

Differences in Yield Response and N Use Efficiency of Maize Crops in Different Ecological Zones of Jilin Province
Fund Project:

Supported by the Earmarked Fund for China Agriculture Research System (No. CARS-02) and the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest (No. 201103003)

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    整理2005—2013年吉林省“3414”田间试验,选取不施氮和推荐施氮处理数据,研究不同生态区玉米的氮肥施用效果和肥料利用效率现状,探讨区域差异及其影响因素。结果显示,吉林省不同生态区的玉米产量水平差异显著,总体上以中部半湿润平原区最高,其次是东部湿润山区,西部半干旱平原区相对较低。不同生态区玉米施氮效果也存在差异,其中东部最高,施氮的平均增产量与增产率分别为2.44 t hm-2和38.4%,其次为中部(2.40 t hm-2,34.3%),西部则显著偏低(2.21 t hm-2,33.4%)。相比中、西部地区,东部地区玉米的氮肥利用效率显著较高,其平均氮肥农学利用率、偏生产力和肥料贡献率分别为16.6 kg kg-1、65.9 kg kg-1和25.0%。随不施氮处理产量的提高,各生态区施氮处理产量均呈上升趋势而氮肥贡献率呈下降趋势,其中,西部地区的相对变幅较中、东部地区更为明显。可见,应根据区域气候环境条件和施氮响应特征对氮肥进行合理的配置与施用,建议吉林中部地区以维持作物需求为标准适当减少施氮量,东部地区可适度增加施氮量并配合栽培措施以消减光温资源不足对产量的限制,而西部地区应在培肥地力基础上推广高效节水用水技术,发挥水氮耦合效应以促进高产高效。


    【Objective】Jilin Province is one of the leading maize production regions in China, and could be divided into three ecological zones, i.e. Central semi-humid plain area (CSPA), Eastern humid mountainous area (EHMA) and Western semi-arid plain area (WSPA), based on their significant differences in environment including topography, landform, climate condition and vegetation. Interestingly, the maize crops growing in these eco-zones differ in yield, yield response to fertilization and use efficiency of N fertilizer. But how it comes about is still not well understood. 【Method】Hence, a field experiment, coded as “3414”, was conducted with plots distributed in all the eco-zones of Jilin Province as a part of the national soil-test-based fertilization recommendation program during the years of 2005-2013. The field experiment was designed to have two treatments, i.e. Treatment–N (No N fertilizer applied) and Treatment +N (N fertilizer applied as recommended).The data of the two treatments were collected for analysis of yield response to fertilization and use efficiencies of N fertilizer of the crop relative to eco-zone, and their influencing factors. 【Result】Results show that the crop varied sharply in yield with the eco-zone, being the highest in the CSPA, medium in the EHMA, and the lowest in the WSPA. On average, the maize yield of Treatments –N was 8.1 t hm-2 in the CSPA (ranging from 3.1 to 13.5 t hm-2), 7.3 t hm-2 in the EHMA (ranging from 2.4 to 12.7 t hm-2) and 7.2 t hm-2 in the WSPA (ranging from 3.7 to 11.7 t hm-2); while that of Treatments +N was 10.5 t hm-2 (ranging from 5.4 to 15.8 t hm-2), 9.8 t hm-2 (ranging from 5.3 to 16.9 t hm-2) and 9.4 t hm-2 (ranging from 4.3 to 14.9 t hm-2) in the three ecological zones, respectively. Not only was maize yield significantly affected by ecological zone, yield response of the crop to N fertilizer was too. The highest maize yield responses to N fertilizer were observed in the EHMA, being 2.44 t hm-2 and 38.4%, on average, in absolute and relative yield increase, respectively. Correspondingly, the absolute and relative yield increase was 2.40 t hm-2 and 34.3%, respectively, in the CSPA and 2.21 t hm-2 and 33.4%, respectively, in the WSPA. Under the present maize production condition, N use efficiency was significantly higher in the EHMA than in the others. On average, agronomic efficiency (AE), partial factor productivity (PFP), and fertilizer contribution rate (FCR) of N fertilizer was 16.6 kg kg-1, 65.9 kg kg-1 and 25.0%, respectively, in the EHMA13.6 kg kg-1, 60.2 kg kg-1 and 22.8%, respectively, in the CSPA and 13.6 kg kg-1, 58.2 kg kg-1 and 23.1%, respectively, in the WSPA. With the maize yield in Treatments-N rising, Treatments +N showed similar rising trends in yield, but declining ones in FCR in all the three eco-zones, but more significantly in the WSPA than in the others. The relationships fit the linear correlation and logarithmic regression models, respectively. The variability of maize yield of treatment +N and FCR with the yield of treatment –N were relatively higher in the WSPA, compared with those in the EHMA and CSPA. 【Conclusion】In conclusion, N fertilizer for maize production in Jilin Province should be allocated and applied appropriately in the light of regional environmental conditions and characteristics of the crop responding to N fertilization. It is suggested that the current N application rate be reduced properly in line with the demand of the crop for N in the CSPA, while it be increased slightly in combination with effective cultivation practices in the EHMA, aiming to counter the yield limiting factors, such as insufficient light and low temperature, and in the WSPA, the technology of efficient and water saving irrigation be widely extrapolated in addition to soil fertility building to bring the coupling effects of water and nitrogen into full play and thereby to achieve high crop yield and high N efficiency.


王 寅,郭 聃,高 强,焉 莉,宋立新,刘振刚.吉林省不同生态区玉米施氮效果与氮肥利用效率差异[J].土壤学报,2016,53(6):1464-1475. DOI:10.11766/trxb201603230019 WANG Yin, GUO Dan, GAO Qiang, YAN Li, SONG Lixin, LIU Zhengang. Differences in Yield Response and N Use Efficiency of Maize Crops in Different Ecological Zones of Jilin Province[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2016,53(6):1464-1475.

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  • 收稿日期:2016-01-13
  • 最后修改日期:2016-04-29
  • 录用日期:2016-05-18
  • 在线发布日期: 2016-08-30