
西南大学资源环境学院,重庆 400715



Pedogenetic Process and Taxonomy of Yellow Soil in Chongqing, China

College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China

Fund Project:

Special Project of National Science and Technology Basic Research(No. 2014FY110200)and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41977002)

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    选取重庆市境内4种母质(第四系更新统老冲积物、须家河组砂岩风化物、石灰岩风化物和紫色岩风化物)发育的5个代表性黄壤剖面为研究对象,探讨其成土特点及系统分类归属,并与其他分类体系进行参比。结果表明,各供试土壤中,须家河组砂岩母质发育的黄壤脱硅富铝化最为明显,蓬莱镇组紫色砂、泥岩母质发育的黄壤次之,石灰岩母质和更新统老冲积物发育的黄壤脱硅富铝化程度则相对较低;相比而言,须家河组砂岩母质发育的黄壤较为典型,在海拔350 m~1 300 m范围内均有分布。依据《中国土壤系统分类检索(第三版)》,5个供试土壤剖面分别归为淋溶土和雏形土2个土纲、3个亚纲、5个土类、5个亚类和5个土族;与发生分类的参比表明,供试土壤的系统分类与发生分类之间并非简单的一一对应关系,相较于发生分类,系统分类具有更高的区分度;被中国土壤系统分类(CST)归为淋溶土的供试剖面分属活性淋溶土和高活性强酸土2个世界土壤资源参比基础(WRB)一级单元,而被CST归为雏形土的供试剖面则同样也被WRB归为雏形土(一级单元)。


    【Objective】Yellow soil, an important arable land resource, is extensively distributed in Chongqing. However, so far, little is known about its pedogenetic process and attribution in the Chinese Soil Taxonomy. The aim of the study was to make up the missing knowledge in this aspect. 【Method】In this study, 5 soil profiles were prepared in 4 plots of yellow soils developed separately from different parent material (Quaternary Pleistocene old alluvial deposits, sandstone weathering of Xujiahe Formation, limestone weathering and purple rock weathering) for analysis of soil forming environment, morphological characteristics and physico-chemical properties, to determine pedogenetic processes of the soils. 【Result】Results show that in the Chongqing area, yellow soil that developed from sandstone of Xujiahe Formation was quite high in desilication and aluminumation degree of soils, followed by the soils developed from purple rock, and those developed from Quaternary Pleistocene old alluvial deposits and limestone were relatively low in desilication and aluminumation. Comparatively, soils developed from sandstone weathering of Xujiahe Formation were more typical, which distributed in the altitude of 350~1 300 m. Correlation analysis of pH with clay SiO2/Al2O3 shows the coefficient was 0.71, reaching up to a significant level (P<0.05), which meant that pH would regulate desilication and aluminumation of the yellow soils. And Fed/FeT in the soil was 50%~60%, this may because the climate in Guizhou was more humid and cold. 【Conclusion】By referring to “Keys to the Chinese Soil Taxonomy (third Edition)”, the 5 profiles were found to have the following diagnostic horizons and characteristics: ochric epipedon, cambic horizon, argic horizon, udic soil moisture regime, redox features, mesic soil temperature regime, ferric property and alic evidence. The 5 profiles could tentatively be sorted into the soil orders of argosols and cambosols, and further into 3 suborders, 5 groups and 5 subgroups. Reference studies of the 5 soil profiles between various soil classification systems shows that the Chinese Soil Genetic Classification and the Chinese Soil Taxonomy (CST) do not have any simple one to one corresponding relationships, as for yellow soil in the Chinese Soil Genetic Classification, certain discriminations begin to appear at the genus and species levels, while CST demands soil information more quantified, and hence is more accurate in classification. And the reference between CST and World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB) shows that the soils belonged to argosols of CST were Luvisols and Alisols in the first level of WRB separately, and the soils belonged to Cambosols of CST were also Cambisols of WRB.


翁昊璐,慈 恩,李 松,连茂山,陈 林.重庆市黄壤的成土特点与系统分类研究[J].土壤学报,2020,57(3):579-589. DOI:10.11766/trxb201904080062 WENG Haolu, CI En, LI Song, LIAN Maoshan, CHEN Lin. Pedogenetic Process and Taxonomy of Yellow Soil in Chongqing, China[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2020,57(3):579-589.

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  • 收稿日期:2019-01-27
  • 最后修改日期:2019-09-06
  • 录用日期:2019-10-24
  • 在线发布日期: 2020-03-02