

Soil Evolution Processes Following Establishment of Artificial Sandy-fixing Haloxylon ammodendron Forest
Fund Project:

National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2017YFC0504304)

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    梭梭是西北干旱区人工固沙植被建设的主要树种,人工固沙梭梭林建植后植被系统的演变受土壤发育的影响。在河西走廊中段临泽平川绿洲边缘选择0、3、6、9、16和40a时间序列的固沙梭梭林地,研究人工固沙植被建植后的土壤发育过程,探讨梭梭植物与土壤反馈作用及其对植被系统演变的影响。结果表明,随着梭梭种植年限的增加,土壤黏粉粒、有机碳(SOC)和全氮(TN)含量逐渐增加,但显著变化发生在种植9a以后的0~20 cm表层土壤,而盐分的积累发生在0~100 cm整个土层,20~80 cm土层的盐分积累量高于表层0~20 cm;盐分组成中,SO42-、Ca2+ 和Na+含量随着梭梭种植年限的增加而增加,在16a和40a梭梭林土壤剖面中有显著积累。梭梭种植16 a和40 a后,0~10 cm土层SOC含量较未造林沙地分别增加3.3倍和5.7倍、0~100 cm土壤剖面盐分含量分别增加5.4倍和6.5倍,表明梭梭生长发育过程中土壤盐分积累较SOC和养分积累更为显著。盐分的积累可能对草本植物的生长发育产生负效应,进而影响人工植被系统的稳定性。在流动沙地建植人工梭梭林40 a的时间序列上,土壤从干旱砂质新成土向干旱正常新成土发育;随着盐分的进一步积累和干旱区钙化过程,最终可能演变为钙积正常干旱土,但需更长时间尺度的观测研究。


    [Objective] Haloxylon ammodendron is the main species of shrubs planted to establish a sand-fixing vegetation in the arid region of Northwest China. Evolution of the sand-fixing vegetation system after Haloxylon ammodendron is planted, is influenced by soil development. [Method] To explore how the soil develops under the Haloxylon ammodendron forest in that region, plots of Haloxylon ammodendron forests along an age sequence, i.e. of 0-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 16- and 40-year-old, in the edge of the Pingchuan Oasis in Linze County in the middle of the Hexi Corridor were selected in the study and soil samples were collected from the plots for analysis of soil properties. And then discussion was made of plant-soil interactions and their influences on evolution of the vegetation ecosystem. [Result]Results show that soil clay and silt, soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil total nitrogen (TN) all increased in content or concentration gradually with the vegetation living on, but the phenomenon became obvious only in the 0~20 cm surface soil, 9 years after the vegetation was established. However, salt accumulation occurred throughout the whole soil profile (0~100 cm in depth), especially significant in the 20~80 cm soil layer. SO42-,Ca2+ and Na+, the main components of soil salt, increased with the age of the plantations and accumulated significantly in the soil profiles of the 16- and 40-year-old plots. In comparison with non-vegetated land of shifting sand, the Haloxylon ammodendron planted plot, 16 and 40 years old, was 3.3 time and 5.7 times, respectively, higher in SOC concentration in the 0~10 cm surface soil layer, and 5.4 and 6.5 times higher in mean salt content in the 0~100 cm soil profile. [Conclusion] All the findings in this study suggest that soil salt accumulates faster than SOC and soil nutrients in the soils under Haloxylon ammodendron in its growing and developing process. Such a salt accumulation rate may affect setting-up and development of herbaceous plants, and in turn influence stability of the artificial vegetation system. Along the 40-year-long age sequence, the soil under Haloxylon ammodendron plantation developed from Aridic Psamments to Aridic Orthents and will eventually turn into Calciorthids as affected by the continuous salt accumulation and calcafication process. Hence further observations and studies are needed to verify development of the soil.


苏永中,刘婷娜.流动沙地建植人工固沙梭梭林的土壤演变过程[J].土壤学报,2020,57(1):84-91. DOI:10.11766/trxb201812290592 SU Yongzhong, LIU Tingna. Soil Evolution Processes Following Establishment of Artificial Sandy-fixing Haloxylon ammodendron Forest[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2020,57(1):84-91.

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  • 收稿日期:2018-11-27
  • 最后修改日期:2019-05-21
  • 录用日期:2019-07-17
  • 在线发布日期: 2019-11-07