

Effect of Pretreatment of Chicken Manure with SPORL Method on Organic Matter Content Therein and Screening of Optimal Conditions
Fund Project:

Supported by the National Key Technology R&D Program of China (No. 2017YFD0201801) and the Research Foundation of the Science & Technology Agency of Jilin Province, China (No. 20150203004NY)

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    由于鸡粪的特殊形态,新鲜鸡粪经固液分离后,可以去除鸡粪中的砂粒等无机物,其固体部分富含木质纤维素,将其自然风干后,利用SPORL(Sulfite pretreatment to overcome recalcitrance of lignocelluloses,亚硫酸盐法)法对鸡粪固体部分进行处理,探寻其产物肥料化利用的可行性。催化剂选用亚硫酸铵,以亚硫酸铵用量(相对于原料干重,w/w)、反应温度、最高温度保温时间、液料比(v/w)作为主要影响因素,分别进行单因素试验。结果表明:亚硫酸铵用量在10%~20%、反应温度在120℃~140℃、最高温度保温时间在30~60 min以及液料比在5:1~15:1范围内,其产物有机质含量较高。基于单因素试验结果,运用响应面法,以鸡粪固体产物有机质含量为响应指标,对试验进行设计并优化反应条件。结果表明各因素对响应值影响显著,且回归模型达到显著水平,回归方程可较好地拟合反应曲面;并准确有效地预测鸡粪固体产物有机质含量,在各因素范围内找到最优条件。最后,确定最优处理条件为:亚硫酸铵用量为13.4%、反应温度为127℃、最高温度保温时间为30 min、液料比为5:1,鸡粪固体产物有机质含量预测值为359.1 g kg-1,验证试验结果为365.8 g kg-1,验证试验结果与预测值的偏差为6.7 g kg-1,说明该回归方程对鸡粪固体产物有机质含量的分析预测可靠准确。因此,SPORL法对鸡粪进行处理后可得到有机质含量较高的固体产物,该结果可在鸡粪肥料化生产应用中提供相关的理论指导和数据支持。


    【Objective】Thanks to its peculiar shape, fresh chicken droppings or manure, after solid-liquid separation, can be processed easily to remove sands and other inorganic substances therein. The solid part of the manure contains a large volume of lignocellulose. After being air-dried naturally, the solid part was treated with the SPORL(Sulfite pretreatment to overcome recalcitrance of lignocelluloses) method to explore feasibility of recycling the part as fertilizer. 【Method】Ammonium sulfite was used as catalyst, of which single factor tests were carried out to assess effects of four main influencing factors, namely, dosage of ammonium sulfite, temperature, temperature holding time and liquid/solid ratio. The tests show that the solid part, 5:1~15:1 in solid/liquid ratio, pretreated with 10%~20% of ammonium sulfite (relative to dry weight of the solid, w/w) at 120~140℃ for 30~60 min was high in organic matter content. Based on results of the single factor tests, conditions for the pretreatment were redesigned and optimized with the response surface methodology and content of organic matter in the solid as response indicators. The Design-Expert software was used to analyze variance of the multiple regression equation.【Result】The following findings were obtained. 1) When the ammonium sulfite dosage varied between 0% and 15%, the content of organic matter increased with rising ammonium sulfite dosage, but when it above 15%, the content decreased significantly. 2) When pretreated at 130℃, the solid part was the highest in organic matter content, reaching up to 319.4 g kg-1, but the content turned downward gradually when the temperature continued to rise. 3) With the temperature holding time and the liquid-solid ratio increasing, the content of organic matter in the solid part decreased gradually. To sum up the content of organic matter was high in the solid part, 5:1~15:1 in solid/liquid ratio, pretreated with ammonium sulfite 10%~20% in dosage at 130~150℃ for 30~60 min. And it is predicted that the content may reach as high as 359.1 g kg-1 in the solid part of chicken manure, 5:1 in solid/liquid ratio, pretreated with ammonium sulfite 13.4% in dosage at 127℃, for 30 min. In validation tests the content was 365.8 g kg-1 on average, 6.7 g kg-1 less than the predicted, which indicates that the regression equation is reliable and accurate for use to analyze and predict organic matter contents in the solid part of chicken manure.【Conclusion】In a word, in chicken manure treated with ammonium sulfite as catalyst in a reactor under high temperature and high pressure, lignosulfonates is formed and then turned into humic acid which contains mixture of lignohumic acids, fulvic acids, and a smaller proportion of low-molecular organic compounds. This method can be used to improve chicken droppings into organic manure with high organic matter content, and increase the value of value-added utilization of waste. So this method may have a good prospect of application to the industry of turning chicken droppings into organic manure.

    发 布

姚颜莹,吴景贵. SPORL法预处理对鸡粪有机质含量影响及最优条件筛选[J].土壤学报,2018,55(4):847-856. DOI:10.11766/trxb201709250365 YAO Yanying, WU Jinggui. Effect of Pretreatment of Chicken Manure with SPORL Method on Organic Matter Content Therein and Screening of Optimal Conditions[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2018,55(4):847-856.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-08-16
  • 最后修改日期:2017-11-16
  • 录用日期:2017-11-29
  • 在线发布日期: 2018-04-24