

Influence of Long-term Fertilization on Fenton-like Reactions and Soil Carbon Storage in Subtropical Red Soil
Fund Project:

Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Nos. 2017YFD0800803 and 2016YFD0200301) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 41371248 and 41671294)

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    以祁阳红壤长期定位试验站的施用有机肥和化肥的土壤为研究对象,结合不同孔径(1 000 μm、20 μm 和 0.45 μm)的原位微宇宙培养试验,通过高效液相色谱、高通量测序、同步辐射红外显微成像和 X 射线光电子能谱等技术手段研究了长期施肥处理对红壤中类芬顿反应的调控能力及其对红壤有机碳储存的影响。结果表明,长期施用化肥的红壤中H2O2、HO ?及Fe(II)含量均显著高于长期施用有机肥。根系分泌物和微生物的参与也能够调控 H2O2、HO ?和Fe(II)含量,且H2O2和HO ?含量呈线性关系。长期施用有机肥的红壤具有很好的H2O2缓冲性能,而长期施用化肥的红壤可能由于发生了退化(如土壤有机质含量低),H2O2缓冲性能较差。长期施用有机肥的红壤中微生物丰富度和多样性指数均显著高于长期施用化肥的红壤。植物根系和微生物的进入对长期施用有机肥的红壤中细菌群落结构影响较小,而对长期施用化肥的红壤中细菌群落结构影响较大。长期施用有机肥的细菌群落影响了土壤pH、可溶性有机碳、可溶性Fe和CO2释放;而长期施用化肥的细菌群落可能通过产生H2O2和还原态Fe(II)引发了土壤中的芬顿反应。根-土界面上黏土矿物(3 619 cm-1)、脂肪碳(2 914 cm-1)、羧酸碳(1 725 cm-1)、羟基碳(1 135 cm-1)的分布模式有较大差异,其中根系的出现增加了根-土界面上Fe(II)比例。综上,本文提出了有效增加亚热带红壤土壤有机碳的概念模型。


    【Objective】 Based on a long-term (26 years) fertilization field experiment in Qiyang, Hunan, China, investigations were made of influeces of long-term fertilization on Fenton-like reaction and soil C storage in red soil, with the aid of the techniques of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), high flux sequencing, Synchrotron radiation Infrared microscopic imaging, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and in-situ microcosm incubation in soil pores varying in size (1 000 μm, 20 μm and 0.45 μm). 【Method】HO ? was trapped by terephthalic acid (TPA) (non-fluorescent), of which fluorescent product, i.e., 2-hydroxylterephthalic acid (HTPA), was determined with a high-performance liquid chromatographer (HPLC); Soil H2O2 quantified by a modified Fe2+-xylenol orange assay; Structure of bacterial communities and diversity analyzed with 16S ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid (rDNA) gene sequencing, and interfacial processes identified with synchrotron radiation infrared microscopic imaging and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). In the microcosm incubation experiment, Polyvinylchlorid (PVC) cylinders were used and covered with a replaceable 0.45, 20, or 1 000 μm mesh fabric panel separately that allowed nothing but microorganisms and/ or roots to grow into the test cylinders. 【Results】Concentrations of H2O2, HO ? and Fe(II) were higher in Treatment M than in Treatment NPK, indicating that root excreta and microbes involved in regulating the concentrations. Meanwhile, a linear relationship between H2O2 and HO ? was found. H2O2 buffering capability was higher in Treatment M than in Treatment NPK, suggesting that the soil under long-term application of NPK degraded due to depletion of soil organic matter. Besides, the richness and diversity of soil microbes were significantly higher in Treatment M than in Treatment NPK. Furthermore, the effects of plant roots and microorganisms on soil bacterial community structure were lower in Treatment M than in Treatment NPK. In Treatment M soil bacterial communities affected the release of soil pH, DOC, soluble Fe and CO2, while in Treatment NPK they induced Fenton reactions through production of H2O2 and reduced Fe(II). On root-soil interface, distribution of clay minerals (3 619 cm-1), aliphatic C (2 914 cm-1), carboxylic C (1 725 cm-1) and hydroxyl C (1 135 cm-1) varied sharply in pattern, and the presence of roots increased the proportion of Fe(II) on the interface. 【Conclusion】These findings suggest that long-term manure inputs to soil initializes free-radical reaction by activating microbial communities and mobilizing iron, which is conducive to soil C stabilization and storage by increasing recalcitrance and interactions of SOC. In addition, microbe-mediated Fenton-like reaction may affect C storage and soil fertility.

    发 布

杨 柳,孙富生,王韬略,余光辉,王伯仁,冉 炜,沈其荣.长期施肥下红壤中类芬顿反应及其对碳储存的影响[J].土壤学报,2019,56(5):1128-1139. DOI:10.11766/trxb201812120497 YANG Liu, SUN Fusheng, WANG Taolue, YU Guanghui, WANG Boren, RAN Wei, SHEN Qirong. Influence of Long-term Fertilization on Fenton-like Reactions and Soil Carbon Storage in Subtropical Red Soil[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2019,56(5):1128-1139.

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  • 收稿日期:2018-10-02
  • 最后修改日期:2019-03-23
  • 录用日期:2019-03-26
  • 在线发布日期: 2019-07-03