

Dynamic change and Comprehensive Evaluation of Soil Environment of Rhizosphere of Pseudostellaria Heterophylla Relative to Fertility
Fund Project:

Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.31260305), the Construction Project of Key Discipline on Crop Science in Guizhou Province in China ( No. ZDXK[2014]8) and Medicinal Plant Breeding and Cultivation Talent Base of Guizhou Province in China ( No.[2013]15)

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    This study aims to explorate temporal variation of the soil environment in the rhizosphere of Pseudostellaria heterophylla as related to soil nutrient condition, in an attempt to find out a comprehensive method for evaluation of the soil environment in the rhizosphere of P. heterophylla, and to provide a theoretical basis for guiding efficient cultivation of P. heterophylla. In this study, P. heterophylla was planted in three plots different in soil nutrient condition, changes in soil chemical properties, soil enzyme activity and microbial population structure were monitored regularly, and multiple-factor comparisons done. Then principal component analysis of the data was performed for comprehensive evaluation. The results of the study show that during the whole growth period, total phosphorus, slowly available potassium, readily available phosphorus and readily available potassium varied the most significantly in content and S-AI (Soil acid invertase) and S-CAT (Soil catalase) did in activity in the rhizosphere soil of P. heterophylla in all the plots. However, organic matter, total nitrogen and alkalytic nitrogen did not vary much in content and S-ACP (Soil acid phosphatase), S-UE (Soil urease) and S-PPO (Soil polyphenol oxidase) did neither in activity in the growing period as a whole. After the plant matured soil bacteria and actinomycetes increased significantly and fungus decreased significantly in population. Among the 16 soil environmental indices, significant correlations were found between some of them. In principal component analysis, five components were extracted with basic eigenvalue being higher than 1. Then comprehensive scoring was performed based on the function expressions of five components. The results show that the higher each soil nutrient in content, the higher the comprehensive score, the better the soil environment. During the growth period of P. heterophylla, soil phosphorus and soil potassium vary sharply, making it essential to supplement P and K fertilizers timely, which may be one of the effective measures to improve soil environment in the rhizosphere of P. heterophylla. It is, therefore, advisable to conduct comprehensive scoring based on principle component analysis to objectively and efficiently evaluate the soil environment in the rhizosphere of P. heterophylla.


刘帮艳,李金玲,曹国璠,郑 听,何 兵,赵 致,王华磊.不同养分条件下太子参根部土壤环境变化及综合评价[J].土壤学报,2018,55(4):1028-1039. DOI:10.11766/trxb201712180451 LIU Bangyan, LI Jinling, CAO Guofan, ZHENG Ting, HE Bing, ZHAO Zhi, WANG Hualei. Dynamic change and Comprehensive Evaluation of Soil Environment of Rhizosphere of Pseudostellaria Heterophylla Relative to Fertility[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2018,55(4):1028-1039.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-10-10
  • 最后修改日期:2018-03-04
  • 录用日期:2018-03-05
  • 在线发布日期: 2018-03-06