soil weathering and development indices in value was also less in frequency and magnitude in all the other layers of the cultural profile than that of the natural profile, especially the index of ba. The assumption that the use of fire and living activities of ancient human beings impeded weathering of the subsoil further confirms the above conclusion.


査理思,吴克宁,冯力威,王文静,鞠 兵.古人类活动对土壤发育的影响——以河南仰韶村文化遗址为例[J].土壤学报,2016,53(4):850-859. DOI:10.11766/trxb201510140438 ZHA Lisi, WU Kening, FENG Liwei, WANG Wenjing, JU Bing. Influence of Ancient Human Activities on Development of Soil— A Case Study of Yangshao Village Cultural Relic Site, Henan Province[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2016,53(4):850-859.

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  • 收稿日期:2015-09-16
  • 最后修改日期:2016-01-04
  • 录用日期:2016-02-26
  • 在线发布日期: 2016-05-03