
中国博士后科学基金(2017M612390)、河南省科技计划项目(172102110254)和信阳师范学院青年骨干教师资助计划 ( 2017GGJS-12)

Effects of Application of Synthetic Nitrogen Fertilizers on Soil Nutrient Supply and Loss of Reactive Nitrogen in Tea (Camellia sinensis L. Kuntze) Gardens in China
Fund Project:

the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No. 2017M612390), the Science and Technology Project of Henan Province (No. 172102110254) and the Youth Backbone Teachers Plan of XYNU (No. 2017GGJS-12)

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    茶树是我国广泛种植的一种高需氮经济植物。目前,尽管茶园生态系统中已开展了一些模拟氮肥施用的实验,但对于合成氮肥如何影响茶园土壤性质、养分供应及活性氮的流失仍缺乏全面的评估和量化。对2004—2016年间发表的相关研究数据进行整合分析,结果显示,施用合成氮肥导致我国茶园酸性土壤pH平均降低0.20,使土壤总无机氮升高172%,对土壤有机碳、有效磷和钾离子浓度无影响。合成氮肥使土壤钙、镁离子浓度分别降低了23%和37%,铝离子浓度上升了近54%。同时,使土壤N2O排放和无机氮淋溶分别增加292% 和127%。总体上,大量施用合成氮肥加剧了我国茶园土壤酸化和养分元素的流失,增加了活性氮的流失,威胁着我国茶园生态环境的可持续发展。


    【Objective】Tea (Camellia sinensis L. Kuntze) is a perennial plant widely cultivated in South China. As a high N-demanding cash crop, tea has been applied widely with synthetic N fertilizers to increase its yield. However, application of excessive synthetic N fertilizers in tea gardens might affect chemical properties of the soils and their nutrient supply to tea plants; in addition, it may have some negative impacts on growth of the tea plants and the environment. Although researchers in China have been doing some experiments simulating application of synthetic N fertilizers in tea gardens, so far none of them has been doing to systematically or quantitatively evaluate responses of tea soils to application of synthetic N fertilizer. Through meta-analysis, this paper tries to evaluate quantitatively how application of synthetic N fertilizers affect basic chemical properties and nutrient supply of the soil, and loss of reactive N to the environment. 【Method】In this paper, meta-analysis was done of the 17 papers published in the literature during 2004-2016 involving 15 indicesin 246items of data and records. 【Result】Results indicated that application of synthetic N fertilizers lowered soil pH significantly by 0.20 units on average. In soils of tea gardens different in tea tree species, application of synthetic N fertilizers significantly decreased soil pH and no significant difference was found between subgroups. Soil acidification in the tea gardens was expedited because the application accelerated nitrification process, triggered loss of base cations, and damaged the soil buffering system, thus resulting H+ release. As a whole, application of synthetic N fertilizers had on significant impact on soil organic carbon (SOC). However, it did increase SOC by 15% (7%~24%) in tea gardens of green tea and by nil in tea gardens of oolong tea. Application of synthetic N fertilizers increased soil total N by 18% (10%~27%), and soil dissolved inorganic N availability by 172% (127%~236%). The responses of soil DIN, NH4+-N and NO3-N concentrations to application of synthetic N fertilizers varied between soils with different tea trees. DIN and NH4+-N concentrations were significantly higher in tea gardens of oolong tea than in those of green tea. NO3-Nconcentration was significantly higher in tea garden of black tea and oolong tea, but remained almost unchanged in those of green tea. Soil phosphorus and potassium was not much affected in the tea gardens of China. In addition, the application lowered soil calcium and magnesium content by 23% (-30%~-16%) and 37%(-48%~-24%), respectively, but raised soil aluminum accumulated by 54% (38%~69%) in the soils. Besides accelerating microbial nitrification processes, the application also stimulated losses of soil reactive N from the soil to the environment as a result of its increasing N2O emission and inorganic N leaching by 292% (140%~575%) and 127% (55%~206%), respectively, or more specifically leaching loss of soil NH4+-N and NO3-N by 422% (280%~617%) and 92% (31%~161%). The stimulated loss of reactive N might pose a great threat to the environmental and ecological safety of the tea planted areas, even the whole country. 【Conclusion】To sum up, application of synthetic N fertilizers significantly enhance the supply of total N and available N in the tea garden soils in China. However, it also causes serious environmental problems in the areas and the whole country by accelerating soil acidification, leaching loss of massive base cations, accumulation of toxic aluminum and loss of reactive N through emission of N2O and leaching, thus affecting sustainable development of tea gardens. Most of the studies so far done have been conducted on a small scale (greenhouse or pots) both in area and time. It is advisable to have some long-term field studies so as to evaluate accurately responses of the tea garden ecosystems in key processes and provide some theoretical and practical bases for understanding N recycling processes in the tea garden ecosystem and scientific N management for sustainable development of tea cultivation in China.

    发 布

乔春连,布仁巴音.合成氮肥对中国茶园土壤养分供应和活性氮流失的影响[J].土壤学报,2018,55(1):174-181. DOI:10.11766/trxb201705110141 QIAO Chunlian, Burenbayin. Effects of Application of Synthetic Nitrogen Fertilizers on Soil Nutrient Supply and Loss of Reactive Nitrogen in Tea (Camellia sinensis L. Kuntze) Gardens in China[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2018,55(1):174-181.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-04-10
  • 最后修改日期:2017-09-18
  • 录用日期:2017-09-28
  • 在线发布日期: 2017-10-30