

Coupling Effect of Water and Fertilizer on Grape under Drip Irrigation in Extremely Arid Regions
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Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51569034)

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    葡萄作为新疆吐哈地区的特色支柱产业,受到干旱少雨、蒸散量大等特殊自然条件的限制,导致在水肥管理上存在着灌溉定额过大和高耗低效等问题。采用滴灌水肥技术,通过对不同水肥条件下葡萄园土壤耗水量和产量的监测,分析水肥耦合效应对葡萄产量的影响。结果表明:水肥耦合效应对葡萄的产量影响较大,在节水不超过56%、节肥25%左右时,滴灌葡萄适宜的灌溉定额在8 250 m3 hm-2~9 000 m3 hm-2,施肥水平在300 kg hm-2~450 kg hm-2,可以获得较高的葡萄产量。以二元二次多项式拟合葡萄产量(Y)与灌水量( W)、施氮量(F)的关系,得到数学模型为:Y=-9 197+10.04W-7.713F-0.000 6W2+0.010 4F2+0.000 9WF,对数学模型求极值可得到最佳灌水量和施氮量分别为8 736 m3 hm-2、390 kg hm-2,最高产量可达到34 393 kg hm-2


    【Objective】 Grape plantation is a special pillar industry of the Turpan-Hami region of Xinjiang. As the region is extremely arid, short of rain, and very high in evapotranspiration rate, the grape plantations in that region are often perplexed by problems in water and nutrient management, such as over-dozed irrigation, high cost with low efficiency, etc.. To solve these problems, a field experiment on drip fertigation was conducted to explore coupling effect of water and fertilizer on grape yield, and further on coordinating and complementary effects of the two, in an attempt to work out a quota for drip irrigation and a rate for fertilization suitable to the grape plantations in the region. 【Method】 The experiment used a technique integrating drip irrigation with fertilization and was designed to have three levels of irrigation quota, i.e. W1, high volume ( 10 950 m3 hm-2); W2, moderate volume (5 500 m3 hm-2) and W3, low volume (5 500 m3 hm-2), three levels of fertilization rate, i.e. F1, high rate (750 kg hm-2); F2, moderate rate (450 kg hm-2) and F2, low rate (300 kg hm-2), and a control, CK (conventional furrow irrigation at 12 750 m3 hm-2 and no sidedressing). Fertilizer was applied in the sprouting period (the first ten-day period of May), the fruit bearing period (the first ten-day period of June), and early fruit maturing period (the first ten-day period of July), once each time, making up a total of 3 times a year. So, the fertilizer applied to the fertilization treatment were divided into three portions in line with the ratio of 1:2:2, and applied sequentially, that is. 60 kg hm-2, 120 kg hm-2 and 120 kg hm-2 for Treatment F3, 90 kg hm-2, 180 kg hm-2 and 180 kg hm-2 for Treatment F2, and 150 kg hm-2, 300 kg hm-2 and 300 kg hm-2 for Treatment F1. 【Result】 Results show that water consumptions at all the growth stages exhibited a trend of rising first and then falling in all the treatments, and the total water consumption was not only related to the quota of water irrigated, but also to water consuming capability of the grape vine per se during its growth period and length of its growing season. The plants in the fruit bulging and maturing periods were highest in water consumption and then in the blooming period and the branch and tendril mature period, and the lowest in the sprouting and new shoot growing periods. The grape yield in Treatment W1F1, W1F2, W1F3, W2F1, W2F2, W2F3, W3F1, W3F2, W3F3 and CK was 38 221 kg hm-2, 31 844 kg hm-2, 33 213 kg hm-2, 38 179 kg hm-2, 37 393 kg hm-2, 32 273 kg hm-2, 32 230 kg hm-2, 28 743 kg hm-2, 29 157 kg hm-2 and 29 276 kg hm-2 respectively. The relations of grape yield (Y) with water consumption (W), and nitrogen rate (F) could well be described with a binary quadratic polynomial, expressed as: Y=-9 197+10.04W-7.713F-0.000 6W2+0.010 4F2+0.000 9WF, from which extremes were worked out, indicating that the optimal irrigation quota and nitrogen application rate is 8 736 kg hm-2 and 390 kg hm-2, respectively, that may bring the yield up to as high as 34 393 kg hm-2. 【Conclusion】 With the same irrigation dosage, the treatments, the highest in fertilization rate were the highest in yield, averaged to be 36 210 kg hm-2, and the lowest in fertilization rate, the lowest in yield, averaged to be 31 548 kg hm-2. With the same fertilization rate, the treatments, the highest in irrigation dosage, were the highest in yield, which meant that water and fertilizer has great positive effects on grape yield. The yield could be increased by increasing irrigation dosage within a reasonable range, and the yield would decrease once irrigation was done beyond the range. However, optimum grape yield could still be obtained with the irrigation dosage cut off by no more than 56%, and fertilization rate by around 25%. Comparison of the predicted yield using the mathematical model with the measured yield shows that grape yield in this region could be maintained at a relatively high level with the irrigation quota set to be 8 250~9 000 m3 hm-2 and fertilization rate to be 300~450 kg hm-2.


张江辉,刘洪波,白云岗,丁 平.极端干旱区滴灌葡萄水肥耦合效应研究[J].土壤学报,2018,55(4):804-814. DOI:10.11766/trxb201710090366 ZHANG Jianghui, LIU Hongbo, BAI Yungang, DING Ping. Coupling Effect of Water and Fertilizer on Grape under Drip Irrigation in Extremely Arid Regions[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2018,55(4):804-814.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-08-16
  • 最后修改日期:2017-12-25
  • 录用日期:2018-01-18
  • 在线发布日期: 2018-04-24