

Effects of Organic Manure on Soil Nutrients and Aggregate Composition in Soil under Mono-Cropping of Soybean
Fund Project:

National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2017YFD0201801), the Special Science and Technology Bidding for Science in Jilin Province (No, 20150203004NY)

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    为探究不同有机物料对连作大豆土壤养分和团聚体组成的影响,采用大田试验方法,研究了在连作7年条件下,腐熟鸡粪(JF)、玉米秸秆(JG)和木耳菌渣(JZ)三种不同类型有机物料对连作大豆土壤养分、产量、团聚体组成和稳定性的影响。结果表明:与CK相比有机物料能有效提高连作大豆土壤养分含量,显著影响土壤团聚体组成,0.25~2 mm粒级团聚体含量明显增加。畜禽粪便类的鸡粪(JF)对碱解氮的提高作用最明显,较CK提高13.85%;天然类的秸秆(JG)对速效磷含量提高作用显著,较CK提高4.13%;JF对提高速效钾含量效果最好,较CK提高8.97%;JG对提高有机质含量效果最好,较CK提高7.28%。半腐解类的菌渣(JZ)较CK相比土壤养分含量也有明显的提高,但不如JF和JG效果明显。有机物料能提高连作大豆产量,JF效果显著。所有有机物料对改善土壤团聚体组成,增加>0.25 mm 水稳性团聚体含量效果均比较显著,对土壤水稳性团聚体平均重量直径以及土壤团聚体的稳定性指数有显著提高作用。


    【Objective】Effects of organic manure on soil nutrients, crop yield, and composition and stability of soil aggregates in the soil under mono-cropping soybean were explored through a seven-year field experiment, designed to have three treatments, in respect to type of organic manure, i.e. JF (Composted chicken droppings), JG (corn stalk) and JZ (Fungi residues).【Method】 In this study, soil samples were collected and analyzed regularly for variations of nutrient contents, composition and stability of soil aggregates, and mean weight diameter of water stable soil aggregates. 【Result】 Results show that application of organic manure improved soil nutrient contents in the soil under mono-cropping of soybean, and altered composition of soil aggregates significantly by increasing the fraction (0.25~2 mm) of aggregates obviously. All the treatments were higher than CK in content of alkaliyzable N, readily available P, readily available potassium, organic matter, microbial biomass C, microbial biomass N and microbial biomass P. Treatment JF was the most obvious in such effect on content of alkalyzable nitrogen, or 13.85% higher than CK; Treatment JG was the most on content of readily available phosphorus or 4.13% higher than CK; Treatment JF was the most on content of readily available potassium or 8.97% higher than CK; Treatment JG was the most on content of organic matter or 7.28% higher than CK. Treatment JZ, though not so good as the other two, was still significantly higher than CK in nutrient content. Application of the organic manures improved yield of soybean, and Treatment JF was the most remarkable in this effect. The application also effectively raised the content of soil microbial biomass carbon in the soil and Treatment JZ was the most in this effect. Treatment JF and JG did have some effect, too,, but not so significant. All the three treatments increased significantly the content of nitrogen in the soil, and Treatment JF was more obvious than Treatment JG and JZ in this effect, which indicates that organic manures can significantly increase the content of soil microbial biomass nitrogen. Treatment JG was the most effective in improving the content of soil microbial biomass phosphorus in the soil and Treatments JF and JZ were, too, though not so significantly. Treatments JG and JZ significantly improved the metabolic entropy of soil microorganisms, but Treatment JF was lower than CK in metabolic entropy. Mean weight diameter of the soil aggregate in the three treatments increased, exhibiting an order of JF > JG > JZ. The three treatments increased the fraction (> 1 mm) of soil aggregates more than the others In Treatment JF, JG and JZ the fraction (> 1mm) of aggregates accounted for 29.52%, 38.97% and 29.07%, respectively, of the soil aggregate stability index, and the fraction (> 0.25 mm) of aggregates was significantly higher than that in CK in stability index, which suggests that the organic manures applied into the soil can effectively improve stability of the soil aggregates, and the proportion of water-stable soil aggregates. It can be seen that application of the organic manures is very effective in increasing mean weight diameter and water stability of the soil aggregates in soybean fields. The three types of organic manure all can effectively improve soil aggregate stability, and Treatment JG is the most effective, increasing by 89.79% or being 4.293 In terms of soil aggregate stability index, the treatments exhibite an order of JG (4.293) > JZ (3.788) > JF (3.720) > CK (2.262). Application of the organic manures significantly improve soil aggregation, increasing the fraction (> 0.25 mm) of water stable aggregates and its mean weight diameter, preservation probability and stability index.【Conclusion】The organic manures can significantly improve soil fertility, and composition and water stability of the soil aggregates in the soybean fields. This study is expected to be able to provide certain reference for improving soil fertility and increasing soybean yield, which is of great significance to overcoming the obstacle of mono-cropping of soybean.

    发 布

王笃超,吴景贵.不同有机物料对连作大豆土壤养分及团聚体组成的影响[J].土壤学报,2018,55(4):825-834. DOI:10.11766/trxb201711100361 WANG Duchao, WU Jinggui. Effects of Organic Manure on Soil Nutrients and Aggregate Composition in Soil under Mono-Cropping of Soybean[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2018,55(4):825-834.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-08-15
  • 最后修改日期:2018-01-13
  • 录用日期:2018-03-13
  • 在线发布日期: 2018-04-24