

Temporal Variability of Soil Organic Carbon and RationalSampleSize in Red Soil Region
Fund Project:

Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 41201213, 41571206), the Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture (No. 0812201231), andthe "Strategic Priority Research Program - Climate Change: Carbon Budget and Related Issues" of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. XDA05050507)

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    相对于土壤有机碳(Soil organic carbon,SOC)空间变异性及合理采样点数量的研究,其时间变异性及揭示特定时段SOC变化所需采样点数量的研究较少。选择红壤丘陵区的江西省余江县为研究区,分析了1982—2007年SOC含量的时间变异特征,并估算了揭示该时段SOC变化所需土壤采样点数量。结果表明,1982—2007年SOC含量均值由14.18增至16.27 g kg-1,增幅为14.74%,其变异系数则由0.22上升为0.44。各土地利用方式中,水田和林地SOC含量分别增加了2.93和3.12g kg-1,而旱地则降低了2.55 g kg-1;同时各利用方式的SOC含量变异系数均出现较大幅度的提高。基于两时段的全部样点,在95%和90%置信区间上,计算得到揭示该时段全县SOC时间变异所需的采样点数量分别为186和147。基于各土地利用方式的SOC变化,计算得到水田、旱地和林地所需采样点数量分别为68、44和144(95%置信区间)及54、34和112(90%置信区间);揭示旱地SOC变化所需采样点数量应为水田的60%以上,而林地所需样点则为水田的2倍以上。该研究结果可为红壤区SOC时间变异性及其调查采样提供参考。


    【Objective】The knowledge about characteristics of the temporal variation of soil organic carbon (SOC) over a region and a rational sample size needed for expositing the temporal variation is of important significance to the study to reveal tendency of the temporal variation of SOC in a region efficiently and evaluate regional agricultural management practices. So far much has been done on spatial variability of SOC in a region and its rational sample size, while little has been reported on temporal variability of SOC and rational sample size needed to reveal SOC variability in a given time period. 【Method】To make up the shortage, Yujiang County of Jiangxi Province was selected as study area, and the data of soil sample size in 1982 and 2007 as basis, and then spatial distribution maps of SOC in 1982 and 2007 were plotted by means of Kriging. Through raster overlay operation of the two SOC content maps, characteristics of the temporal variation of SOC content during the period of 1982-2007 were worked out and then used as basis to estimate the number of sampling sites needed to exposit that variation. 【Result】Results show that the mean SOC content in 1982-2007 increased by from 14.18 to 16.27 g kg kg-1 with a growth rate of 14.74%, while its coefficient of variation (CV) rose from 0.22 to 0.44, both demonstrating a large growth. However, SOC content varied with land-use. Among the three main patterns of land-use, paddy fields and forest lands experienced rising in SOC from 15.10 to 18.02 and from 12.63 to 15.75 g kg-1 or by 19.34% and 24.70%, respectively, during the period of 1982-2007, whereas uplands did oppositely in SOC content, decreasing from 11.62 to 9.07, or by 21.94%. However, in the meantime, the three patterns all had a drastic increase in CV of SOC content. In the light of spatial distribution of the variation of SOC content, the northern and southwestern parts of Yujiang County were on a substantially increasing trend, while the central-eastern part was on a declining trend, which was closely related to spatial distribution of the land use patterns. Based on the data of sample size of the periods, 1982 and 2007, with confidential intervals being 95% and 90%, the rational number of sampling sites required to reveal temporal variability of SOC content in the whole county was calculated to be 186 and 147 for the two years, respectively. And based on the SOC variation in lands different in land use, the rational number of sampling sites for paddy field, dry land, and forest land was figured out to be 68, 44, and 144, respectively, with confidence interval being 95% and 54, 34, and 112, respectively, with confidence interval being 60%. Generally, the sample size for upland should be 60% or over of that for paddy field, while that for forest land should be 2 times or over that for paddy field. By reviewing distributions of the sampling sites in the county and in fields of three different land use, separately, it was found that the distribution of the sampling sites was not so reasonable in 1982 and 2007, that is to say, a bit too many in paddy field and too few in upland and forestland, which no doubt had some adverse effects on efficient revelation of spatial distribution and temporal variation of SOC in the county in the two time periods. 【Conclusion】The findings of the study indicate that in estimating the number of sampling sites needed for revealing temporal variation of SOC in a region on the whole, it is essential to take into account amplitude and coefficient of the variation of SOC at various sampling sites. In understanding differences between patterns of landuse, it is essential to take into account amplitude and coefficient of the variation of SOC relative to landuse pattern and work out how big a sample size is needed for each landuse pattern and what the ratio should be for the three landuse patterns in sample size. The study is expected to be able to provide some references in exploring temporal variability of SOC and consequently arranging sampling sites for the survey in hilly red soil regions.

    发 布

张忠启,于法展,于东升,胡 丹.红壤区土壤有机碳时间变异及合理采样点数量研究[J].土壤学报,2016,53(4):891-900. DOI:10.11766/trxb201510100478 ZHANG Zhongqi, YU Fazhan, YU Dongsheng, HU Dan. Temporal Variability of Soil Organic Carbon and RationalSampleSize in Red Soil Region[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2016,53(4):891-900.

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  • 收稿日期:2015-10-10
  • 最后修改日期:2016-01-31
  • 录用日期:2016-03-14
  • 在线发布日期: 2016-05-03