
国家自然科学基金项目(31272210)和山东省科技发展计划 (2012GNC11010)资助

Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Plant Growth-promoting Rhizobacteria on Remediation of Soil Polluted with Methamidophos
Fund Project:

Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31272210) and the Project of Science and Technology of Shandong (No. 2012GNC11010)

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    丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, AMF)和根围促生细菌(plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, PGPR)能降解有毒有机物,但分解土壤中残留甲胺磷农药尚未见报道。本试验旨在测定AMF和PGPR矿化甲胺磷的效应。试验设甲胺磷0、50、100和150 µg g-1下,对番茄(Lycospersicon esculentum,品种金冠)接种AMF Glomus mosseae(Gm)、Glomus etunicatum(Ge)、PGPR Bacillus subtilis(Bs)、Bacillus sp. B697(Bsp)、Pseudomonas fluorescens(Pf)、Gm + Bs、Gm + Bsp、Gm + Pf、Ge + Bs、Ge + Bsp、Ge + Pf和不接种对照,共48个处理。结果表明,接种Gm显著增加了根区土壤和根内PGPR定殖数量,而Pf处理显著提高了AMF侵染率,表明Gm与Pf能够相互促进。甲胺磷100 µg g-1水平下,Gm+Pf 处理的番茄株高显著高于其他处理,地上部干重显著高于其他处理(Ge+Pf除外),根系干重显著高于对照、PGPR各处理和Ge处理;而根内甲胺磷浓度则显著低于其他处理,茎叶中的则显著低于其他处理(Gm+Bs、Gm+Bsp和Ge+Pf除外)。AMF、PGPR或AMF+PGPR处理均显著降低番茄体内甲胺磷浓度。甲胺磷50~100 µg g-1水平下,Gm+Pf显著降低根区土壤中甲胺磷残留量,矿化率达52%~60.6%。AMF和PGPR显著提高了根区土壤中甲胺脱氢酶活性,其中以Gm+Pf组合处理的酶活性最高。表明AMF和PGPR均能促进土壤中残留甲胺磷的降解,Gm+Pf是本试验条件下的最佳组合。


    【Objective】Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are important members in the soil microbial community, capable of remediating soils polluted with toxic organics, and China has large tracts of soils contaminated with pesticides and some other toxic organic substances, waiting to be remediated. It has been proved that AMF and PGPR can degrade toxic organic matters, however, little has been reported so far about AMF or/and PGPR degrading residues of organophosphorus pesticides in soil. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate efficiency of AMF and PGPR degrading residues of organophosphorus pesticides in soil and to remedy organic pesticide polluted soils with the two groups of soil microbes. 【Method】A pot experiment, designed to have a total of 48 treatments with concentration of methamidophos (0, 50, 100 and 150 µg g-1) and inoculation pattern of AMF and PGPR (inoculating tomato seeds with AMF Glomus mosseae (Gm), Glomus etunicatum (Ge), and tomato seedlings with PGPR Bacillus subtilis (Bs), Bacillus sp. B697 (Bsp), Pseudomonas fluorescens (Pf), Gm+Bs, Gm+Bsp, Gm+Pf, Ge+Bs, Ge+Bsp, or Ge+Pf), was conducted on tomato (Lycospersicon esculentum, Jinguan in variety) under greenhouse. Colonization of AMF and/or PGPR, and biomass of plant growth (such as plant height, dry weight of shoots per plant, and dry weight of roots per plant) was measured, and methamidophos concentrations in the pots and in the shoots of the plants were determined with gas chromatography. 【Result】Results show that Gm significantly promoted PGPR colonization in the root zone soil and roots, while Pf did significantly AMF colonization, suggesting that Gm and Pf are mutually promoted in colonization. In the pots 100 µg g-1 in methamidophos concentration, the plants in the pots inoculated with Gm+Pf were much higher than those in the other pots in plant height and in dry weight of shoots as well (except for those inoculated with Ge+Pf), and significantly higher, too, than those in control and those inoculated with PGPR and Ge in dry weight of roots. The plants in the pots inoculated with Gm+Pf were much lower than those in all the other pots in methamidophos concentration in roots and in methamidophos concentration in shoots as well (except those in the pots inoculated with Gm+Bs, Gm+Bsp and Ge+Pf). Inoculation of AMF, PGPR, or AMF+PGPR significantly reduced methamidophos concentration in the tomato plants as compared with those in the control. AMF and/or PGPR could degrade methamidophos residue and the effects of dual inoculations were higher than those of single inoculations. Inoculation with Gm+Pf significantly reduced methamidophos concentration in the root zone soil, through mineralizing the substance by 52%~60.6%, when the concentration of methamidophos in the pots was in the range of 50~100 µg g-1. Analysis of the dynamics of methylamine dehydrogenase activity in the root zone soil, reveals that inoculation with AMF, PGPR or AMF+PGPR could enhance enzyme activity, and inoculation with Gm+Pf demonstrated the highest enzyme activity. 【Conclusion】It is, therefore, suggested that both AMF and PGPR could promote degradation of methamidophos residue in the soil, and the inoculation of Gm+Pf is the optimal combination under the conditions of this experiment.


徐丽娟,张金政,袁玉清,刘润进,李 敏. AMF和PGPR修复甲胺磷污染土壤的效应[J].土壤学报,2016,53(4):919-929. DOI:10.11766/trxb201511090480 XU Lijuan, ZHANG Jinzheng, YUAN Yuqing, LIU Runjin, LI Min. Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Plant Growth-promoting Rhizobacteria on Remediation of Soil Polluted with Methamidophos[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2016,53(4):919-929.

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  • 收稿日期:2015-10-11
  • 最后修改日期:2016-02-02
  • 录用日期:2016-03-09
  • 在线发布日期: 2016-05-03