

Genetic Characteristics and Classification of Typical Sierozem in Central Ningxia,China
Fund Project:

the Basic Work of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China(No. 2014FY110200A07)

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    【Objective】In order to explore genetic characteristics and ascription in the Chinese Soil Taxonomy of sierozem,a zonal soil typical of Central Ningxia, 8 representative soil profiles were dug for examination and analysis in the study area.【Method】Firstly, sites for the eight soil profiles were defined with the aid of Arcgis 9.3 and GPS; profiles dug out for examination, description and characterization; and then soil samples collected from each soil layer of the profiles for analysis of physicochemical properties.【Result】From morphological characterization of the soil profiles and analyses of the soil samples, it was learnt that the main soil forming processes of the typical sierozem involved weak humus accumulation process, and weak calcium carbonateeluviation-illuviation processes. By referring to and identification in line with“the Keys to the Chinese Soil Taxonomy (third Edition)”, it was found that the eight profiles had the following diagnostic horizons and characteristics, ochric epipedon, aridic epipedon, calcipan, loess and loess-like deposits, ustic/aridicsoil moisture regime, mesictemperature regime, sodic feature and calcaric property, and calcic accumulation. In the Chinese Soil Taxonomy, the 8 soil profiles could tentatively be sorted into the soil order of Cambosols and Aridosols, the soil group of Hapli-Ustic Cambosols and Hapli-Orthic Aridosolss, and the subgroup of Typic Hapli-Ustic Cambosols and Sodic Hapli- Orthic Aridosols. According to the standard for classification of soil families and soil series in the Chinese Soil Taxonomy, the 8 soil profiles could tentatively be sorted into five soil families, i.e. Sandysilica mixture calcareous mesic-TypicHapli-Ustic Cambosols, Loamysilica mixture calcareous mesic-TypicHapli-Ustic Cambosols, Loamyfeldspar mixture calcareous mesic- Sodic Hapli- OrthicAridosols, Loamysilica mixture calcareous mesic-Sodic Hapli- OrthicAridosols and Loamyfeldspar mixture calcareous mesic-TypicHapli-Ustic Cambosols, and five soil series, i.e. Qingshan series,Majiatan series, Dazhanchang series,Haochuan series and Xiamaguan series.【Conclusion】The reference studies of the eight soil profiles in different soil classification systems show that between the two soil classification systems, the Chinese Soil Genetic Classification and the Chinese Soil Taxonomy, does not exist any simple one to one relationship.While the sametypes of soil in the Genetic Classification System may correspond with several type in the Chinese Soil Taxonmy. The quantitative norms in the Chinese Soil Taxonomy make soil classification more quantified, thus improving the accuracy of soil classification and eliminating the phenomena of different soils having the same soil name.


曲潇琳,龙怀玉,谢 平,曹祥会,王佳佳.宁夏中部地区典型灰钙土的发育特性及系统分类研究[J].土壤学报,2018,55(1):75-87. DOI:10.11766/trxb201706120097 QU Xiaolin, LONG Huaiyu, XIE Ping, CAO Xianghui, WANG Jiajia. Genetic Characteristics and Classification of Typical Sierozem in Central Ningxia,China[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2018,55(1):75-87.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-03-14
  • 最后修改日期:2017-09-14
  • 录用日期:2017-09-28
  • 在线发布日期: 2017-10-30