
农业部引进国际先进农业科学技术计划(2015-Z42)、南京市生态循环农业项目和江苏省农业科技自主创新资金项目(CX(13)3037) 资助

Effect of Combined Application of Vermicompost and Probiotics on Soil Nematode Communities in Greenhouse Tomato Field
Fund Project:

Supported by the Project of the Ministry of Agriculture for Introduction of International Advanced Agricultural Science and Technology (No. 2015-Z42), Nanjing Eco-Cycle Agriculture Project and Jiangsu Agricultural Science and the Technology Independent Innovation Funding Project (No. CX(13)3037)

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    为探究蚓粪和益生菌互作对大棚番茄地土壤线虫数量和群落结构的影响,设置CF(单施化肥)、CF+BM(化肥配施巨大芽孢杆菌)、CF+BA(化肥配施解淀粉芽孢杆菌)、VC(单施蚓粪)、VC+BM (蚓粪配施巨大芽孢杆菌)和VC+BA(蚓粪配施解淀粉芽孢杆菌)6个处理。结果表明:与单施化肥相比,单施蚓粪有助于土壤线虫数量的提高,而蚓粪配施益生菌相比单施蚓粪对线虫数量的提高更加显著;化肥配施益生菌在盛花期时对土壤线虫数量提高不显著,收获期时有显著提高但效果不及蚓粪配施益生菌。单施化肥或蚓粪提高了植食性线虫短体属( Pratylenchus)的相对丰度,且单施蚓粪提高幅度显著高于单施化肥。与单施化肥相比,单施蚓粪显著降低了食细菌线虫比例,而化肥配施益生菌显著降低了食细菌线虫和植食性线虫比例,增加了食真菌线虫比例。蚓粪配施益生菌相比单施蚓粪显著增加了食细菌和食真菌线虫比例,降低了植食性和捕杂食性线虫比例。与单施化肥或蚓粪相比,蚓粪配施益生菌对瓦斯乐斯卡指数(WI)、食真菌线虫与食细菌线虫比率(F/B)和植食性线虫成熟指数(PPI)均能够产生积极影响,且效果优于化肥配施益生菌。综合比较可以发现,与单施化肥或蚓粪相比,蚓粪配施益生菌能够减缓植食性线虫增长,土壤环境和线虫群落趋于健康和稳定,是值得推荐的施肥方式。


    【Objective】To explore for effective ways to prevent and control nematode infection in facilitated vegetable fields, and to fertilize the fields for better soil quality, a field experiment was carried out on effects of combined application of vermicompost and probiotics on population and community structure of soil nematodes in greenhouse tomato fields. 【Method】The experiment was laid out in a greenhouse of the Nanjing Institute of Agricultural Sciences, using a commonly grown crop in the region, cherry tomato, and designed to have six treatments: CF (chemical fertilizer alone), CF BM (chemical fertilizer and bacillus megaterium), CF BA (chemical fertilizer and bacillus amyloliquefaciens), VC (vermicompost alone), VC BM (vermicompost and bacillus megaterium ) and VC BA (vermicompost and bacillus amyloliquefaciens), and four replicates for each treatment, making up a total of 24 plots (2.5 m×2.5 m each) in randomized block. The treatments were applied with almost the same amount of nutrients in the form of vermicompost (15 t hm-2, dry mass) or chemical fertilizer (N 150 kg hm-2,P2O5 398 kg hm-2 and K2O 334 kg hm-2). Probiotics was prepared in fermentators, containing 1×108 cfu ml-1 of viable bacteria and inoculated with BM or BA at a rate of 1 L m-2 and for bio-solution not inoculated was cultured using ordinary bacterial culture medium (10g peptone 5g yeast extract 10g sodium chloride, volume 1 L). For application they were both diluted 100-fold and sprayed when chemical fertilizer or vermicompost was applied. And then the plots were plowed. The subsequent management was kept consistent for all the plots, that is, on May 8, 2014 28 seedlings, similar in plant height and growth were transplanted in,4 rows and 7 lines in each plot,, and soil samples were collected from each plot at the flowering (June 18) and harvest (August 20) stage for isolation and identification of nematodes. 【Result】Results show that due to difference in fertilization pattern, the treatments varied sharply in population, community structure and trophic groups of soil nematodes. In this field experiment, a total of 25 genera of nematodes were identified, and the population of nematodes in all the six treatments varied in the range of 150 ~ 472 per 100 g dry soil. Compared with Treatment CF, Treatment VC increased the population of soil nematodes and Treatments VC BM and VC BA did more significantly, however, the effect in Treatments CF BM and the CF BA was not significant at the full bloom stage and not so significant as in Treatment VC BM or BA at the harvest stage. Treatment CF or VC increased the relative abundance of herbivorous nematodes ( Pratylenchus), but the effect was more significant in Treatment VC and in Treatment CF Compared with Treatment CF, Treatment VC significantly decreased the proportion of bacterivorous nematodes and Treatment CF BM or BA increased the proportion of fungivorous nematodes, and decreased that of bacterivorous and herbivorous nematodes, while Treatment VC BM or BA significantly increased the proportions of bacterivorous and fungivorous nematodes, and reduced those of herbivorous and omnivorous nematodes when compared with Treatment VC. Compared with either Treatment CF or VC, the addition of probiotics positively affected Wasilewska index (WI), ratio (F/B) of fungivorous to bacterivorous nematodes and plant-parasitic index (PPI) of herbivorous nematodes, and the effect was more significant in Treatment VC than in Treatment CF. It was found through overall comparison that from the flowering stage to the harvest stage, the population of herbivorous nematodes increased in all the treatments, and the effect was the most significant in Treatment VC; and the application of vermicompost plus probiotics effectively inhibited growth of herbivorous nematodes, and more effective than the application of chemical fertilizer plus probiotics in this aspect. With tomato growing on, soil environment and nametode community tended to be more healthy and stable in Treatment VC BM or BA than in the others. 【Conclusion】Therefore, it is a fertilization pattern worth extending, but in practice, it is more advisable to choose a proper probiotics in the light of variety of the crop and soil environment, and potential effect of herbivorous nematodes on the crop to follow.


申 飞,郭 瑞,朱同彬,李辉信,刘满强,胡 锋,赵荷娟,焦加国.蚓粪和益生菌配施对设施番茄地土壤线虫群落的影响[J].土壤学报,2016,53(4):1015-1026. DOI:10.11766/trxb20151027445 SHEN Fei, GUO Rui, ZHU Tongbin, LI Huixin, LIU Manqiang, HU Feng, ZHAO Hejuan, JIAO Jiaguo. Effect of Combined Application of Vermicompost and Probiotics on Soil Nematode Communities in Greenhouse Tomato Field[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2016,53(4):1015-1026.

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  • 收稿日期:2015-09-18
  • 最后修改日期:2015-11-29
  • 录用日期:2015-12-22
  • 在线发布日期: 2016-05-03