

Fingerprints of Carbon Metabolisms of Gourd as Rootstock and Watermelon as Scion in Rhizosphere of Different Types of Soils — Characteristics and Differences
Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 31772398)

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    土传病害的发生与微生物关系密切,但砧穗互作下根际微生物活性变化尚不明确。为阐明在不同土壤类型下,砧穗互作对根际微生物活性的影响,采集黑土(吉林)、砖红壤(海南)、黄棕壤(江苏)和灰漠土(新疆)四种类型土壤,并在每种土壤上均种植自根葫芦、自根西瓜、嫁接西瓜(葫芦砧木)以及嫁接葫芦(西瓜砧木),利用Biolog培养技术探究不同处理下根际微生物碳源代谢活性的差异。结果表明,不同土壤类型下微生物代谢活性差异显著(R2= 0.534,p< 0.001),不同嫁接植物之间根际微生物碳源利用同样存在显著差异(R2= 0.075,p< 0.001)。不同嫁接处理根际微生物对碳源的综合代谢水平自根西瓜>嫁接葫芦(西瓜砧木)>嫁接西瓜(葫芦砧木)>自根葫芦。聚类推进树(Aggregated boosted tree, ABT)分析显示土壤有效磷、速效钾是影响微生物碳源利用的主要因子。评估不同土壤类型下根际微生物碳代谢活性对砧穗互作的响应,可为防控土传病害提供依据。


    【Objective】 Grafting, as an ancient horticulture technology, can prevent soil borne diseases effectively during watermelon planting. Studies in the past demonstrated close relationships between soil-borne diseases and microbiota, but it is still unknown how rhizospheric microbial activity is affected by rootstock-scion interaction. The objective of the present study is to elucidate effects of rootstock-scion interaction on microbial activity in the rhizosphere of watermelon grafted on gourd in a variety of soils. 【Method】 Four types of soils were collected including black soil (from Jilin), red soil (from Hainan), yellow-brown soil (from Jiangsu) and desert grey soil (from Xinjiang) and four types of seedlings (bottle gourd, watermelon, watermelon grafted on bottle gourd rootstock and bottle gourd grafted on watermelon rootstock) were planted in the four types of soils, separately. Rhizosphere soils were collected after 45 days. The BIOLOG method was used to explore differences between the treatments of the experiment in soil microbial activity. 【Result】Two-way PERMANOVA (Permutational multivariate analysis of variance) showed that soil microbial activity varied remarkably with soil type (R2= 0.534, p<0.001), and significant differences were observed in utilization of microbial carbon sources between grafted plants, i.e. grafted watermelon and grafted gourd (R2= 0.075, p<0.001). The treatment of watermelon was the highest in comprehensive utilization level of carbon source by rhizospheric microbiota, and followed by the treatment of grafted bottle gourd, the treatment of grafted watermelon, and the treatment of bottle gourd in the end. Principal component analysis (PCA) also showed that rootstock-scion interaction had an influence on microbial carbon sources utilization in different soil types. Heatmap analysis further demonstrated that grafting varied the microbial utilization of 31 sole carbon sources. For instance, the microorganisms in own-root bottle gourd rhizosphere utilized less carbohydrates, amino acids, polymers, phenols and amines compared to own-root watermelon and grafted plants, whereas they utilized more carboxylic acids such as γ-hydroxybutyric acid and α-keto butyric acid. On the contrary, the microbiome in own-root watermelon rhizosphere preferred to metabolize more carbohydrates, amino acids, polymers, phenols and amines, but less carboxylic acids. Compared with own-root watermelon treatment, grafted watermelon showed a lower absorbance level of various carbon sources such as carbohydrates, amino acids, which suggested that rootstock-scion interaction changed microbial metabolic pattern in rhizosphere. Aggregated boosted tree analysis (ABT) proved that soil available nutrients (such as readily available potassium and readily available phosphorus) were main influencing factors of carbon utilization by microbiota. 【Conclusion】 Both soil types and plant types can affect microbial activity in rhizosphere. Rootstock-scion interaction varied microbial metabolic pattern significantly. This study evaluated responses of microbial activity in rhizosphere to rootstock scion interaction in different types of soils, with results which may serve as theoretical basis for control of soil-borne diseases.


阮 杨,王东升,郭世伟,凌 宁,沈其荣.葫芦与西瓜砧穗在不同土壤上根际碳代谢指纹特征与差异[J].土壤学报,2018,55(4):967-976. DOI:10.11766/trxb201711250562 RUAN Yang, WANG Dongsheng, GUO Shiwei, LING Ning, SHEN Qirong. Fingerprints of Carbon Metabolisms of Gourd as Rootstock and Watermelon as Scion in Rhizosphere of Different Types of Soils — Characteristics and Differences[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2018,55(4):967-976.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-11-25
  • 最后修改日期:2018-01-24
  • 录用日期:2018-03-13
  • 在线发布日期: 2018-04-24