

Further Study on Spatial Distribution and Background Value of Chromium in Soil in Xijiang River Basin, Guangxi, China
Fund Project:

the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.41161056,41261082),Guangxi Natural Science Foundation (No. 2013GXNSFEA053002),Guangxi

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    为全面了解广西西江流域土壤中铬的含量分布状况,深入探究自然土壤铬背景值状况。通过采集旱地土壤、水田土壤、矿区土壤和自然土壤共计2 022个。结合ArcGIS分析土壤中铬空间分布状况,采用数理统计方法重新计算土壤铬背景值,利用单因子污染指数法评价农用土壤污染程度。结果表明:(1)不同类型土壤中Cr含量几何均值为:矿区土壤(104.2 mg kg-1)、水田土壤(91.06 mg kg-1)、自然土壤(82.66 mg kg-1)、旱地土壤(74.52 mg kg-1)。(2)重新提出广西西江流域土壤中Cr背景值为82.66 mg kg-1。(3)根据《土壤环境质量标准》(GB15618-1995)给出的参考值,旱地、水田、矿区土壤处于轻、中、重污染程度的比例分别为8.26%、1.50%、0.56%;3.68%、0、0;20.26%、4.58%、0。本研究得到西江流域矿区土壤Cr含量明显高于其他类型土壤;Cr含量高的区域主要分布在南丹县、都安县、大化县、忻城县、金秀县、平南县和藤县;重新提出的Cr背景值可为制定更加科学合理的标准准则提供一定参考;农用土壤大部分处于清洁状态,但是应避免在矿业活动密集区周边进行农业生产。


    【Objective】To comprehensively explore content of Chromium and its distribution in the soil of the Xijiang River Basin in Guangxi Province, and background value of Chromium in the soil, field investigations were carried out in the basin. 【Method】A total of 2 022 samples of upland soil, paddy soil, mining soil, sediment and natural soil were collected for analysis of Chromium content and further spatial distribution with the aid of ArcGIS. Chromium background values were recalculated using the mathematical statistics method. Cr pollution of the agricultural soils was evaluated using the single factor pollution index method. 【Result】Results show: (1). In terms of geometric mean of Cr-contents in the soils, the four types of soils followed an order of mining soil (104.2mg kg-1) > paddy soil (91.06 mg kg-1) > natural soil (82.66 mg kg-1) > upland soil (74.52 mg kg-1). (2). Comparative analysis shows that as against the Cr content in the samples of natural soil as background value of Cr in the Xijiang River Basin, about 4.05%、4.98% and 28.75% of the upland, paddy and mining soil samples were overstandard; (3) Interpretation of the Cr content spatial distribution map of the basin reveals that lands high in Cr content were distributed mainly in Nandan County, Jinchengjian, Du’an Yao Autonomous County. Dahua Yao Autonomous County, Heshan City, Huanjiang Maonan Autonomous County, Luocheng Mulao Autonomous County, Liucheng County, Xincheng County, Jinxiu Yao Autonomous County, Pingnan County, Tengxian County and Changwu County, indicating they were areas under intensive impacts of natural and anthropogenic activities. (4). This study found that the soil Cr background value of the basin was 82.66 mg kg-1, which was 1.6 times as high as that of the province (56.5 mg kg-1) and 2% lower than the criterion (90 mg kg-1) for soil Cr specified in the " Standard for Soil Environmental Quality " (GB15618-1995).【Conclusion】 The comprehensive analysis of the heavy metal Cr contents in the soils of the Xijiang River Basin, the mining soil was the highest in Cr pollution and followed by the paddy soil and upland soil. If the baseline value, 233.0 mg kg-1 is set as the unified standard, about 4.05%, 4.98% and 28.75%, respectively, of the dryland soil, paddy soil and mining soil exceeded the criterion. All the findings in this study may provides a reference for formulation of a more scientific and reasonable standard. Though the agricultural soil in the basin, as a whole, is still quite clean, it is essential to avoid agricultural activities around the mining areas.


王佛鹏,宋 波,黄宇妃,张 军,余元元,雷 梅,李邵祥.广西西江流域土壤中铬空间分布与背景值再研究[J].土壤学报,2018,55(4):889-899. DOI:10.11766/trxb201710300414 WANG Fopeng, SONG Bo, HUANG Yufei, ZHANG Jun, YU Yuanyuan, LEI Mei, LI Shaoxiang. Further Study on Spatial Distribution and Background Value of Chromium in Soil in Xijiang River Basin, Guangxi, China[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2018,55(4):889-899.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-09-11
  • 最后修改日期:2018-01-17
  • 录用日期:2018-02-07
  • 在线发布日期: 2018-04-24