土壤文化历史档案记录功能评价研究 ——以河南仰韶村文化遗址为例


Evaluation of Function of Soil as Archive of Cultural History— A case study of the Yangshao Village Cultural Relic Site, Henan Province
Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41371226)

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    【Objective】At present, the issue of how to evaluate of function of the soil as archive of cultural history remains to be at the stage of theory and concept. Most indices and standards of the evaluation are rather qualitative than quantitative. As a special kind of soil formed under the impacts of fossil human activities, only when its recognition and identification is performed in combination with quantitative analysis, will it be feasible to define accurately the function of the soil as archive of cultural history, which will then provide scientific basis for protection of the soils that possess such functions.【Method】In this paper, qualitative methods were used in combination with quantitative methods to evaluate the function of the soil. An evaluation index system and a set of evaluation standards were established. The evaluation index system consisted of two categories, remains/relics and diagnostic indices. The former included ash pit, ash layer, cultural layer, pottery shards, stoneware and human remains, among which ash pit, ash layer and cultural layer were sorted into indices of remains, and the rest into indices of relics, while the latter did chroma, magnetic susceptibility, particle size, free iron, total mineral, clay mineral, micromorphology, organic carbon isotope, bulk density, spore pollen, charcoal shavings and phytolith. The remains/relics indices are much more important and valuable than diagnostic indices to scientific research, while relics are more valuable than remains to soil research, so the indices of relics are more important than those of remains. Once the indices of relics are detected, it can be concluded immediately that the soil is cultural soil formed under the impact of fossil human activities, whereas if no index of relics is found, it has to be ruled out in diagnosis whether the soil has been affected by fossil human activities. On such a basis, the function of soil as archive of cultural history could be divided into six grades. Grade I indicates that the function is complete with all remain/relic indices detected, and found in large quantity. Grade II indicates that the function is apparent, with numerous relic indices, and only some remain indices detected. Grade III indicates that only part of the function is apparent with large volumes of remains indices and some relic indices found. Grade IV indicates that the function is not apparent, with none of the remains/relic indices found, and all the diagnostic indices up to the standard. Grade V indicates that the sampling profiles have only a few of the diagnostic indices up to the standard. Grade VI indicates that none of the remains/relic indices are found and that all the sampled profiles have none of the diagnostic indices up to the standard.【Result】 Based on the method of evaluation, two soil profiles in the Yangshao Village cultural relic site of Henan Province, one containing obvious evidence of ancient human activities (cultural profile in short) and the other doing none (natural profile in short), were chosen to build evaluation system. In the area of the grade I, all relic and remain indices are found, precious pottery is found, and different areas of ancient human activities are found like making pottery, grave, living and eating, and different eras of cultural layers are also found. They are abundant and value in research which need protection. In this area, there are many scientific issues like how did ash layer form under what ancient human purpose of using fire? Framing or sacrificing or eating? This area was a perfect place for the corporation of archaeologists and pedologists. In the area of the grade II, relic indices are abundant while remains indices are rare, the value of cultural protection and scientific research is high. Lots of cultural profiles are hard to explain, which need the corporation of archaeologists and pedologists. In the area of the grade III, remains indices are abundant while relic indices are rare, the value of cultural protection and scientific research is a bit high. In the area of the grade IV, apparent relic and remains indices are not found, but diagnostic indices of sampling profiles are up to the standard, the value of cultural protection and scientific research is general. In the area of the grade V, only party of diagnostic indices of sampling profiles are up to the standard, the value of cultural protection and scientific research is little. In the area of the grade VI, none of relic and remain exist, and all diagnostic indices are below to the standard, the value of cultural protection and scientific research is none, but it is necessary to pay attention to ecological protection, so as not to affect the ecological environment of the core protection area. 【Conclusion】The evaluation helps us define the need for protective input and research value of soils relative to function grade. The merit of the evaluation method is the realization of semi quantitative evaluation of the function. Based on its own soil characteristics, each relic site can be evaluated using indices and data selected for their sharp contrast in the index system. Therefore, this method is of certain extendability.


査理思,吴克宁,梁思源.土壤文化历史档案记录功能评价研究 ——以河南仰韶村文化遗址为例[J].土壤学报,2018,55(4):900-910. DOI:10.11766/trxb201705120366 ZHA Lisi, WU Kening, LIANG Siyuan. Evaluation of Function of Soil as Archive of Cultural History— A case study of the Yangshao Village Cultural Relic Site, Henan Province[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2018,55(4):900-910.

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  • 收稿日期:2016-07-24
  • 最后修改日期:2018-04-08
  • 录用日期:2018-04-20
  • 在线发布日期: 2018-04-24