紫色土干湿交替条件下邻苯二甲酸二甲酯 迁移释放研究


Migration and Release of Dimethyl Phthalate in Purple Soil under Dry-Wet Alternation
Fund Project:

National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2017YFD0801000) and the Southwest University's Key Discipline of Ecology "211 Project"

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    以三峡库区消落带典型土壤(紫色土)为对象,探讨消落带干湿交替过程中邻苯二甲酸二甲酯(DMP)在上覆水-间隙水-土壤之间的迁移释放特征。结果表明:土壤中DMP含量在两次淹水初期(0~2 d)明显下降,从第3天有反弹增高的趋势;间隙水、上覆水中DMP浓度总体呈现出微弱的增加、降低、再增加、再降低的振荡变化;两次落干初期(0~1 d),土壤中DMP均有不同程度的上升,在2~4 d有不同程度的下降,8~20 d时基本稳定在同一水平。土壤中初始DMP含量10~100 mg•kg-1淹水后在三相间的迁移释放趋势相似,然而当土壤初始DMP含量增加至200 mg•kg-1后,上覆水DMP含量出现了与其他三组不同的变化趋势,三相间DMP的分配波动更大。准二级动力学方程可以很好地描述间隙水和上覆水中DMP向土壤中迁移的过程,相关性分析表明,间隙水和上覆水DMP浓度存在显著正相关的关系(P<0.05),而土壤与间隙水中DMP浓度呈现较弱的负相关。


    【Objective】This paper is to characterize dimethyl phthalate (DMP) migration and release between overlying water, pore water and soil in the water level fluctuating zone of the Three-Gorges Reservoir during the wetting-drying alternation period.【Method】For the study a flooding experimental device was designed to carry out cyclical wet-dry alternation test using the "flooding-drying" model. 【Result】DMP content was found decreasing significantly in the soil during the first days (0~2 d) of the two flooding periods, but increasing from the third day on, and fluctuating slightly in the pore water and overlying water;it displayed a rising trend to a varying extent in the soil on the first days (0~1 d) of the two drying periods, and a declining one varying in degree on the following two days (2~4 d), and then leveled off during the late period (8~20 d). Soils with initial DMP content varying in the range of 10 ~ 100 mg•kg-1, when flooded, showed a similar trend in DMP migration and release between the three phases. However, DMP content in the overlying water showed a different trend from the other three groups, and the DMP distribution fluctuated greatly in the three phases,when soil initial DMP content was 200 mg•kg-1.【Conclusion】The quasi-second-order kinetic equation can be used to well describe migration of DMP in pore water and overlying water into the soil. Correlation analysis shows a significant positive correlation (P<0.05) exists between pore water and overlying water in DMP concentration, but a mildly negative one between soil and pore water.

    发 布

易 平,曾 微,罗 萌,方丹丹,王 强.紫色土干湿交替条件下邻苯二甲酸二甲酯 迁移释放研究[J].土壤学报,2019,56(5):1098-1107. DOI:10.11766/trxb201808100412 YI Ping, ZENG Wei, LUO Meng, FANG Dandan, WANG Qiang. Migration and Release of Dimethyl Phthalate in Purple Soil under Dry-Wet Alternation[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2019,56(5):1098-1107.

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  • 收稿日期:2018-08-10
  • 最后修改日期:2019-03-13
  • 录用日期:2019-04-02
  • 在线发布日期: 2019-07-03