
国家自然科学基金项目(41571130053,41571286 )资助

Composition Characteristics of Organic Carbon Pool in Upland Red Soil under Long-term Application of Straw and Pig Manure
Fund Project:

Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 41571130053 and 41571286)

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    以长期(1988 —2014年)配施有机肥小区的对照(CK)、CK+花生秸秆(PS)、CK+稻秆(RS)及CK+猪粪(PM)的红壤旱地土壤为材料,采用Zimmermann等建立的方法将土壤有机碳逐级筛分为颗粒有机碳(POC)、砂粒和稳定团聚体碳(SAOC)、溶解性有机碳(DOC)、易氧化有机碳(LOC)以及惰性有机碳(rSOC)组分,并基于洛桑模型(RothC)将上述碳组分进一步划分为易分解植物残体碳(DPM)、难分解植物残体碳(RPM)、微生物生物量碳(BIO)、腐殖质碳(HUM)以及惰性有机碳(IOM)五个碳库,分析了长期配施作物秸秆与猪粪对各组分有机碳的影响,探讨了外源碳投入量及铁铝氧化物与各组分碳的相关关系。结果表明:长期配施秸秆与猪粪的红壤旱地中各组分有机碳含量和分布比例大小依次为:SAOC > rSOC > LOC > POC > DOC,而RothC模型各碳库含量和比例大小依次为:HUM > IOM > RPM > BIO > DPM。长期配施作物秸秆与猪粪的红壤旱地中HUM、BIO与IOM碳库组分的含量与比例均无显著变化,已处于相对稳定的平衡状态。与CK处理相比,PM处理可显著增加红壤旱地SOC;PS和RS处理可显著提高红壤旱地中DPM和RPM的含量,且RS处理有助于DPM与RPM中的有机碳向BIO与HUM转换。相关分析表明,外源碳投入量及土壤中非晶质氧化铝数量的增加有助于红壤旱地中稳定态有机碳的累积。


    【Objective】 This study aimed (i) to investigate processes and mechanisms of long-term application of crop straw and pig manure affecting content and fractionation of organic carbon pools in upland red soil; (ii) to analyze effect and adaptability of the RothC model simulating changes in organic carbon in upland red soil; and (iii) to provide reference data for management of organic carbon and sustainable development of agriculture in upland red soil. 【Method】 Soil samples were collected from the topsoil layer (0 ~ 20 cm) of a upland of red soil, where out laid were the four treatments, that is, CK (chemical fertilizer), PS (peanut straw), RS (rice straw) and PM (pig manure), in the National Agro-Ecosystem Observation and Research Station in Yingtan, Jiangxi Province of China. Organic cabon in the soil samples was extracted and sorted into five fractions, i.e. particulate organic carbon (POC), organic carbon in sand and stable aggregates (SAOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), labile organic carbon (LOC), and inert organic carbon (rSOC), with the modified Zimmermanns’ method. Based on the RothC model, the above-listed fractions of soil carbon were further sorted separately into five subfractions, i.e. organic carbon in readily-decomposable plant residue (DPM), organic carbon in hardly-decomposable plant residue (RPM), microbial biomass carbon (BIO), organic carbon in humus (HUM) and inert organic carbon (IOM). Content and proportion of each fraction and subfraction was determined for analysis of effects of the long-term fertilization relative to treatment. And relationships of each carbon fraction or subfraction with soil iron-aluminum oxides and input of extraneous carbon were analyzed and discussed. 【Result】 Results show that in terms of content and proportion, the fractions of organic carbon in the upland red soil exhibited an order of SAOC > rSOC > LOC > POC > DOC and HUM > IOM > RPM > BIO > DPM. Compared with CK, Treatment PM was 17.0% , 86.7% and 86.7% higher in SOC, DPM and RPM, respectively, and Treatment PS was 94.4% higher in both DPM and RPM. However, the three fertilized treatments did not have much impact on content and proportion of the fractions of BIO, HUM and IOM. The correlation analysis shows that the fraction of rSOC(IOM) was negatively related to free aluminum oxides in the soil, but positively with amorphous - iron oxides in content; that POC was ultra-significantly and positively related to DPM and RPM; that SAOC was significantly and positively related to BIO and HUM; and that rSOC(IOM) was ultra-significantly and negatively related to LOC. 【Conclusion】 Long-term fertilization significantly increases soil organic carbon in red soil upland, but the effect varies with fertilization practice. However, the increasing trend levels off after 26 years of fertilization, thus, in the RothC model, the effects of amendament of organic manure to chemical fertilization on BIO, HUM and IOM appear to be quite insignificant. In the soils applied with PS, RS or PM, organic carbon is dominated with SAOC (63 ~ 2 000 μm) and rSOC (0.45 μm ~ 63 μm) in HUM and IOM. Long-term chemical fertilization amended with PS or PM brings a large volume of carbon into the soil and significantly increases the proportions of DPM and PRM, while amendament of RS can significantly promote transformation of organic carbon from DPM and PRM into BIO and HUM, thus improving soil quality of the farmlands. Long-term fertilization high in organic carbon input and high soil free - aluminum oxides content both accelerate sequestration of inert organic carbon by soil microorganisms.


殷 丹,李 欢,徐江兵,樊剑波,王艳玲.长期配施秸秆与猪粪的红壤旱地有机碳库组成特征[J].土壤学报,2020,57(5):1259-1269. DOI:10.11766/trxb201905130190 YIN Dan, LI Huan, XU Jiangbing, FAN Jianbo, WANG Yanling. Composition Characteristics of Organic Carbon Pool in Upland Red Soil under Long-term Application of Straw and Pig Manure[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2020,57(5):1259-1269.

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  • 收稿日期:2019-04-14
  • 最后修改日期:2019-07-01
  • 录用日期:2019-08-16
  • 在线发布日期: 2020-05-06