

Fate of Nitrogen Contained in Maize Stalk Mulch in No-tillage System
Fund Project:

Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 41135024 and 41271251)

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    采用田间微区试验,以15N标记的玉米秸秆为研究对象,研究了免耕覆盖还田下玉米秸秆氮素经过4个生长季后的作物累积利用率、在土壤(0 ~ 60 cm)的残留率以及损失情况。试验共设2个处理:TS1为第1年15N标记秸秆覆盖还田,此后秸秆不还田;TS2为第1年15N标记秸秆覆盖还田,此后每年以非标记秸秆还田。结果表明:经过4个生长季后,两个处理间的玉米籽粒、秸秆的累积产量及总氮素吸收量的差异均不显著。在TS1处理中,秸秆氮素在籽粒和秸秆中的累积回收率分别为14.2%和6.7%,并分别高于TS2处理的12.4%和5.8%。与作物的累积回收率相比,更多的秸秆氮素被保持在土壤中。在TS1和TS2处理中,秸秆氮素在土壤中的残留率分别为40.9%和73.8%,而损失率分别为38.6%和8.1%。与TS1处理相比,TS2处理中较高的土壤微生物生物量碳和氮以及较低的矿质态秸秆氮的含量,说明连续秸秆还田在一定程度上提高了最初还田秸秆氮素在土壤中的微生物固持并降低了秸秆氮素的淋失风险,从而显著提高秸秆氮素在土壤-植物系统中的总回收率。因此,在温带农田生态系统中,长期的免耕结合秸秆覆盖还田可促进秸秆氮素的积累,这对提高和保持土壤氮素含量和稳定性具有重要的意义。


    【Objective】With increasing concerns about sustainability of agroecosystems, the practice of no-tillage in combination with crop straw/stalk mulching is getting widely used in China. In this scenario, large amounts of maize stalk were therefore left as mulch in the fields under a no-tillage cropping system. However, little is known about fate of the nitrogen (N) contained in the mulch of crop stalks in spite of the fact that they generally contain significant amounts of N. 【Method】Therefore, a four-year field-plot experiment was conducted to explore effects of mulching of maize stalk in fields in the agroecosystem of Northeast China on accumulative plant uptake, recovery and loss rate of the N contained in the maize stalk mulch over four experimental years. The experiment was designed to have two treatments. In Treatment TS1, the plots were mulched with 15N-labelled maize stalk in the first year, and not with any in the following three years, while in Treatment TS2the plots were mulched with 15N-labelled maize stalk in the first year, and with ordinary maize stalk in the following three years. 【Result】Results show that over the four experimental years, the two treatments did not vary much in accumulative yield of maize grain or stalk and total N uptake. However, in Treatment TS1 about 14.2% and 6.7% of the N in the mulch was recovered by maize grain and stalk, respectively, and significantly higher than that (12.4% and 5.8%, respectively) in Treatment TS2. Compared to the accumulative amount of N recovered from the mulch by crop, more of the N in the mulch was retained in the soil, especially in the top soil layer in both treatments. About 40.9% and 73.8% of the N in the mulch was retained in the soil (0 ~ 60 cm) in residue form and about 38.6% and 8.1% lost in Treatments TS1and TS2, respectively. Compared to Treatment TS1, Treatment TS2 was relatively higher in soil microbial biomass C and N, but lower in mineral N derived from the mulch, which indicates that continuously mulching the fields with crop stalk significantly increased the microbial retention rate of the N in the mulch, while decreasing the leaching risk of the N in the mulch in the soil-crop system. 【Conclusion】All the findings listed above suggest that long-term practice of no-tillage in combination with crop straw/stalk mulching can effectively enhance accumulation in the soil of the N brought in with mulching, which may have some significant implications for raising and maintaining the content and stability of soil N in crop fields.

    发 布

胡国庆,刘 肖,何红波,张旭东.免耕覆盖还田下玉米秸秆氮素的去向研究[J].土壤学报,2016,53(4):963-971. DOI:10.11766/trxb201512140539 HU Guoqing, LIU Xiao, HE Hongbo, ZHANG Xudong. Fate of Nitrogen Contained in Maize Stalk Mulch in No-tillage System[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2016,53(4):963-971.

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  • 收稿日期:2015-11-09
  • 最后修改日期:2016-03-28
  • 录用日期:2016-04-05
  • 在线发布日期: 2016-05-03