

On Difficulties and Countermeasures in Describing Soil Series in Chinese Soil Taxonomy
Fund Project:

Supported by the Special Project of National Science and Technology Basic Research (Nos. 2008FY110600,2014FY110200)

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    土系是土壤系统分类的最基层单元,我国现有土系约3 000个,距约3万个的估计总量还有巨大差距,因此土系建设在未来相当长时间内仍将是我国土壤系统分类研究和土系建设的一个重点。土系描述是土系建设最为重要的一环,是土系所有信息的直观具体展现,为确保土系描述的质量,国家科技基础性工作专项“我国土系调查与《中国土系志》编制(2008FY110600)”初步制订了土系描述标准,但其在描述规范上还存在一些问题有待明确和解决。为此,本文基于土系描述标准的介绍,剖析我国土系描述中存在的主要问题和产生原因,并提出相应对策,旨在进一步完善土系描述标准的科学性、规范性、全面性和系统性,提高我国土系描述的质量。


    Soil series is the bottom taxon of the Chinese Soil Taxonomy, which currently has a total of about 3 000 soil series, far short of the estimated total of 30 000. So making up the shortage will remain to be a focus of consummating the Chinese Soil Taxonomy for quite a long time in future. How to describe a soil series is the principal link of defining the soil series and the intuitive concrete expression of all the information related to the soil series. To ensure quality of the description, the Special Project of National Science and Technology Basic Researches, namely, “Investigation of Soil Series of China and Compilation of ‘Chinese Soil Series’ (2008FY110600)” had tentatively worked out a standard for description of soil series, The description of a soil series should encompass the following aspects: (1) name of the soil series, soil family it belongs in, names of its founder and authorizer, and dates it was found and authorized; (2) its spatial distribution and environmental conditions; (3) its characteristics and variation amplitude; (4) photos of its typical landscape and soil profiles and morphological description of its typical pedon; (5) soil series for comparison; (6) overview of utilization performance; and (7) reference soil species. However the standard was still found to have some problems with the criteria for soil series description, calling for clarification or solution. Therefore, while introducing the standard for description of soil series, this paper analyzed the existing problems and their causes, and put forth corresponding, in n attempt to further consummate the standard for describing soil series and make it more scientific, standardized, comprehensive and systematic so as to improve the quality of soil series description.


李德成,张甘霖.中国土壤系统分类土系描述的难点与对策[J].土壤学报,2016,53(6):1563-1567. DOI:10.11766/trxb201605240261 LI Decheng, ZHANG Ganlin. On Difficulties and Countermeasures in Describing Soil Series in Chinese Soil Taxonomy[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2016,53(6):1563-1567.

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  • 收稿日期:2016-05-24
  • 最后修改日期:2016-07-07
  • 录用日期:2016-07-22
  • 在线发布日期: 2016-08-30