

The Distribution of REE in Different Particle Size Fractions of Loess and Restraining Factors
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Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.41571188,40971004,40771023)

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    对宁镇地区下蜀黄土和北方黄土高原黄土进行系统的分粒级稀土元素(REE)地球化学特征对比研究,结果表明:(1)无论是北方黄土还是下蜀黄土,REE分布均存在明显的粒级效应:北方黄土的REE主要在细粒端(<4 μm)富集,粗粒端(>64 μm)富集不明显;下蜀黄土在细粒端(<4 μm)和粗粒端(>64 μm)均呈明显的REE富集特征,且粗粒端的富集更加显著;(2)北方黄土和下蜀黄土在细粒端(<4 μm)的REE富集主要由风化成壤作用所控制,细粒组分中富集重稀土(HREE)的特征可能与Fe-Mn氧化物对HREE的专性吸附作用有关;(3)下蜀黄土在粗粒端(>64 μm)则主要以富集轻稀土(LREE)为主,这可能与下蜀黄土母质来源中多近源的区域性特征矿物(榍石等副矿物)有关,揭示下蜀黄土中的粗颗粒物质可能主要来源于近距离搬运。>64 μm可能是凸显下蜀黄土和北方黄土REE差异的敏感粒级,该粒级中LREE富集与否是区别两者的有效标志,这为REE应用于黄土的物源示踪研究提供了新途径。


    【Objective】Differences in Rare earth element (REE) content between different particle-size fractions of sediments make it more complex for geochemical tracing, thus affecting the reliability of using REE characteristics of a whole-rock sample as an indicator in provenance study. Moreover, by far the knowledge about geochemical characteristics of REE in loess relative to particle size fraction is very limited, and so is that about restraining factors of the particle-size effects, and influences and significance of the effects on and in tracing of the parent materials of loess in provenance. In this paper, systematic fractionation of the northern loess and the Xiashu loess samples collected separately in particle size was performed and REE contents of the samples were measured, so as to better understand REE distribution among different particle-size fractions of the loess and its affecting factors. 【Method】Samples of Xiashu Loess (XL) collected from Nanjing and Zhenjiang and loess from the Loess Plateau (LP) in Lingtai of Gansu Province were pretreated with the quiescent sedimentation method for fractionation in particle size, separately, into six fractions, i.e. <4 μm, 4~8 μm, 8~16 μm, 16~32 μm, 32~64 μm and >64 μm, and then REE contents in the six fractions of loess soil and the whole-rock samples were measured. 【Result】Results show: 1) significant differences in ∑REE existed between the two types of loess soils and in REE content between fractions of the soils, which indicates that obvious particle-size effect does exist on REE distribution. In practical terms, the effect is the most obvious in the fractions <4 μm and > 64 μm. In LP, REE accumulates in fraction <4 μm, but not in fraction >64 μm, while in XL, it does in both fractions and particularly in Fraction >64 μm; REE content does not vary much between the fractions in the middle, i.e. 4~8 μm,8~16 μm,16~32 μm and 32~64 μm and so the particle-size effect therein is not obvious; 2) the accumulation of REE in the fractions of <4 μm of both of the soils is characterized mainly by that of heavy REE (HREE), which is possibly governed by weathering-based soil formation and attributed to specific adsorption of HREE by Fe-Mn oxides in fine particles; and 3) in Fraction >64 μm of Xiashu Loess accumulates mainly LREE (light REE), which may be possibly related to the high content of titanite and some other minerals typical of nearby regions in the parent material of XL and suggests that the materials coarse in particle size in XL may come mainly from nearby regions through short distance transportation. 【Conclusion】All the findings in this study suggest that fraction>64 μm may be the most sensitive one that can be used to distinguishes XL from LP in REE content. Whether or not fraction>64 μm has an apparent accumulation of LREE is an effective indicator of the distinction. This study also demonstrates that the researches in the past used to analyze whole rock samples for REE, thus possibly glossing over the important tracing information, whereas REE analysis by fraction has a greater potential as indicator in provenance study of loess and therefore can be used to exposit in depth internal differences between particle size fractions and between heavy and light REE and to provide more accurate evidence for provenance study.


李 洋,李徐生,韩志勇,陈英勇,苑晓康.黄土不同粒级稀土元素分布特征及其制约因素[J].土壤学报,2016,53(4):972-984. DOI:10.11766/trxb201512080510 LI Yang, LI Xusheng, HAN Zhiyong, CHEN Yingyong, YUAN Xiaokang. The Distribution of REE in Different Particle Size Fractions of Loess and Restraining Factors[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2016,53(4):972-984.

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  • 收稿日期:2015-10-29
  • 最后修改日期:2016-03-24
  • 录用日期:2016-04-01
  • 在线发布日期: 2016-05-03